| Table of contents Rev. Mex. Biodiv. vol.86 n.4 México Dec. 2015 Editorial | | | | · Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 10 years after its creation Arizmendi, María Antonieta; Martínez, M. Luisa; León-Règagnon, Virginia; Ortega-Leite, Georgina; Alvarez, Fernando
| | | Taxonomy and systematics | | | | · Additions to Pucciniales biota on Fabaceae in Colombia Vanegas-Berrouet, Katherin Maritza; Salazar-Yepes, Mauricio
| | | | · Advances in the phylogeny of Helvella (Fungi: Ascomycota), inferred from nuclear ribosomal LSU sequences and morphological data Landeros, Fidel; Iturriaga, Teresa; Rodríguez, Aarón; Vargas-Amado, Georgina; Guzmán-Dávalos, Laura
| | | | · First record of a palm trunk Coryphoideae: Palmoxylon kikaapoa from the Olmos Formation of the Upper Cretaceous, Coahuila, Mexico Sainz-Resendiz, B. Alejandra; Estrada-Ruiz, Emilio; Mateo-Cid, L. Elena; Porras-Múzquiz, Héctor
| | | | · Desmodium raymundoramirezii (Desmodieae: Leguminosae), a new species from Sierra Madre del Sur, Mexico Torres-Colín, Leticia; Delgado-Salinas, Alfonso; Sotuyo, Solange; Pérez-Escobar, Mariana
| | | | · Redescription of Tanaisia dubia (Digenea) from the northeast region of Argentina, with a key to Neotropical species of the genus, and a key to genera of Tanaisiinae Lunaschi, Lía I.; Drago, Fabiana B.; Draghi, Regina
| | | | · Redescription of Centruroides noxius and description of a closely related new species from western Mexico (Scorpiones: Buthidae) Teruel, Rolando; Ponce-Saavedra, Javier; Quijano-Ravell, Ana F.
| | | | · A new species of Amnestus (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cydnidae) from Morelos, Mexico, with description of its immature stages Mayorga-Martínez, María Cristina
| | | | · Description of the four nymphal stages of Anasa (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae: Coreini) Ortega-León, Guillermina; Brailovsky, Harry
| | | | · A new species of killifish of the family Profundulidae from the highlands of the Mixteca region, Mexico Ornelas-García, Claudia Patricia; Martínez-Ramírez, Emilio; Doadrio, Ignacio
| | | Anatomy | | | | · Anatomical description of the Cortés damselfish Stegastes rectifraenum (Perciformes: Pomacentridae). Key structures for omnivore feeding Aguilar-Medrano, Rosalía; Kobelkowsky, Abraham; Balart, Eduardo Francisco
| | | Ecology | | | | · Trichoderma diversity in the cocoa agroecosystem in the state of Tabasco, Mexico Torres-De la Cruz, Magdiel; Ortiz-García, Carlos F.; Bautista-Muñoz, Consuelo; Ramírez-Pool, José Abraham; Ávalos-Contreras, Nayely; Cappello-García, Silvia; De la Cruz-Pérez, Aracely
| | | | · Diversity and seasonal abundance of anthropogenic spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) in different urban zones of the city of Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Susana Eva; Solís-Catalán, Karen Paulina; Valdez-Mondragón, Alejandro
| | | | · Diversity of Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) in a Pinus spp. and Juniperus flaccida forest in Jaumave, Tamaulipas, Mexico Rodríguez-Mota, Arely Julieta; Ruíz-Cancino, Enrique; Ivanovich-Khalaim, Andrey; Coronado-Blanco, Juana María; Treviño-Carreón, Jacinto
| | | | · Flea diversity and prevalence on arid-adapted rodents in the Oriental Basin, Mexico Acosta, Roxana; Fernández, Jesús A.
| | | | · Predatory wasps of natural protected areas in the state of Yucatán, Mexico Vanoye-Eligio, Maximiliano; Meléndez-Ramírez, Virginia; Ayala, Ricardo; Navarro-Alberto, Jorge; Delfín-González, Hugo
| | | | · Distribution, biological cycle and life table of Eumaeus toxea (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in the physiographic province Coast of Oaxaca, Mexico Ruiz-García, Noe; Méndez-Pérez, Brenda Yesenia; Velasco-García, Mario Valerio; Sánchez-de la Vega, Guillermo; Rivera-Nava, Juana Laura
| | | | · Trophic analysis of Phymaturus punae (Iguania: Liolaemidae): seasonal and sexual variation in the most southern region of the Argentina Puna Córdoba, Mariela Analía; Acosta, Juan Carlos; Villavicencio, Héctor José; Astudillo, Vanesa
| | | | · Small mammal diversity in two sites with different degree of disturbance in the Sierra Sur, Oaxaca, Mexico García-Estrada, Carlos; Peña-Sánchez, Yadira Arlet; Colín-Martínez, Helisama
| | | Conservation | | | | · Epilithic diatoms in the Upper Laja River Basin, Guanajuato, Mexico Mora, Demetrio; Carmona, Javier; Cantoral-Uriza, Enrique A.
