| Table of contents Rev. Mex. Biodiv. vol.82 n.4 México Dec. 2011 Taxonomy and systematics | | | | · Moringa oleifera: a multipurpose tree for the dry tropics Olson, Mark E.; Fahey, Jed W.
| | | | · New species of Triumfetta (Tiliaceae) in the cloud forest of Oaxaca, Mexico Gual-Díaz, Martha; Chiang, Fernando
| | | | · The genus Alysicarpus and Desmodium (Fabaceae) in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico Torres-Colín, Leticia; Duno-de Stefano, Rodrigo; Gómez-Hinostrosa, Carlos
| | | | · The genera Cajanus and Rhynchosia (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae, Phaseoleae, Cajaninae) in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico Martínez-Bernal, Angélica; Duno-de Stefano, Rodrigo; Lorena-Can, Lilia
| | | | · New species and one lectotypification in Lonchocarpus (Leguminosae) from Mesoamerica Sousa S., Mario
| | | | · The taxonomic status of the Mexican oak Quercus undata (Fagaceae, Quercus, Section Quercus) Bacon, Jeffrey R.; Dávila-Aranda, Patricia Dolores; Spellenberg, Richard; González-Elizondo, M. Socorro
| | | | · Endohelminth parasites of the freshwater fish Zoogoneticus purhepechus (Cyprinodontiformes: Goodeidae) from two springs in the Lower Lerma River, Mexico Martínez-Aquino, Andrés; Hernández-Mena, David Iván; Pérez-Rodríguez, Rodolfo; Aguilar-Aguilar, Rogelio; Pérez-Ponce de León, Gerardo
| | | | · The families Olividae and Olivellidae at the Malacological Collection of the Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, IPN, Mexico Pliego-Cárdenas, Ricardo; González-Pedraza, Aurora
| | | | · New records of epicaridean parasites (Crustacea: Isopoda) from Mexico, and southwestern Gulf of Mexico Román-Contreras, Ramiro; Martínez-Mayén, Mario
| | | | · Distributional data and taxonomic notes on the flea Strepsylla (Siphonaptera: Ctenophthalmidae: Neopsyllinae: Phalacropsyllini) Acosta, Roxana
| | | | · A new scorpion species of the genus Centruroides (Scorpiones: Buthidae) from the coast of the state of Jalisco, Mexico Ponce-Saavedra, Javier; Francke, Óscar F.
| | | | · Spider fauna associated with wheat crops and adjacent habitats in Buenos Aires, Argentina Armendano, Andrea; González, Alda
| | | | · Spiders of the cloud montane forest of the Biosphere Reserve Volcán Tacaná, Chiapas, Mexico Ibarra-Núñez, Guillermo; Maya-Morales, Julieta; Chamé-Vázquez, David
| | | | · Herpetofauna from Tacámbaro, Michoacán, México Medina-Aguilar, Oscar; Alvarado-Díaz, Javier; Suazo-Ortuño, Ireri
| | | Anatomy | | | | · Anatomy of Mexican species of the genera Phoradendron and Psittacanthus, endemic to the New World Gómez-Sánchez, Maricela; Sánchez-Fuentes, Liliana J.; Salazar-Olivo, Luis A.
| | | Ecology | | | | · Structural and diversity analysis of Abies forests from Jalisco, Mexico Cuevas-Guzmán, Ramón; Cisneros-Lepe, Edgar A.; Jardel-Peláez, Enrique J.; Sánchez-Rodríguez, Enrique V.; Guzmán-Hernández, Luis; Núñez-López, Nora M.; Rodríguez-Guerrero, Clotilde
| | | | · Species composition and abundance of solpugids (Arachnida: Solifugae) in ecotopes of the transitional coastal desert of Chile Valdivia, Daniel Eugenio; Pizarro-Araya, Jaime; Briones, Raúl; Ojanguren-Affilastro, Andrés A.; Cepeda-Pizarro, Jorge
| | | | · Effects of a snowstorm event on the interactions between plants and hummingbirds: fast recovery of spatio-temporal patterns Díaz-Valenzuela, Román; Ortiz-Pulido, Raúl
| | | | · Reanalyzing alpha diversity: alternatives to understand and compare information about ecological communities Moreno, Claudia E.; Barragán, Felipe; Pineda, Eduardo; Pavón, Numa P.
