| Table of contents Rev. mex. cienc. geol vol.25 n.1 Ciudad de México Jan. 2008 Geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic characterization of the Miocene volcanic events in the Sierra Madre del Sur, central and southeastern Oaxaca, Mexico Martínez-Serrano, Raymundo G.; Solís-Pichardo, Gabriela; Flores-Márquez, E. Leticia; Macías-Romo, Consuelo; Delgado-Durán, Jaime
| | Magnetic mineralogy as drought indicator in lacustrine sediments of the last ca. 2,600 years, Santa María del Oro, western Mexico Vázquez-Castro, Gabriel; Ortega-Guerrero, Beatriz; Rodríguez, Alejandro; Caballero, Margarita; Lozano-García, Socorro
| | Transitional adakite-like to calc-alkaline magmas in a continental extensional setting at La Paz Au-Cu skarn deposits, Mesa Central, Mexico: metallogenic implications Pinto-Linares, Porfirio J.; Levresse, Gilles; Tritlla, Jordi; Valencia, Víctor A.; Torres-Aguilera, José M.; González, Manuel; Estrada, David
| | Deformation, veins, fluid inclusions and the tectonic evolution of the Valle de Bravo Cretaceous rocks, Estado de Mexico, Mexico Fitz-Díaz, Elisa; Tolsón, Gustavo; Camprubí, Antoni; Rubio-Ramos, Marco A.; Prol-Ledesma, Rosa María
| | Critical values for 33 discordancy test variants for outliers in normal samples up to sizes 1000, and applications in quality control in Earth Sciences Verma, Surendra P.; Quiroz-Ruiz, Alfredo; Díaz-González, Lorena
| | Comparative granulometric study of epiclastic deposits in volcanic environments Carreras-Soriano, Lia Ma.; Capra-Pedol, Lucia
| | Reconstruction of the eruptive event associated to the emplacement of the 13 ka El Refugio pyroclastic flow, Nevado de Toluca volcano (Mexico) D'Antonio, Marco; Capra, Lucia; Sarocchi, Damiano; Bellotti, Fernando
| | Spectroscopic, chemical and morphological characterization and superficial properties of a Mexican montmorillonite Vargas-Rodríguez, Yolanda Marina; Gómez-Vidales, Virginia; Vázquez-Labastida, Eloy; García-Bórquez, Arturo; Aguilar-Sahagún, Guillermo; Murrieta-Sánchez, Héctor; Salmón, Manuel
| | Lower Aptian (Lower Cretaceous) ammonites from the basal strata of the La Peña Formation of Nuevo León State, northeast Mexico: biochronostratigraphic implications Barragán, Ricardo; Maurrasse, Florentin J-M. R.
| | Morphostructural arrangement of the Sierra de las Cruces, central México García-Palomo, Armando; Zamorano, José Juan; López-Miguel, Celia; Galván-García, Adriana; Carlos-Valerio, Víctor; Ortega, Roberto; Macías, José Luis
| | Structural configuration of the Teras fault (southern Basin and Range Province) and its rupture in the 3 May 1887 Mw 7.5 Sonora, Mexico earthquake Suter, Max
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