| Table of contents Rev. Odont. Mex vol.20 n.2 Ciudad de México Apr./Jun. 2016 Editorial | | | | · Voyage from fiction to reality: organs-on-chips in the Service of Science and Medicine Macías Silva, Marina
| | | Original research | | | | · Dental caries and caries-associated mechanisms found in the saliva of first year students at the School of Dentistry, UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico) Arreguín-Cano, Juan Antonio; Ríos Gerónimo, Cecilio; Hernández Bermúdez, Cristina; Ostia Pérez, María Fernanda; Ventura Arroyo, Jairo Agustín; Álvarez Valadez, Carlos; González Rosas, Zeltzin; Gutiérrez-Venegas, Gloria
| | | | · Corticotomy: historical perspective Olguín Vargas, Patricia; Yáñez Ocampo, Beatriz Raquel
| | | | · Rapid-lecture biological indicators´monitoring of CEYE (SAPC) autoclaves of the School of Dentistry of the Technological University of Mexico (UNITEC) Hernández Lomelí, Saribeth; Alavez Rebollo, Sandra; García Hernández, Javier; Flores Luna, María Guadalupe
| | | Case reports | | | | · Battered child sindrome with stomatological repercussions. Case report Martagón Cabrera, Luis Raziel; Belmont Laguna, Francisco; Teja Ángeles, Eduardo de la; Téllez Rodríguez, Jorge
| | | | · Re-implantation, ankylosis and replacement with implant. Clinical case presentation Flores Gracia, Cindy; Enríquez Habib, Filiberto
| | | | · Solitary mandibular bone cyst. Case report and literature review Wong-Romo, Gabriela; Carrillo-Terán, Erick; Ángeles-Varela, Esther
| | | | · Florid osseous displasia. Case report and literatura review Amarista-Rojas, Felix José; Carrera, Leonard; Villarroel-Dorrego, Mariana; Reyes, Orlando
| | | | · Agressive mandibular tumors in pediatric patients. Report of 4 cases Mercado Montañez, Francisco
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