| Table of contents Bol. Soc. Geol. Mex vol.67 n.2 Ciudad de México Aug. 2015 Geología del Valle de México Escolero, Óscar A.; Morales-Casique, Eric; Arce, José L.
| | | Articles | | | | · Geology and stratigraphy in the San Lorenzo Tezonco deep well and its vicinities, southern Mexico basin Arce, José Luis; Layer, Paul; Martínez, Isela; Salinas, José Iván; Macías-Romo, María del Consuelo; Morales-Casique, Eric; Benowitz, Jeff; Escolero, Oscar; Lenhardt, Nils
| | | | · Challenges and oportunities for the optimization and environmental management of the former lake of Texcoco Jazcilevich Diamant, Arón; Siebe, Christina; Estrada, Claudio; Aguillón, Javier; Rojas, Alberto; Chávez García, Elizabeth; Sheinbaum Pardo, Claudia
| | | | · Assessment of the fluvial erosive system in the Popocatépetl volcano (Mexico) by means of morphometric analysis Castillo, Miguel; Muñoz-Salinas, Esperanza; Arce, José Luis
| | | | · History of the depositional evolution of the Chalco lake, Mexico, since MIS 3 Ortega Guerrero, Beatriz; Lozano García, Ma. Socorro; Caballero, Margarita; Herrera Hernández, Dimitris A.
| | | | · Estimation of parameters using inversion and analysis of linear and no-linear hydraulic losses during the development and step-drawdown testing of the San Lorenzo Tezonco well Morales-Casique, Eric; Escolero, Oscar A.; Arce, José L.
| | | | · Estimation of the termal response of the Mexico Valley lacustrine basin in the 16th century: A numerical experiment Ruiz-Angulo, Angel; López-Espinoza, Erika Danaé
| | | | · Natural heritage of the Pedregal de San Ángel Ecological Reserve and neighboring areas: Sites of geological and geomorphological interest in southern Mexico basin Palacio Prieto, José Luis; Guilbaud, Marie-Noëlle
| | | | · Palynologic analysis of the Cenozoic in the Mexico basin: Pollen record of the Texcoco-I and San Lorenzo Tezonco wells Lozano-García, Socorro; Sosa-Nájera, Susana
| | | | · Influence of paleosoils in modern exogenous processes in the northeastern Mexico basin Solleiro-Rebolledo, Elizabeth; Sedov, Sergey; Sycheva, Svetlana; Sánchez Pérez, Serafín; Pustovoitov, Konstantin; Sauer, Daniela
| | | | · Relation between terrane subsidence InSAR-GPS and depression of the static level in Wells of the Mexico City metropolitan area Solano-Rojas, Darío; Cabral-Cano, Enrique; Hernández-Espriú, Antonio; Wdowinski, Shimon; DeMets, Charles; Salazar-Tlaczani, Luis; Falorni, Giacomo; Bohane, Adrian
| | | | · Review of the last Cenozoic magmatic events in the north-central part of the Sierra Madre del Sur and their posible connection with the deep stratum in the Mexico basin González Torres, Enrique Alejandro; Morán Zenteno, Dante J.; Mori, Laura; Martiny, Barbara M.
| | | | · Determination of hydrogeochemical processes associated with the composition of water from supply wells for the inhabitants of the Iztapalapa District, D.F., Mexico Domínguez Mariani, Eloísa; Vargas Cabrera, Carlos; Martínez Mijangos, Fredy; Gómez Reyes, Eugenio; Monroy Hermosillo, Oscar
| | | | · The Aztlán Fault System: control on the emplacement of the Chichinautzin Range volcanism, southern Mexico Basin, Mexico. Seismic and gravity characterization Campos-Enríquez, José Oscar; Lermo-Samaniego, Javier Francisco; Antayhua-Vera, Yanet Teresa; Chavacán, Marcos; Ramón-Márquez, Victor-Manuel
| | | Regular articles | | | | · Description of mastodons (Mammut americanum) from the late Pleistocene of southeastern Hidalgo, central Mexico Bravo-Cuevas, Victor M.; Morales-García, Nuria M.; Cabral-Perdomo, Miguel A.
| | | Short notes | | | | · Geochronology of Mexican mineral deposits: II: Veta Madre and Sierra epithermal vein systems, Guanajuato district Martínez-Reyes, Juan José; Camprubí, Antoni; Uysal, I. Tonguç; Iriondo, Alexander; González-Partida, Eduardo
| | | | · Geochronology of Mexican mineral deposits: III: the Taxco epithermal deposits, Guerrero Farfán-Panamá, José L.; Camprubí, Antoni; González-Partida, Eduardo; Iriondo, Alexander; Gonzalez-Torres, Enrique
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