| Table of contents Relime vol.18 n.1 Ciudad de México Mar. 2015 Editorial | | | | · Socioepistemological program of Mathematics Education Research: the Latin America's case Cantoral, Ricardo; Montiel, Gisela; Reyes-Gasperini, Daniela
| | | Articles | | | | · A modeling perspective from Socioepistemology Arrieta Vera, Jaime; Díaz Moreno, Leonora
| | | | · Didactic principles in Spanish Mathematics textbooks in the 18th and 19th centuries Maz-Machado, Alexander; Rico, Luis
| | | | · Memory about the elliptic functions's emergence Solanilla, Leonardo; Tamayo, Ana Celi; Pareja, Gabriel Antonio
| | | | · A functional graphic approach to inequations Souza, Vera H. G.; Lima, Rosana Nogueira; Campos, Tânia M. M.
| | |