| Table of contents Rev. mex. de cienc. pecuarias vol.14 n.3 Mérida Jul./Sep. 2023 Articles | | | | · Prediction of the chemical composition of pig feces and ileal digesta by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) Ramos Cruz, Ricardo; Basurto Gutiérrez, Ricardo; Ramírez Rodríguez, Ericka; Reis de Souza, Tércia Cesária; Mariscal Landín, Gerardo
| | | | · Effect of hesperidin supplementation on blood profile, antioxidant capacity, intestinal histomorphology and fecal microbial counts in Japanese quails Özbilgin, Abdullah; Moğulkoç, Mahmut Niyazi; Bayçumendur, Füsun Erhan; Ercan, Nazlı
| | | | · Supplementation of goats with mesquite pod meal in deferred (Urochloa mosambicenses) grass pasture in the semiarid region Souto, Diego da Hora; Pereira, Mara Lúcia Albuquerque; Pereira, Taiala Cristina de Jesus; Silva, Herymá Giovane de Oliveira; Almeida, Paulo José Presídio; Sousa, Leandro Borges; Barreto, Fernando Oliveira; Sousa, Larisse Borges; Oliveira, Karine Pinheiro; Carvalho, Gleidson Giordano Pinto de
| | | | · Genetic parameters, correlations and trends of reproductive traits in Holstein cattle from Mexico Durán-Alvarez, Carolina; García-Ruiz, Adriana; Alonso Morales, Rogelio Alejandro; Eguiarte, Luis E.; Ruiz-López, Felipe de Jesús
| | | | · Additive and non-additive genetic effects for reproductive traits in a Holstein- Brown Swiss diallel in humid subtropical climate García Bravo, Luis Adrián; Vega-Murillo, Vicente Eliezer; Villagómez-Cortes, José Alfredo; Zárate-Martínez, Juan Prisciliano; Leyva-Ovalle, Otto Raúl; Calderón Robles, René Carlos; Ríos-Utrera, Ángel; Montaño Bermúdez, Moisés; Martínez-Velázquez, Guillermo
| | | | · Dynamics of grazing in the association of crops and sheep of temperate climate agroecosystems in Mexico Vargas López, Samuel; Bustamante González, Angel; Jaramillo Villanueva, José Luis; Vázquez Martínez, Ignacio; Vaquera Huerta, Humberto; Díaz Sánchez, Carla Cristina; Casiano Ventura, Miguel Ángel
| | | | · Interactive laboratories for experiential learning and integrated management of gastrointestinal parasitism of sheep and goats La O-Arias, Manuel Alejandro; Guevara-Hernández, Francisco; Aguilar-Jiménez, José Roberto; Pinto-Ruíz, René; Reyes-Muro, Luis; Nahed-Toral, José
| | | | · Estrus synchronization in ewes with a six-day protocol using new, second-use, third-use and fourth-use CIDR devices López-García, Susana; Sánchez-Torres Esqueda, María Teresa; Cordero-Mora, José Luis; Figueroa-Velasco, José Luis; Martínez-Aispuro, José Alfredo; Salinas Ríos, Teódulo
| | | | · Evaluation of animal welfare indicators of cattle in a Federal Inspection Type slaughterhouse Sánchez-Pérez, Jaime Noé; Dávila-Ramos, Horacio; Robles-Estrada, Juan Carlos; Portillo-Loera, Jesús José; Sánchez-Escalante, Armida; Diaz, Daniel
| | | | · In vitro evaluation of the acaricidal potential of Beauveria bassiana DS3.17 on the common tick (Rhipicephalus microplus) in Oaxaca, Mexico Martínez-García, Jared; Abad-Zavaleta, José; García-Gómez, María de Jesús; Núñez-Gaona, Oscar
| | | | · Analysis of the willingness to pay for antibiotic-free pork, a Choice Experiments approach Hernández Valdivia, Miriam Susana; Melo Guerrero, Enrique; Valdivia Alcalá, Ramón; Valenzuela Núñez, Luis Manuel; Ortiz, Juan Hernández; Damián, Miguel Ángel Martínez
| | | Bibliographical reviews | | | | · Bm86 protein and its potential use as an anti-tick vaccine in cattle. Review Galván Arellano, Dulce María; Vieyra Reyes, Patricia; Montes de Oca Jiménez, Roberto; Ortega Lopez, Jaime; Martínez Arzate, Saúl Gabriel; Rivas Santiago, Bruno; Vázquez Chagoyán, Juan Carlos
| | | | · Agroecological principles and practices for the transition to sustainable cattle farming. Review Angel-Lozano, Guadalupe Del; Escalona-Aguilar, Miguel Ángel; Baca del Moral, Julio; Cuevas-Reyes, Venancio
| | | Technical Notes | | | | · Chitosan supplementation in the diet of Rhode Island Red pullets and its effect on productive behavior and hematological variables Peña-Torres, Edgar Fernando; Ortega, José Abel; Lizárraga-Velázquez, Cynthia Esmeralda; Hernández, Crisantema; León Cañedo, Jesús Armando; Benitez-Hernández, Asahel
| | | | · Analyzing honey producton in Aguascalientes, Mexico, using the Cobb-Douglas Function López Santiago, Marco Andrés; Zavala Beltrán, José Inés; Valdivia Alcalá, Ramón; Montiel Batalla, Blanca Margarita
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