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Nova scientia

On-line version ISSN 2007-0705


TORRES-SALAZAR, María del Carmen; ESCALANTE-FERRER, Ana Esther; OLIVARES-BENITEZ, Elías  and  PEREZ-GARCIA, Juan Carlos. Green talent: characterization and search. Nova scientia [online]. 2015, vol.7, n.14, pp.694-709. ISSN 2007-0705.


The impacts of global warming and climate change are a concern in virtually all sectors of society, because of the consequences we perceive and affect more and more all natural systems and created by man, usually in a negative way. To reverse these negative effects and not continue to destroy the environment, a special type of people who are able to take adequate in the areas in which they operate decisions necessary. In this research, these human beings are called: people with "green talent." The term green talent has not been characterized and its use is still restricted. This research makes a characterization of green talent and proposes a survey to detect people that have these characteristics. It is important to note that this work is part of a broader research that seeks the relationship between green talent management practices and sustainable supply chain.


The characterization of green talent was performed using the methodology of social representations, which led to a series of questions seeking the characteristics of green talent management and as part of a survey of more coverage than was piloted for validation. Reliability was measured by Cronbach Alpha and validity for Factor Analysis.


Nine characteristics for people with green talent were found, which also emerged nine questions. These questions were asked 25 directors of companies involved in the Chamber of Processing Industry (CANACINTRA) in order to validate the instrument. The alpha Crombrach obtained was 0.948 and factor analysis indicates that it is not necessary to reduce the number of questions for this block.


The characterization of green talent through social representations obtained in this work is theoretically supported and may find these features through survey questions statistically validated. The continuation of this work includes the implementation of the survey to find managers with features green talent and its relation to the application of practices of sustainable supply chain in companies where they work.

Keywords : Green talent; social representations; factor analysis; survey validated.

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