| Table of contents Nova scientia vol.10 n.21 León Nov. 2018 Natural sciences and engineering | | | | · Polyploidy in wild blackberries (Rubus spp L.) Rodríguez Bautista, Geremías; Segura Ledezma, Sergio Damián; Cruz Izquierdo, Serafín; Corona Torres, Tarsicio; López Medina, José; Gutiérrez Espinosa, María Alejandra; Cruz Huerta, Nicacio; Valenzuela Núñez, Luis Manuel
| | | | · Existence of global solutions in a model of electrical activity of the monodomain type for a ventricle Hernández Montero, Ozkar; Fraguela Collar, Andrés; Sosa, Raúl Felipe
| | | | · Water holding capacity of substrates containing zeolite and its effect on growth, biomass production and chlorophyll content of Solanum lycopersicum Mill Méndez Argüello, B.; Vera Reyes, I.; Cárdenas Flores, A.; Santos Villarreal, G. De los; Ibarra Jiménez, L.; Lira Saldivar, R.H.
| | | | · Physical and chemical characteristics of pumpkin seeds for mechanization and processing Rössel Kipping, D.; Ortiz Laurel, H.; Amante Orozco, A.; Durán García, H. M.; López Martínez, L. A.
| | | | · Generation of color formulation in a textile product through Artificial Neural Networks Zavala Ortiz, Laura Delia de Jesús; Vázquez López, José Antonio; Gutiérrez Rosas, Paloma Teresita; Tapia Esquivas, Moisés
| | | | · Nitrate, phosphate and boron content in wastewater for crop irrigation in Mezquital Valley, Hidalgo Pérez Díaz, José Pedro; Ortega Escobar, Héctor Manuel; Ramírez Ayala, Carlos; Flores Magdaleno, Héctor; Sánchez Bernal, Edgar Iván; Can Chulim, Álvaro; Mancilla Villa, Óscar Raúl
| | | | · Natrum muriaticum as an attenuant of NaCl-salinity in basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) Mazón Suástegui, José M.; Murillo Amador, Bernardo; Batista Sánchez, Daulemys; Agüero Fernández, Yuneisy; García Bernal, Milagro; Ojeda Silvera, Carlos M.
| | | | · Possibilities of bamboo (Guadua angustifolia Kunth) for human consumption in Sierra Nororiental of Puebla, Mexico Aguirre Cadena, Juan F.; Ramírez Valverde, Benito; Cadena Íñiguez, Jorge; Caso Barrera, Laura; Juárez Sánchez, José P.; Martínez Carrera, Daniel C.
| | | | · Hemicellulose Removal in Curaua (Ananas erectifolius) Fibers for Polyester Composites Rodrígues, Beatriz S.; García, Rafael M.; Leão, Rosineide M.; Amico, Sandro C.; Luz, Sandra M.
| | | | · Influence of inorganic phosphate sources on protein expression of a phosphate solubilizing wild bacterium from La Comarca Lagunera Flores Castellanos, Ana Sofía; Rodríguez Sifuentes, Lucio; Pérez Gelvez, Yeni N.; Gutiérrez Sánchez, Gerardo
| | | | · Relationship between Precipitation extreme events and floods. Case study: Tulancingo, Hidalgo Herrera, Eduardo; Magaña, Víctor; Morett, Sigrid
| | | | · Chitosan-fatty acids composite reduce Botrytis cinerea infection on post-harvest strawberry Sandoval Flores, Ma. Guadalupe; Jiménez Mejía, Rafael; Santoyo, Gustavo; Alva Murillo, Patricia Nayeli; López Meza, Joel Edmundo; Loeza Lara, Pedro Damián
| | | | · Conjugated linoleic acid enhances intestinal mucosal innate immunity against parasite Giardia lamblia in a murine model Montalvo Corral, Maricela; Puebla Clark, Lucinda; López Robles, Guadalupe; Reyes Duarte, Itzel; López Cervantes, Guillermo; Moya Camarena, Silvia Y.