| | | Conservation | | | | · Effects of human disturbance on a burrow nesting seabird Albores-Barajas, Yuri V.; Soldatini, Cecilia
| | | | · Human population, economic activities, and wild bird conservation in Mexico: factors influencing their relationships at two different geopolitical scales López-Medellín, Xavier; Navarro-Sigüenza, Adolfo G.; Bocco, Gerardo
| | | Biogeography | | | | · Diversity and distribution of the genus Salvia (Lamiaceae) in Michoacan, Mexico Cornejo-Tenorio, Guadalupe; Ibarra-Manríquez, Guillermo
| | | | · Biogeographic patterns of epigean tenebrionids (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) from Protected Natural Area Península Valdés, Argentina: implications for its conservation Carrara, Rodolfo; Cheli, Germán H.; Flores, Gustavo E.
| | | | · Present and potential distribution of the military macaw in Michoacán, Mexico Monterrubio-Rico, Tiberio C.; Labra-Hernández, Miguel Ángel De; Ortega-Rodríguez, Juan Manuel; Cancino-Murillo, Ramón; Villaseñor-Gómez, José Fernando
| | | Scientific Notes | | | | · New records of ophiuroids (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) from localities at Zihuatanejo (Guerrero) and Puerto Escondido (Oaxaca), Mexican Pacific Granja-Fernández, M. Rebeca; López-Pérez, R. Andrés
| | | | · New records of Mexican Tardigrada Kaczmarek, Łukasz; Diduszko, Dawid; Michalczyk, Łukasz
| | | | · Rediscovery of Bouteloua vaneedenii (Gramineae: Chloridoideae): endemic species from the West Indies Siqueiros-Delgado, María Elena; Oviedo-Prieto, Ramona; Cerros-Tlatilpa, Rosa; Risco-Villalobos, Rafael del; Ventosa-Rodríguez, Iralis
| | | | · Parasites of the Green-backed Firecrown (Sephanoides sephaniodes) in Chile González-Acuña, Daniel; Silva, Carolina; Soto, Marta; Mironov, Sergei; Moreno, Lucila; González-Gómez, Paulina L.; Badrul, Hasan; Kinsella, Mike
| | | | · First record of the chytrid fungus in Lithobates catesbeianus from Argentina: exotic species and conservation Ghirardi, Romina; López, Javier Alejandro; Scarabotti, Pablo Augusto; Steciow, Mónica Mirta; Perotti, María Gabriela
| | | | · New localities and altitudinal records for the snakes Oxyrhopus petolarius, Spilotes pullatus, and Urotheca fulviceps in Talamanca, Costa Rica González-Maya, José F.; Cardenal-Porras, Josue; Wyatt, Sarah A.; Mata-Lorenzen, Juan
| | | | · Current status of knowledge on the neotropical otter (Lontra longicaudis annectens) in Durango, Mexico Charre-Medellín, Juan F.; López-González, Celia; Lozano, Abraham; Guzmán, Ana Fabiola
| | | Viewpoint notes | | | | · Ecological niche shifts and environmental space anisotropy: a cautionary note Soberón, Jorge; Townsend Peterson, A
| | | | · Floral scents and their interaction with insect pollinators Grajales-Conesa, Julieta; Meléndez-Ramírez, Virginia; Cruz-López, Leopoldo
| | | Reviews | | | | · The snakes of Honduras: sytematics, distribution, and conservation Flores-Villela, Oscar
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