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Revista mexicana de física
Print version ISSN 0035-001X


Table of contents
Rev. mex. fis. vol.54  suppl.2 México Nov. 2008

Stochastic resonance interpretation of temperature-dependent F-center formation in NaCl
Williams, R.T.; Song, K.S.

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Optical effects by high energy electrons in additively colored KCl and KBr crystals
Aceves, R; Pérez-Salas, R; Piters, T.M.; Vargas-Aburto, C; Uribe, R.M.

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An optical criterion to obtain miscible mixed crystals in alkali halides
Rodríguez-Mijángos, R; Vázquez-Polo, G; Palafox, J.J.; Pérez-Salas, R

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Ionoluminescence and minerals: the state of the art
Calderón, T

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Luminescence detection of phase transitions in crystals and nanoparticle inclusions
Townsend, P.D.; Yang, B; Wang, Y

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Energy transfer in Sr0.6Ba0.4Nb2O6 through its ferroelectric phase transition
Caldiño, U; Martín-Rodríguez, E; Jaque, D; Garcia Solé, J; Bettinelli, M

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Unique carbon-nano-structure for high quality electron-emitter to be employed in a variety of applications
Hiraki, Akio; Hirak, Hirohisa

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Nondestructive inspection of plastic deformation in commercial carbon steels using magnetic Barkhausen noise
Rodriguez, J.L.; Perez-Benitez, J.A.; Capo-Sanchez, J; Padovese, L.R.; Betancourt-Riera, Re

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Surface electromagnetic waves on two-dimensional rough perfectly conducting surfaces
Leskova, T.A.; Maradudin, A.A.; Simonsen, I

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Selective transport in systems with correlated disorder
Makarov, N.M.

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Focusing of acoustic waves by flat lenses made from negatively refracting two-dimensional phononic crystals
Deymier, P. A.; Merheb, B; Vasseur, J.O.; Sukhovich, A; Page, J.H.

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Plasmonic modes in a dispersive left handed material optical fiber
Mendoza-Suárez, A; Villa-Villa, F; Gaspar-Armenta, J.A.

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On the coupling of size-quantized excitons with light in one-dimensional dielectric-semiconductor photonic crystals
Flores-Desirena, B; Márquez-Islas, R; Atenco-Analco, N; Pérez-Rodríguez, F

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One-dimensional photonic crystals with semiconducting constituents: the effects of the absorption mechanisms
Manzanares-Martinez, J; Ramos-Mendieta, F

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Evolutionary effects of rotation in massive stars and their circumstellar medium
Pérez-Rendón, B; García-Segura, G; Langer, N

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Using the MAST virtual observatory to study light profiles in elliptical galaxies
Ávila-Castro, F; Saucedo-Morales, J

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First-principles calculation of the band gap of AlxGa1-xN and InxGa1-x N
Núñez-González, Roberto; Reyes-Serrato, Armando; Posada-Amarillas, Alvaro; Galván, Donald H

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Aggregation behavior and rheology of culture broths of Rhodosorus marinus
Básaca-Loya, A; Burboa, M.G.; Valdez, M.A.; Gámez, R; Goycoolea, F.M.; Gutiérrez-Millán, L.E.

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Dependence of Barkhausen jump shape on microstructure in carbon steel
Rodriguez, J.L.; Perez-Benitez, J.A.; Capo-Sanchez, J; Padovese, L.R.; Betancourt-Riera, Re

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )

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