| | | | · Detection of polysaccharides in Ganoderma lucidum extracts Castañeda Antonio, Ma. Dolores; Martínez Carrera, Daniel Claudio; Rivera Tapia, José Antonio; Portillo Reyes, Roberto; Morales Almora, Porfirio; Sobal Cruz, Mercedes; Macías López, Antonio; Leal Lara, Hermilo
| | | | · Human being interactions with backyard domestic animals: an Ethnoveterinary study in Tabasco, México Nava Hernández, Gabriela; Aldasoro Maya, Elda Miriam; Perezgrovas Garza, Raúl; Vera Cortés, Gabriela
| | | | · Genetic parameters and trends of growth traits for Romosinuano cattle in Mexico Martínez Rocha, Ricardo E.; Ramírez Valverde, Rodolfo; Núñez Domínguez, Rafael; García Muñiz, José G.
| | | | · Adsorption of neonicotinoids using fullerene - like structures: A DFT study Salazar García, Epifanio; Palomino Asencio, Luz; García Hernández, Erwin
| | | | · Yield and weight of dry bean lines from the “Flor de Junio” bean type and seed coat darkening Cid Ríos, José Ángel; Acosta Gallegos, Jorge Alberto; García Salinas, Adolfo; García Osuna, Hermila T.; Jiménez Hernández, Yanet; Rodríguez Herrera, Sergio A.
| | | | · Quality evaluation of Vanilla planifolia (Jacks. ex Andrews) beans from the Huasteca Potosina, México Cervantes Castillo, Adán; Lima Morales, Mónica; Delgado Alvarado, Adriana; Herrera Cabrera, Braulio E.; Arévalo Galarza, Gustavo A.; Soto Hernández, Ramón M.; García Osorio, Cecilia; Arévalo Galarza, Ma. de Lourdes
| | | | · Radiographic characteristics in the periapical healing post endodontic treatment in patients of the Autonomous University of Yucatan, School of Dentistry Jurado Patrón, Oscar David; Vargas López, Andrés; Vega Lizama, Elma María; Alvarado Cárdenas, Gabriel; López Villanueva, María Eugenia; Ramírez Salomón, Marco
| | | | · Sensory analysis and texture profile of chorizo using blends of rabbit meat and textured soybean protein Zepeda Bastida, A.; Ayala Martínez, M.; Alfaro Rodríguez, R.H.; Güemes Vera, N.; Soto Simental, S.
| | | | · Effect of the addition of organic acids on the bioaccumulation of Lead, Thallium and Vanadium in Chrysopogon zizanioides growing on contaminated soils from a landfill Cruz López, César Augusto De la; Ramos Arcos, Sebastián Alberto; López Martínez, Sugey
| | | Human and social sciences | | | | · Work performance according to the work health status and use of the mobile in laboral organizations Amador Licona, Norma; Aguirre García, Maricruz; Anguiano Peña, Nancy; Guízar Mendoza, Juan Manuel
| | | | · Community institutions for self-governance of drinking water supply: the case of Tlaltepango, Tlaxcala, México Rivera Márquez, Javier; Guevara Romero, María Lourdes; Tapia Mejía, Erik
| | | | · Measurement of tourism sustainability in a small coastal town through indicators, barometers and consultation with experts Ibáñez Pérez, Reyna María
| | | | · Engagement: bibliometric analysis Preciado Ortiz, Claudia Leticia; Vargas Barraza, Juan Antonio; Gilsanz López, Ainhize
| | | | · Validation and design of an organizational culture scale of measurement for medium enterprises Robles Acosta, Carlos; Montes Leyva, Jonathan; Rodríguez Granados, Angélica; Ortega Reyes, Antonio Oswaldo
| | | | · Labor Paths analysis in Mexico from the perspective of the quality of employment Salas Durazo, Iván Alejandro
| | | | · Technical Efficiency of cultural goods and services: an analysis of the Mexican Case Becerril Torres, Osvaldo U.; Miranda Ortiz, José Edgar; Canales García, Rosa Azalea
| | | | · Trust as a factor crucial to agricultural strategies of producers in the altiplano oeste potosino Ramírez López, Artemio; Figueroa Rodríguez, Katia Angélica; Figueroa Sandoval, Benjamín; Coronado Minjarez, Martín Alexander; Castellanos Gutiérrez, Yaneli
| | | | · Confidence and perceived control as antecedents of the acceptance of e-commerce: an empirical investigation in final consumers Meléndez Ruiz, Enrique Ismael; Ábrego Almazán, Demian; Medina Quintero, José Melchor
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