| Table of contents Rev. Mex. Sociol vol.74 n.4 Ciudad de México Oct./Dec. 2012 Articles | | | | · Ethnographic perspectives in Chiapas, Mexico, from an anthropology of power Escalona Victoria, José Luis
| | | | · Províctima... a paradox? A systemic analysis of the Procuraduría Social de Atención a Víctimas Galaviz Armenta, Tania
| | | | · Habitus, countryside and capital: Elements for a general theory of political capital Joignant, Alfredo
| | | | · Who legislates in Mexico? Decentralization and legislative process Béjar Algazi, Luisa
| | | | · Neo-Pentecostalism as an object of research and an analytical category Jaimes Martínez, Ramiro
| | | Reviews | | | | · Trabajar juntos: Acción colectiva, bienes comunes y múltiples métodos en la práctica Merino, Leticia
| | | | · La socialdemocracia Duque Daza, Javier
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