Articles |
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| · Matricide and Sexual Difference in Plato’s Laws Sonna, Valeria
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| · The Provenance of the Onto-Theological Constitution of Metaphysics. Heidegger’s First Thematization in the Exercises on Aristotle of 1921 Xolocotzi Yáñez, Ángel
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| · The Machiavellian Discourse on the Ciompi Revolt Interpreted from the Primacy of Fear and the Theory of Humors Quer, Matías
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| · Melancholic Body, Mind without Memory, Multitude without Freedom: Three Aspects of Mutatio in Spinoza’s Philosophy Benvenuto, Rodrigo Miguel
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| · Heterogeneity and Application in Kant´s Transcendental Schematism Lazos, Efraín
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| · The Dual Function of Socratic Irony in Philosophical Interactions: Kierkegaard’s Concept of Irony versus Alcibiades’ Speech Mualem, Shlomy
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| · The Intentional Structure of Image: Attentive Meaning and Image Consciousness in Husserl’s Phenomenology Scanziani, Andrea
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| · Before the Image: Das Unheimliche and Surface in Freudian Ontology Caranci Sáez, Carlos
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| · Space, Time, and Phantasmagoria: Walter Benjamin’s Alienated Modernity Martínez Matías, Paloma
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| · Asking For Forgiveness. A Proposed Solution for an Aporia in Hannah Arendt on Forgiveness and the Banality of Evil Arteaga Gallinal, Santiago de
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| · León Rozitchner and the Problem of the Subject. A Philosophical-Political Reading of Freud Yagüe, Pedro
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| · Freudian Psychoanalysis in René Girard’s Mimetic Theory Vinolo, Stéphane
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| · Philosophical Interpretations of the Mexican Independence Cuéllar, José Manuel
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Philosophy in public space |
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| · A Philosophical Articulation of Epigenetic Epidemiology Martín-Villuendas, Mariano
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| · Conceptual Precedents for an Ecosuicidology Baquedano Jer, Sandra
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Critical reviews |
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| · Soames, S. (2019). El surgimiento de la filosofía analítica. F. M. Wong, E. V. Chigne, J. C. Gamboa y P. L. Dammert (trads.). Tecnos-Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. 272 pp. Rojas Lizama, David
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| · Nosetto, L. (2022). Autoridad y poder. Arqueología del Estado. Las cuarenta. 203 pp. Toninello, Emilse
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| · Ramírez, M. T. (2022). El nihilismo mexicano. Una reflexión filosófica. Bonilla Artigas. 272 pp. Beltrán García, Iver A.
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