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Revista mexicana de física
Print version ISSN 0035-001X


Table of contents
Rev. mex. fis. vol.52  suppl.1 México Jan. 2006

Hess, Peter O; Martínez Quiroz, Enrique; Vargas, Carlos E

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Transient phenomena in quantum mechanics
Godoy, S; Kramer, T; Moshinsky, M

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The geometry and phase transition behavior of configuration mixing in the interacting boson model
Van Isacker, P; Morales, I; Vargas, C.E; Frank, A

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Selection rule and energetic stability: Complementary aspects of nuclear clusterization
Algora, A; Cseh, J; Darai, J; Hess, P.O

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Space- and time-like electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon
Bijker, R

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Spin dependent electron scattering with the BLAST detector
Alarcón, R

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Can spectroscopic informations be extracted from transfer reactions?
Mukhamedzhanov, A.M; Nunes, F.M

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Breakup Reactions of Neutron Halo Nuclei
Nakamura, T

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Protons from 8B+58Ni
Aguilera, E.F; Martinez-Quiroz, E; García-Martínez, H; Lizcano, D; Kolata, J. J; Lamm, L. O; Rogachev, G; De Young, P.A; Guess, C; Khadka, U; Mears, P.J; Becchetti, F.D; Chen, Y; Jiang, H; Hinnefeld, J.D; Peaslee, G.F

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The 19F(α,p1γ)22Ne reaction and the abundance of fluorine in Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars
Ugalde, C; Couture, A; Görres, J; Stech, E; Wiescher, M

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Nucleosynthesis constraints on the First Stars
Klapp, J; Bahena, D; Corona-Galindo, M.G; Dehnen, H; Galindo, S

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IBM-2 configuration mixing and its geometric interpretation for germanium isotopes
Padilla-Rodal, E; Castaños, O; Bijker, R; Galindo-Uribarri, A

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Universality of the nuclear matrix element governing the mass sector of the decay
Civitarese, O; Suhonen, J

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Low energy 0+ excitations in 158Gd
Hirsch, J.G; Popa, G; Lesher, S.R; Aprahamian, A; Vargas, C.E; Draayer, J.P

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Exact analytic description of nuclear shape phase transitions
Levai, G

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Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for : the first steps
Sánchez Lima, I; Hess, P.O

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Scattering of GeV electrons and scaling within the mean field theory approach
Mariano, A

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Local topology and universal unfolding of the energy surfaces at a crossing of unbound states
Hernández, E; Jáuregui, A; Mondragón, A; Nellen, L

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Nuclear astrophysics studies with 4 BaF2 calorimeters
Kappeler, F; Heil, M; Plag, R

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Forward Rapidity Results from RHIC
Bearden, I.G; Beavis, D; Besliu, C; Budick, B; Bøggild, H; Chasman, C; Christensen, C.H; Christiansen, P; Cibor, J; Debbe, R; Enger, E; Gaardhøje, J.J; Germinario, M; Hagel, K; Hansen, O; Holm, A; Holme, A. K; Ito, H; Jipa, A; Jundt, F; Jørdre, J.I; Jørgensen, C.E; Karabowicz, R; Kim, E.J; Kozik, T; Larsen, T.M; Lee, J.H; Lee, Y.K; Løvhøiden, G; Majka, Z; Makeev, A; Mikelsen, M; Murray, M; Natowitz, J; Nielsen, B.S; Norris, J; Olchanski, K; Ouerdane, D; Planeta, R; Rami, F; Ristea, C; Rohrich, D; Samset, B.H; Sandberg, D; Sanders, S.J; Scheetz, R.A; Staszel, P; Tveter, T.S; Videbæk, F; Wada, R; Yin, Z; Zgura, I.S

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