Doctrinal articles |
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| · Solve et repete vs judicial guardianship in Cuba: outstanding issue in the constitucional procedural law Bencomo Fariñas, Yaneisi
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| · The mining industry in México: the dispossession of the nation Cárdenas, Jaime
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| · Membership as a guaranty of independence of the legal profession: the mandatory membership of lawyering in México Cruz Barney, Óscar
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| · Dialogue between states and municipalities: a principle of constitutional law García Sarubbi, David
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| · Gender quota vs. majority rule: the constitutional debate Ibarra Cárdenas, Jesús
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| · Ideas of liberty and models of constitutional rights: An approach Mora Sifuentes, Francisco M.
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| · The 3rd constitutional article: a debate for the control of the consciences Soto Flores, Armando
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Jurisprudence comments |
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| · Recent Developments in Kiobel vs. Royal Dutch Petroleum: an Important Human Rights Forum in Peril? Cantú Rivera, Humberto Fernando
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| · Las deficiencias del Tribunal Electoral en la resolución SUP-JIN 359/2012 Cárdenas, Jaime
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| · Crónica jurisprudencial 2010 Corzo Sosa, Edgar
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Legislative comments |
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| · Facultad legislativa del Congreso de la Unión respecto de la trata de personas Uribe Olvera, Mario
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Book reviews |
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| · Algunas reflexiones sobre el valor de la jurisprudencia como fuente creadora de derecho Bernal Cano, Natalia
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| · El pensamiento constitucional en la Independencia Collí Ek, Víctor Manuel
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| · Los datos personales en México: Perspectivas y retos de su manejo en posesión de particulares González Rincón, Ana Cristina
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