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Revista mexicana de física
Print version ISSN 0035-001X


Table of contents
Rev. mex. fis. vol.54  suppl.1 México Feb. 2008

Aspiazu, Juan; Chávez, Efrain; Espinosa, Guillermo

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Characterization of Superconducting Magnesium-Diboride Films on Glassy Carbon and Sapphire Substrates
Andrade, E; Rocha, M.F; Zavala, E.P; Jergel, Mi; Falcony, C

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Gradient of heavy elements in the ocean sediments from the Gulf of Tehuantepec
Aspiazu F, J.A; Ruiz Fernández, A.C; López Monroy, J; Ramírez Torres, J.J; Villaseñor S, P; Ordoñez, E; Gutiérrez, A

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Working out the position resolution on large scintillating detectors, through the "light attenuation method"
Huerta, A; Guerrero, R; Curiel, Q; Huelgas S, J; Rodriguez, P; Favela, F; Marín, D; Ortiz, M.E; Barrón, L; Chávez, E; Moreno, E; Murillo, G; Policroniades, R; Varela, A

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Low temperature redetermination of the Glycine sodium nitrate structure by using X-ray single crystal diffraction technique
Nichol, G.S; Hernández Paredes, J; Esparza Poncce, H.E; Pacheco Beltran, M; Alvarez Ramos, M.E; Duarte-Moller, A

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Optically stimulated luminescence response to ionizing radiation of red bricks (SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3) used as building materials
Espinosa, G; Golzarri, J.I; Santiago, P; Bogard, J.S

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Learning limits of an artificial neural network
Vega, J.J; Reynoso, R; Carrillo Calvet, H

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Ligand field and interference effects in L-edge x-ray Raman scattering of MnF2 and CoF2
Jiménez-Mier, J; Herrera-Pérez, G.M; Olalde-Velasco, P; Ederer, D.L; Schuler, T

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Multipactor suppressing titanium nitride thin films analyzed through XPS and AES
Castro-Colin, M; Durrer, W; López, J.A; Pinales, L.A; Encinas Baca, C; Moller, D

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EXAFS determination of cation local order in layered perovskites
Montero-Cabrera, M. E; García-Guaderrama, M; Mehta, A; Webb, S; Fuentes-Montero, L; Duarte Moller, J.A; Fuentes-Cobas, L

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F-18 production by means of 20Ne(d,4He) reaction at ININ
Policroniades, R; Moreno, E; Varela, A; Murillo, G; Huerta, A; Ortiz, Ma. E; Chávez, E

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Trace metal analysis in sea grasses from Mexican Caribbean Coast by particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE)
Solís, C; Martínez, A; Lavoisier, E; Martínez, M.A; Isaac-Olivé, K

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Morphological and raman effects on 252Cf irradiated diamond
Vázquez-López, C; Espinosa, G; Golzarri, J.I; Jiménez-Sandoval, S

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Calculation of Response matrix of a BSS with 6LiI scintillator
Vega-Carrillo, H.R; Donaire, I; Gallego, E; Manzanares-Acuña, E; Lorente, A; Iñiguez, M.P; Martin-Martin, A; Gutierrez-Villanueva, J.L

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
Neutron room return effect
Vega-Carrillo, H.R; Gallego, E; Manzanares-Acuña, E; Lorente, A; Barquero, R; Martin-Martin, A; Gutierrez-Villanueva, J.L

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