Articles |
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| · Comparative analysis oh the adoption of open government in Latin American contries Barreto Granada, Piedad Lucía; Osorio-Sanabria, Mariutsi Alexandra
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| · Derecho constitucional al deporte en países de habla portuguesa Canan, Felipe; Starepravo, Fernando Augusto
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| · The ILO convention no 169 influence in the justiciability of indigenous rights through the new Latin American constitutionalism states case law Casado Gutiérrez, Fernando
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| · Aspectos de la formación jurídica del Estado brasileño Filó, Maurício da Cunha Savino
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| · The municipal autonomy and the conservation of biodiversity in Mexico García Granados, Fidel
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| · Ideology and prejudice in judicial discourse: a case study from a linguistic critique of law Barreto, Ricardo de Macedo Menna
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| · Evolution of Science and Technology Policies in Brazil and the Incorporation of Innovation Menezes, Daniel Francisco Nagao; Moraes, Gerson Leite de
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| · Campeche’s cohabitation societis. Recognaizing diversity or discrimination Pérez Duarte y Noroña, Alicia Elena
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| · Directors and orchestras: a comparative análisis of the institutional position of the federal judicial council in Mexico Rivera León, Mauro Arturo
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| · Great Britain legal-political transformations:one way trip? Ruiz Miguel, Carlos
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| · The 1988 Brazilian Constitution and its Country Project: is There Still Room to Dream Santiago, Marcus Firmino
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| · Unilateral termination of long-term contracts in the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial contracts 2016 Severin Fuster, Gonzalo
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| · Abortion in the context of the feminist movement: comparing Brazil and Uruguay Vasconcelos, Joyce; Vieira, Grasielle; Espinoza, Fran
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Bibliography |
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| · GÓMEZ GONZÁLEZ, Arely (coord.). 2016. Reforma penal 2008-2016. El sistema penal acusatorio en México García Ramírez, Sergio
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| · Pérez Gallardo, Leonardo B. (coord.). 2017. Contratación electrónica y protección de los consumidores López Jiménez, David
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| · Barceló Rojas, Daniel, Díaz Ricci, Sergio, García Rocha, Sergio y Guimaráes Teixeira Rocha, María Elizabeth (coords.) 2020. COVID 19 y parlamentarismo. Los parlamentos en cuarentena Torres Alonso, Eduardo
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