| Table of contents Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc vol.3 n.2 Texcoco Mar./Apr. 2012 Articles | | | | · Evaluation of synthetic insecticides on Metamasius spinolae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) adults from Tlalnepantla, Morelos Cerón-González, Claudia; Rodríguez-Leyva, Esteban; Lomeli-Flores, J. Refugio; Hernández-Olmos, Claudia E.; Peña-Martínez, Rebeca; Mora-Aguilera, Gustavo
| | | | · Soil erosion, runoff and nitrogen and phosphorus losses in hillsides as affected by soil management system in Chiapas, Mexico Camas Gómez, Robertony; Turrent Fernández, Antonio; Cortes Flores, José Isabel; Livera Muñóz, Manuel; González Estrada, Adrián; Villar Sánchez, Bernardo; López Martínez, Jaime; Espinoza Paz, Néstor; Cadena Iñiguez, Pedro
| | | | · Evaluation of Creole avocados in Nuevo León, Mexico: southern region Acosta Díaz, Efraín; Hernández Torres, Ismael; Almeyda León, Isidro Humberto
| | | | · Alternatives for the control of powdery mildew (Oidium sp.) in cucumbers (Cucumis sativus L.) Yáñez Juárez, Moisés Gilberto; León de la Rocha, Jorge Francisco; Godoy Angulo, Tirzo Paúl; Gastélum Luque, Roberto; López Meza, Miguel; Cruz Ortega, Jacobo Enrique; Cervantes Díaz, Lourdes
| | | | · Physical quality from rainfall Mexican bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grains Olán, Micaela de la O; Espitia Rangel, Eduardo; López Sánchez, Higinio; Villaseñor Mir, Héctor E; Peña Bautista, Roberto J; Herrera Hernández, Juan
| | | | · Isolation of nitrogen-fixing and phosporus-solubilizing strains in alfisol soils of Venezuela Padron, Learsy; Torres Rodriguez, Duilio Gilberto; Contreras Olmos, Jorge; López, Marisol; Colmenares, Carlos
| | | | · Ecophysiology of six bean varieties under the weather conditions of the Lagunera region Chávez-Simental, Jorge Armando; Alvarez-Reyna, Vicente de Paul
| | | | · Agronomic traits and Fe and Zn content in the grain of common Rosa de Castilla type bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Jiménez-Hernández, Yanet; Acosta-Gallegos, Jorge Alberto; Sánchez-García, Bertha María; Martínez Gamiño, Miguel Ángel
| | | Essays | | | | · The crops of bean and maize under dry land conditions in the state of Zacatecas, Mexico from 1980 to 2008 Luna Flores, Maximino; Hernández Martínez, José; Luna Estrada, Maximino Gerardo; Zelaya de Santiago, Luis Humberto; García Hernández, Serafín
| | | | · Revision of the production, phytochemical composition, and nutraceutical properties of Mexican oregano García-Pérez, Enrique; Fernando Francisco, Castro-Álvarez; Gutiérrez-Uribe, Janet Alejandra; García-Lara, Silverio
| | | | · Effects of the liberalization of agricultural markets, assessments on the rural development policies implemented in Mexico Schwentesius Rindermann, Rita; Martínez-Carrasco Pleite, Federico; Perní Llorente, Angel
| | | Investigation note | | | | · Effects of tillage, moisture and fertilization on the yield of the common bean and the pathogenicity of Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid Lira-Méndez, Krystal; Salinas-García, Jaime Roel; Díaz-Franco, Arturo; Mayek-Pérez, Netzahualcóyotl
| | | | · Economic, social and environmental impact of the integral management of peach orchards in Zacatecas Sánchez Toledano, Blanca Isabel; Amador Ramírez, Mario Domingo; Rumayor Rodríguez, Agustín Fernando; Reveles Torres, Luis Roberto
| | | | · Incidence and symptomatology of five viruses in commercial dry chili pepper fields in Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosí, and Zacatecas, Mexico Velásquez-Valle, Rodolfo; Reveles-Torres, Luis Roberto; Mena-Covarrubias, Jaime
| | | | · Estimation of areas occupied by winter field crops in Uruguay using remote sensing Giménez, Agustín; Castaño, José Pedro
| | | Description of cultivars | | | | · Janasa, new variety of Azufrado type beans for the state of Sinaloa, Mexico Salinas Pérez, Rafael Atanasio; Rodríguez Cota, Franklin Gerardo; Padilla Valenzuela, Isidoro; Valencia Martínez, Yeny; Ortiz Cano, Héctor Genaro; Acosta Gallegos, Jorge Alberto
| | | | · Cevy Oro C2008, durum wheat with resistance to leaf rust Fuentes-Dávila, Guillermo; Valenzuela-Herrera, Víctor; Chávez-Villalba, Gabriela; Félix-Fuentes, José Luis; Figueroa-López, Pedro; Mendoza-Lugo, José Alberto
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