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vol.16 issue45La locura se topa con el manicomio. Una historia por contarRedes sociales y construcción de la colonia en la Ciudad de México. El caso del enclave étnico chocholteco en San Miguel Teotongo, Iztapalapa author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Print version ISSN 0185-1659


ALVAREZ-LARRAURI, Selene  and  MACELLARI, Leonardo. Bio-intersubjetividad, violencia simbólica y campo familiar. Cuicuilco [online]. 2009, vol.16, n.45, pp.191-207. ISSN 0185-1659.

Production and reproduction of life in the social world are processes of identities formation immersed in social relations, which expresses through "normal" or "natural" practices, although in fact, they are biological, historical and social constructions. The practices that Pierre Bourdieu has called symbolic violence are an essential part of social reproduction; they are complex phenomena not always evident or conscious. They are objective and pre-objective practices -corporal, mental and emotional-affective processes of the bodies in-action- without a clear distinction between what emerges within the social agent and what pertains to social organization. We present an anthropological and sociological proposal that conceives the body like an unfinished biological and social phenomenon, in constant construction in its double relation (as in a mirror) with the somatic forces (habitus) and social ones (field). Jean Pierre Changeux and Thomas Csordas agree with Pierre Bourdieu and Francisco Varela in conceiving human action as a social practice resulting from alive emergencies that follow the paths left by previous experiences of bodies in-action in social interaction. Bourdieu and Varela also agree, in a similar methodological approach, that implies anthropological research within a complex event.

Keywords : embodiment; practices; intersubjetivity; social reproduction; family field; symbolic violence.

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