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Historia y grafía

Print version ISSN 1405-0927


DURAN R. A., Norma. Mesoamerica’s Evangelism in the Sixteenth Century: A Critical Approach. Hist. graf [online]. 2016, n.47, pp.115-142. ISSN 1405-0927.

The essay reviews some of the concepts through which the “Pre-hispanic religions” have been built. Only through the notion of culture that comes alive in the Eighteenth century, can one abstract “religion”. This because, from the European concepts of the Sixteenth century there is only one religion, and the concept used to define the Other is pagan/Christian. On the other hand, it subjects the concept of syncretism, which aims to explain the incomplete evangelization or to designate the conquered towns’ new religiosity, to criticism.

Keywords : culture; syncretism; religion; pre-hispanic world/Christian world.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )