| Table of contents Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc vol.12 n.1 Texcoco Jan./Feb. 2021 Articles | | | | · Pytochemical screening and evaluation antimicrobial activity of the methanol extract of Ficus carica Belattar, Hakima; Himour, Sara; Yahia, Abdelouahab
| | | | · Prospera and the food security of rural families in the center of Veracruz Baca del Moral, Julio; Cuevas-Reyes, Venancio; Sánchez-Toledano, Blanca I.; Borja Bravon, Mercedes; Castillejos López, Yutzill
| | | | · Agronomic and nutraceutical behavior of F2 populations developed of interracial crosses of pepper Luna García, Laura Raquel; Robledo Torres, Valentín; Ramírez Godina, Francisca; Mendoza Villarreal, Rosalinda; Pérez Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel; Gordillo Melgoza, Francisco Alfonso
| | | | · Micropropagation of the caper in semi-solid medium and in temporary immersion bioreactors Contreras-Loera, Fabián; Chávez-Ortiz, Lucía Isabel; Morales-Domínguez, José Francisco; Pérez-Molphe-Balch, Eugenio
| | | | · Toxicity of insecticides against (Optatus palmaris Pascoe) in soursop Hernández-Fuentes, Luis Martín; Nolasco-González, Yolanda; Orozco-Santos, Mario; Montalvo-Gonzalez, Efigenia
| | | | · Evaluation of substrates, nutrient solution and rooting agent in tomato seedling production Lazcano-Bello, María Isabel; Sandoval-Castro, Engelberto; Tornero-Campante, Mario Alberto; Hernández-Hernández, Brenda Nataly; Ocampo-Fletes, Ignacio; Díaz-Ruíz, Ramón
| | | | · Quantification of enzymes related to insecticide resistance in Bemisia tabaci from the state of Sinaloa Carnero Avilés, Leslie; Cerna Chávez, Ernesto; Rodríguez Rodríguez, José Francisco; Beltrán Beache, Mariana; Ochoa Fuentes, Yisa M.; Velarde Félix, Sixto
| | | | · Cooperative learning for the transfer of MIAF technology: the mixes of Oaxaca Martínez Gómez, Gladys; Santos Corral, María Josefa; Gortari Rabiela, Rebeca Nadia de; Romo Lozano, José Luis; Vega Martínez, Daniel
| | | | · Characterization of native bee species and their biocultural relationship in the Oaxacan Mixteca Vásquez-García, Adela; Sangerman-Jarquín, Dora Ma.; Schwentesius Rindermann, Rita
| | | Essays | | | | · Potential use of wastewater in agriculture Mendoza-Retana, Sarai Shesareli; Cervantes-Vázquez, María Gabriela; Valenzuela-Garcia, Ana Alejandra; Guzmán-Silos, Tania Lizzeth; Orona-Castillo, Ignacio; Cervantes-Vázquez, Tomás Juan Álvaro
| | | | · Review: corn growth and yield models under climate change scenarios Noriega-Navarrete, José Luis; Salazar-Moreno, Raquel; López-Cruz, Irineo Lorenzo
| | | Research notes | | | | · In vitro growth of Sclerotium rolfsii in response to the light quality of three types of fluorescent lamps Zazueta Torres, Norma Delia; Ayala Tafoya, Felipe; González Morales, Susana; Velázquez Alcaraz, Teresa de Jesús; Yáñez Juárez, Moisés Gilberto; Partida Ruvalcaba, Leopoldo
| | | | · New records of Cylindrocopturus and its association with new species of Opuntia in the State of Mexico Castañeda-Vildózola, Alvaro; Sánchez-Pale, Jesús R.; Franco-Mora, Omar; Valdéz-Carrasco, Jorge
| | | | · Morphometric variation in seeds of wild agaves from Oaxaca Villanueva-Castillo, Dulce María; Velasco-Velasco, Vicente Arturo; Santos-Romero, Rodolfo Benigno De los; Ruiz-Luna, Judith; Rodríguez-Ortiz, Gerardo
| | | Crop descriptions | | | | · Orion: a new variety of garlic for the north central zone of Mexico Macías Valdez, Luis Martín; Maciel Pérez, Luis Humberto; Cruz Vázquez, Arturo; Galindo Reyes, Manuel Antonio; Domínguez López, René Félix
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