Editorial |
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| · Editorial
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Doctrinal articles |
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| · The Right to a Healthy Environment that Infringed Domestic Animals in Mexico Baena Sánchez, Teresa
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| · Access to Justice: A Likely Zahir in Mexican Jurisprudence Camacho Ortiz, D. A.
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| · The Political Trial as Objectiveness of the Cause of Presidential Vacancy due to Permanent Moral Disability in the Political Constitution of Peru Centty Villafuerte, Deymor Beyter; Rosado Torres, Iris Marina
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| · Analysis of National and International Regulations on the Right to Integral Health Care for Irregular Venezuelan Migrants in Colombia León Vargas, Georgina Isabel de; Oñate Carrillo, Mariana Isabel; Cárdenas Aroca, Jhorman Elí
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| · Dysfunctionalities of the Liberal Institutional Model: Juristocracy and Backlash Britto, Melina Carla de Souza; Barbosa, Claudia Maria
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| · Determinants of the Appointments to Mexico' Supreme Court of Justice, 1995-2021 Díaz Domínguez, Alejandro; Saavedra Herrera, Camilo
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| · The Exposed Social State of Law: Fiscal Sustainability and the Judicial Regression of Social Rights in Colombia Duarte Martínez, Carlos Arturo
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| · Critical Analysis of STC 172/2020 (Plenary) Regarding Constitutionality from the Article 20.2b of the Citizen Security Law Guillén Pérez, Valentín
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| · Free Speech and the Secular Reasoning: Some Thoughts a Brazilian Judicial Case Maia Veríssimo, Vitor; Campos Galuppo, Marcelo
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| · Parameter of Constitutional Regularity: 10 Years after the Constitutional Reform on Human Rights. Theoretical Implications and Practical Limitations Mata Miranda, Armando Ramón
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| · Right to Education in Brazil: Multilevel Dialogue and its Internal Threatens Santano, Ana Claudia
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| · Indigenous Justice as a Resignifier of Human Rights in the Mexican Criminal Justice System Vivar Vera, Juliana
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| · Law and Democracy in the Periphery of Modern Society. Structures, Semantics and Expectations Zamorano Farías, Raúl
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Jurisprudence comments |
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| · Commentary on the Judgment of the Supreme Court of Justice of Mexico that Recognizes the Alleged Right to Interrupt Pregnancy Adame Goddard, Jorge
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| · A Woman's & Pregnant Person 's Right to Choose Bonilla García, Jazmín
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| · The Weighing of Rights of Robert Alexy in a Judicial Decision of the Highest Court in Mexico Rodríguez Santibáñez, Iliana; Álvarez Bautista, Priscila
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Legislative comments |
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| · Constitutional Notes on Mexico 's Time Zone Law Batista Jiménez, Fernando; Hernández Bernal, Gunther
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| · The Transfer of Powers to the Secretary of National Defense for the Operational and Administrative Control of the National Guard. An Analysis from the Constitutional Design of the Civil Character of the Institution Otero Varela, Juan Manuel
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Book reviews |
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| · Ortega Velázquez, Elisa (2022). El asilo como derecho en disputa en México: la raza y la clase como dispositivos de exclusión. México: UNAM, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas. 272 pp. Morales Vega, Luisa Gabriela
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| · Bogdandy, A. von et al. (eds.) (2022). lus commune en migración y constitucionalismo transformador en Colombia. Un enfoque de derechos para la movilidad humana. México: Instituto de Estudios Constitucionales del Estado de Querétaro. 2022. 470 pp. Ruiz Ramos, Juan
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| · Ríos Vega, L. y Spigno, I. (dirs.); Esquivel Alonso, Y. (coord.) (2021). La paridad de género en la justicia electoral mexicana: el modelo Coahuila. T. IV: Los derechos civiles y políticos, estudios de casos líderes nacionales y locales. Vol. XXIV. México: Academia Interamericana de Derechos Humanos-Tirant lo Blanch. 303 pp. Los derechos fundamentales del siglo XXI. Salinas Cerrillo, Adriana Beatriz
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