Editorial |
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| · Presentación Garrocho, Carlos
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Articles |
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| · Local government institutional capacities in the design and management of housing policies Gargantini, Daniela Mariana; Pedrotti, Carolina Inés
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| · Municipal fiscal performance of the State of Sinaloa: Proposal of synthetic index for fiscal evaluations Madrigal-Delgado, Guadalupe de Jesús; Camacho-Castro, Carmen; González-Franco, Rubén Antonio; Bueno-Cevada, Luis Enrique
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| · Value capture, regularization of buildings, and tourist agglomerations in Guadalajara Verduzco-Chávez, Basilio; Basilia-Valenzuela, María
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| · Contingent valuation of Tia Nair Park (Brazil): Comparison of open-ended and bidding-game techniques Loeblein, Fabiana; Teixeira, Maria Daniele de Jesus
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| · The intricate process of labor reinsertion of returning migrants in the globalized periphery Corona-Jiménez, Miguel Ángel
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| · Analysis of hunger in the state of Zacatecas under the model of ordinary least squares Valentin-Mballa, Louis; Sauceda-Quintero, Arely Yesenia
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| · Determinants of criminality in the southeastern region of Brazil: A space panel application Anjos-Júnior, Otoniel Rodrigues Dos; Lombardi-Filho, Stélio Coêlho; Amaral, Pedro Vasconcelos-Maia Do
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| · Measuring the efficiency of innovation 2013-2016 through Dynamic Network DEA Zamora Torres, América Ivonne; Favila Tello, Antonio
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| · Analysis and evaluation of clusters in Portugal recognized by NSRF Ferreira, Carla Alexandra Antunes; Natário, Maria Manuela Santos; Braga, Ascensão Maria Martins
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Reviews |
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| · Global financialization of housing: profit and social displacement Delgadillo Polanco, Víctor Manuel
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| · Social policy, inequality and poverty, the case of Mexico Sánchez-Juárez, Isaac
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