| Table of contents Rev. Mex. Biodiv. vol.88 n.4 México Dec. 2017 Taxonomy and systematics | | | | · New records of entomopathogenous fungi of the genus Cordyceps s. l. (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) from the State of México Pérez-Villamares, Juan Carlos; Burrola-Aguilar, Cristina; Aguilar-Miguel, Xóchitl; Sanjuan, Tatiana; Jiménez-Sánchez, Esteban
| | | | · A new report of Lepanthes (Orchidaceae) for México and clarification of the taxonomic status of Lepanthes quetzalensis Jiménez-López, Derio Antonio; Solano, Rodolfo; Martínez-Camilo, Rubén; Martínez-Meléndez, Nayely
| | | | · Opuntia setocarpa, a new species of nopal from Western Mexico Arreola-Nava, Hilda Julieta; Cuevas-Guzmán, Ramón; Guzmán-Hernández, Luis; González-Durán, Adriana
| | | | · A new species of Neoechinorhynchus (Eoacanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) from the freshwater fish Ageneiosus inermis (Siluriformes) in the Brazilian Amazon Brito-Porto, Daniel; Silva-de Souza, Amanda Karen; Oliveira-Malta, José Celso de
| | | | · Parasitic nematodes of three species of wild carnivore mammals from Atlantic forest in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil Vieira, Fabiano Matos; Muniz-Pereira, Luís Claudio; Souza-Lima, Sueli de; Rocha, Bárbara Marun; Luque, José Luis
| | | | · New species of waterbear Minibiotus pentannulatus (Tardigrada: Macrobiotidae) from Colombia Londoño, Rosana; Daza, Anisbeth; Lisi, Oscar; Quiroga, Sigmer
| | | | · First studies on Patagonian immature Mycetophilidae: description of the larva and pupa, redescription and comments on the biology of Mycomya chilensis Pessacq, Pablo; Omad, Guillermo; Kerr, Peter H.; Pardo, Cristian
| | | | · Description of a new Plusiotis jewel scarab species from Oaxaca, Mexico (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae) Ramírez-Ponce, Andrés; Curoe, Daniel J.
| | | Ecology | | | | · Bryophyte diversity in a tropical dry forest fragment, Montes de María, Sucre, Colombia García-Martínez, Stevens; Mercado-Gómez, Jorge D.
| | | | · Tree species richness in tropical montane forests of Chiapas: estimates from herbaria data and floristic surveys Campos-Sánchez, Elizabeth; González-Espinosa, Mario; Ramírez-Marcial, Neptalí; Navarrete-Gutiérrez, Darío Alejandro; Pérez-Farrera, Miguel Ángel
| | | | · Spatial and seasonal variation of shell infested by Polydora sp. (Spionidae: Polychaeta) on the lion's paw clam (Nodipecten subnodosus) in the lagoon Ojo de Liebre, Baja California Sur González-Ortiz, Laura; Hernández-Alcántara, Pablo; Vázquez-Juárez, Ricardo; Quiroz-Guzmán, Eduardo; García-Garza, Ma. Elena; León-González, Jesús Ángel de
| | | | · Phytophilous macroinvertebrate diversity in headwater streams in mountain grasslands in Córdoba, Argentina Rodríguez, María Pía; Principe, Romina E.; Márquez, Javier A.; Raffaini, Graciela B.
| | | | · Spatial ecology and directionality of female Terrapene coahuila in the Cuatro Ciénegas Valley, Coahuila, Mexico Cueto-Mares, Miriam Alejandra; Castañeda-Gaytán, Gamaliel; Becerra, Ernesto; Rubio-Rincón, Alexandra
| | | | · Patterns of nocturnal bird migration in southern Mexico Cabrera-Cruz, Sergio A.; Mabee, Todd J.; Villegas-Patraca, Rafael
| | | | · Understanding the complementarity of two survey methods in the study of bird communities during the breeding season in a tropical cloud forest Suárez-García, Omar; González-García, Fernando; Celis-Murillo, Antonio
| | | | · Composition and activity of arthropodivorous bat community in wind farms in the Mexican Tropics García-Luis, Margarita; Briones-Salas, Miguel
| | | Anatomy | | | | · Comparative anatomy of the stem, leaf, and inflorescence basal axis of Manfreda (Asparagaceae: Agavoideae) Solano, Eloy; Terrazas, Teresa; Reyes-Rivera, Jorge; Serrano-Casas, Héctor
| | | Biogeography | | | | · First record of fossil gastropod Cincinnatia (Hydrobiidae: Nymphophilinae) in Mexico Czaja, Alexander; Estrada-Rodríguez, José Luis; Romero-Méndez, Ulises; Estrada-Arellano, Josué Raymundo; González-Zamora, Alberto
| | | | · Population density of Central American tapir (Tapirella bairdii) in cloud forest in Totontepec Villa de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico Botello, Francisco; Romero-Calderón, Ana G.; Sánchez-Hernández, Jhovani; Hernández, Omar; López-Villegas, Gerónimo; Sánchez-Cordero, Víctor
| | | Conservation | | | | · Progressive fragmentation and loss of natural forests habitat in one of the global biodiversity hotspot Otavo, Samuel; Echeverría, Cristian
| | | | · Population estimate of American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) in Lagunas de Chacahua National Park, Oaxaca, Mexico García-Grajales, Jesús; Buenrostro-Silva, Alejandra
| | | | · Birds of Los Mármoles National Park, Hidalgo, Mexico Larios-Lozano, Omar; Valencia-Herverth, Jorge; Bravo-Cadena, Jessica; Guzmán-Arias, Erika; Ortiz-Pulido, Raúl
| | | | · Distributional patterns and priority conservation areas for the avifauna in the Pacific coastal plain of Guerrero, Mexico Jacinto-Flores, Nefris E.; Sánchez-González, Luis A.; Almazán-Núñez, R. Carlos
| | | | · Mammals of Recreation and Ecological Education Reserved Area San Juan del Monte, Las Vigas de Ramírez, Veracruz, Mexico Fuentes-Moreno, Helxine; Trejo-Ortiz, Aida; Cervantes, Fernando A.
| | | Research notes | | | | · New records of benthic diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) for Mexico in the Nayarit littoral found in gut contents of Crassostrea corteziensis (Mollusca: Bivalvia) Estrada-Gutiérrez, Kathie Monserrat; Siqueiros-Beltrones, David Alfaro; Hernández-Almeida, Oscar Ubisha
| | | | · First record for seagrass Halophila ovalis in the Greater Antilles Hernández-Albernas, Joán I.; Borges-Casas, Celia C.
| | | | · First report of Eotetranychus lewisi in the Andean region from Ecuador on Arracacia xanthorrhiza (white carrot), Tropaeolum tuberosum (mashua) Vásquez, Carlos; Dávila, Marta; Telenchana, Norma; Mangui, José; Navas, Daniela
| | | | · New records of the Californian lancelet Branchiostoma californiense (Cephalochordata: Branchiostomidae) from the Pacific coast of Mexico Galván-Villa, Cristian Moisés; Ríos-Jara, Eduardo; Ayón-Parente, Manuel
| | | | · Is the Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) back in town? Presence of the species at the “Área de Protección de Flora y Fauna Yum Balam”, Quintana Roo, Mexico Ávila-Canto, José Gerardo; Velázquez-Mendoza, Carolina; Castelblanco-Martínez, Nataly; Niño-Torres, Carlos; Córdova-Tapia, Fernando
| | | | · They can dig it: semifossorial habits of the Mexican small-eared shrew (Mammalia: Cryptotis mexicanus) Guevara, Lázaro
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