| Table of contents Rev. Odont. Mex vol.18 n.1 Ciudad de México Jan./Mar. 2014 Editorial | | | | · Does preserving a tooth save a life? Grageda Núñez, Enrique
| | | Original research | | | | · Correlation between carpal maturation stages and mandibular canine development stages in patients subjected to orthodontic treatment Mejía-Garduño, Graciela; Canseco-Jiménez, Joaquín; Martínez-López, Ceferino; Reyes-López, Alfonso; Cuairán-Rudíaz, Vicente
| | | | · Effect of residual eugenol in root canals on adhesion of prefabricated light-transmitting endodontic posts cemented with composite resin Pérez Martínez, Aarón; Guerrero Ibarra, Jorge; Celis Rivas, Luis
| | | | · Personality traits of dental students at the FES Iztacala, National University of Mexico (UNAM) Aragón Borja, Laura Edna; Flores Tapia, María de los Ángeles
| | | Case reports | | | | · Rotary instrumentation: usage, separation and effect on postoperative endodontic complications Jiménez-Ortiz, José Leonardo; Calderón Porras, Alma Nidia; Tello-García, Benjamín; Hernández Navarro, Héctor Manuel
| | | | · Multi-disciplinary treatment of female patient afflicted with generalized aggressive periodontitis and type 1 diabetes mellitus Vásquez Ciriaco, Evelyn; López Buendía, María del Carmen
| | | | · Leber's congenital amaurosis: Case report Quintino Cintora, Elizabeth; López Morales, Patricia Marcela; Mendoza Rosas, Vicente
| | | | · Segmented trans-maxillary approach for clivus tumor resection: Case report Vargas López, Doroteo; Rojas Villegas, Ronald H; García Alcaráz, Víctor A; Lara Fong, Gloria Leticia; Herrera Gómez, Heriberto
| | | | · Implant-supported orbit prosthetic rehabilitation in patient with malignant teratoid medulloepithelioma Garita Medrano, Elizabeth; González Cardín, Vicente; Galicia Arias, Araceli
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