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vol.20 issue2First nesting record of Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) in El SalvadorRediscovering the striped sparrow (Oriturus superciliosus) in Sierra Fria, Aguascalientes, Mexico and notes of its behavior author indexsubject indexsearch form
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On-line version ISSN 1870-7459


SIERRA-MORALES, Pablo et al. New records and noteworthy information on the distribution of some birds of the state of Guerrero, Mexico. Huitzil [online]. 2019, vol.20, n.2, e520. ISSN 1870-7459.

We present new records of sightings and noteworthy distributional changes of 14 species in the state of Guerrero, Mexico. Two species should be considered new records (Rallus obsoletus, Dumetella carolinensis) for the state. Seven species are uncommon due to their seldom being documented in the state (Nyctibius jamaicensis, Lophornis brachylophus, Campylopterus hemileucurus, Aramus guarauna, Sarcoramphus papa, Helmitheros vermivorum, Piranga leucoptera), and five species expanded their distribution to another biotic province where they were not previously recorded (Amazilia rutila, Aramides cajaneus, Thryomanes bewickii, Euphagus cyanocephalus, Thraupis episcopus). Our records reaffirm that local studies are important to a detailed understanding of the geographical and ecological distribution of avian biodiversity.

Keywords : new records; uncommon species; geographical distribution; biotic provinces; conservation.

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