| | | | · New data on distribution, morphology and conservation of Micrurus silviae (Serpentes: Elapidae), a poorly known threatened coral snake Giraudo, Alejandro R.; Nenda, Santiago J.; Arzamendia, Vanesa; Bellini, Gisela P.; Franzoy, Alejandro
| | | | · The conservation status of the freshwater and terrestrial turtles of Mexico: a critical review of biodiversity conservation strategies Macip-Ríos, Rodrigo; Ontiveros, Rebeca; López-Alcaide, Saúl; Casas-Andreu, Gustavo
| | | | · Noteworthy records and avifauna in an area of the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve, Guanajuato, Mexico Ramírez-Albores, Jorge E.; Gordillo-Martínez, Alejandro; Navarro-Sigüenza, Adolfo G.
| | | | · First records of 4 felid species in southern Puebla, Mexico Farías, Verónica; Téllez, Oswaldo; Botello, Francisco; Hernández, Omar; Berruecos, Jessica; Olivares, Saúl J.; Hernández, Julio C.
| | | Resource use and management | | | | · Morphological comparison between wild and cultivated populations of Opuntia atropes (Cactaceae) in Michoacán, Mexico López-Gutiérrez, Diana M.; Reyes-Agüero, Juan A.; Muñoz, Alejandro; Robles, Javier; Cuevas, Eduardo
| | | Research notes | | | | · Hypoglossum hypoglossoides(Delesseriaceae: Rhodophyta): a new record for the Atlantic coast of Mexico Godínez-Ortega, José Luis; Ramírez-García, Pedro; Granados-Barba, Alejandro; Vázquez-Machorro, Angélica
| | | | · New records of Orchidaceae for the state of Tabasco, Mexico Morales-Linares, Jonas; Toledo-Aceves, Tarin; Flores-Palacios, Alejandro; Krömer, Thorsten; García-Franco, José G.
| | | | · Record of Glaucus atlanticus from El Salvador-Pacific Coast of Centro America Segovia, Johanna; López, Gina
| | | | · First record of Karualona penuelasi (Cladocera: Anomopoda: Chydoridae) from Colombia Fuentes-Reines, Juan M.; Elmoor-Loureiro, Lourdes M.A.
| | | | · First record of eucalyptus gall wasp Leptocybe invasa (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in Mexico Vanegas-Rico, Juan Manuel; Lomeli-Flores, José Refugio; Rodríguez-Leyva, Esteban; Jiménez-Quiroz, Eduardo; Pujade-Villar, Juli
| | | | · Distribution of Pterygoplichthys spp. (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) in the low basin of the Grijalva-Usumacinta rivers Sánchez, Alberto J.; Florido, Rosa; Álvarez-Pliego, Nicolás; Salcedo, Miguel Ángel
| | | | · Record of Coleonyx elegans in northern Veracruz, México Chavez-Lugo, Eber G.; Pech-Canché, Juan M.; Canseco-Márquez, Luis; Lucas-Cobos, Lorenzo
| | | | · Southernmost presence of the Guadalupe fur seal (Arctocephalus townsendi) in the Mexican South Pacific Villegas-Zurita, Francisco; Castillejos-Moguel, Fátima; Elorriaga-Verplancken, Fernando R.
| | | | · A noteworthy record of margay (Leopardus wiedii) in the cloud forest of Morelos, Mexico Aranda, Marcelo; Valenzuela-Galván, David
| | | Book reviews | | | | · C. Ochoa y A. Barahona. 2014. El Jano de la morfología: de la homología a la homoplasia, historia, debates y evolución. Ciudad de México: Centro de Estudios Filosóficos, Políticos y Sociales Vicente Lombardo Toledano. Morrone, Juan J.
| | | | · Duellman, W. E. 2015. Herpetology at Kansas, a centennial history. Ithaca, New York, Estados Unidos de América: SSAR. 360 p. Cómo se ha hecho una herpetofauna latinoamericana: historia de la herpetología en KU Flores-Villela, Oscar
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