Articles |
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| · An Eliasian interpretation of the financial crisis Ampudia de Haro, Fernando
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| · Particularistic expenditure on local public goods: an index of deviation Armesto, María Alejandra
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| · Mexico: criminal violence and "war on drug trafficking" Pereyra, Guillermo
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| · The reconstruction of Mexico in the 21st century and pathways to change in Latin America Zermeño, Sergio
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| · Controversia and La Ciudad Futura: democracy and socialism under debate Reano, Ariana
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Reviews |
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| · Ageing Horizons. Ageing in Latin America, the Caribbean and the Iberian Peninsula Vázquez Palacios, Felipe R.
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| · Batallas por la memoria. Los usos políticos del pasado reciente en Uruguay Rabotnikof, Nora
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| · Crisis, rentismo e intervencionismo neoliberal en la banca: México 1982- 1999 Valverde Viesca, Karla
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