Articles |
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| · The Conscientious Objection of the Sanitary Personnel in the Presence of Advances of the Sciences of the Life Bonilla Sánchez, Juan José
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| · Human Rights and Constitutional Protection: A brief Study on Same-Sex Marriage in Mexico and in Comparative Perspective Bustillos, Julio
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| · The Democratic Republic in the Mexican Constitution Carpizo, Jorge
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| · Interculturalism and Transdisciplinary: Coordinates in the Map of Sustainable Comparative Law Enríquez, David
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| · Protection of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Inter-American System for the Protection of Human Rights Meza Flores, Jorge Humberto
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| · Procedural Issues Related to Private International Family and Minority Relationships in the Current Inter-American and Mercosur Private International Law Tellechea Bergman, Eduardo
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| · An Epistemological, Approach to the Human Rights from an Existential-Pragmatic Dimension Uribe Arzate, Enrique
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| · Political Guarantee as a Constitutional Principle Valadés, Diego
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| · The Experience of Civil Law and Common Law with Respect to Civil Liability of Disabled Persons Yáñez Vivero, Fátima
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Legislative studies |
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| · La propuesta de la reelección inmediata de legisladores en la reforma del Estado de 2010 Cortez Salinas, Josafat
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| · Ley de Maternidad subrogada del Distrito Federal Hernández Ramírez, Adriana; Santiago Figueroa, José Luis
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| · Los juicios contenciosos administrativos en vía sumaria, la reforma de la tutela cautelar y del sistema de notificaciones, y otras adecuaciones al régimen de la justicia fiscal y administrativa federal Pérez López, Miguel
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Bibliography |
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| · La ejecución penal en América Latina a la luz de los derechos humanos García Ramírez, Sergio
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| · La disputa por la soberanía, en México y el mundo: Historia de sus relaciones exteriores Méndez-Silva, Ricardo
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| · Elaboración de proyectos de sentencia (amparo indirecto en materia administrativa) Corzo Sosa, Edgar
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| · The Living Constitution Carbonell, Miguel
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Information |
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| · Conversación con John Henry Merryman sobre la investigación en derecho comparado en los Estados Unidos Pérez Perdomo, Rogelio
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| · Laudatio en la investidura como doctor honoris causa de don Héctor Fix-Zamudio, por la Universidad Castilla-La Mancha Díaz Revorio, Francisco Javier
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| · Discurso de aceptación del doctorado honoris causa por el doctor Héctor Fix-Zamudio
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| · Salutaciones en la investidura como doctor honoris causa de don Héctor Fix-Zamudio Martínez Ataz, Ernesto
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