Articles |
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| · Looking for el Pozolero's Traces: Identity and Liminal Condition in the War on Drug's Disappearances Robledo Silvestre, Carolina
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| · The Education doesn't Cross the Border: Students of UABC Tijuana, and their Academic Relationship with California Universities Rocha Romero, David; Ocegueda Hernández, Marco Tulio
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| · The Impact of U. S. State-Level Immigration Reform on Undocumented Mexican Migrants: The Loss of Access to Driver's Licenses in Oregon King, Mary C.; López Salinas, Anabel; Corbett, John G.; Reyes Morales, Rafael; Gijón Cruz, Alicia Sylvia; Williams, Kim M.
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| · Stewardship in a Neighborhood of the City of Oaxaca Montes García, Olga; Montes García, Néstor
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| · Road Transport Infrastructure and Manufacturing Location: An Empirical Evidence and Comparative Study between Tijuana and Nuevo Laredo, Mexico Obregón-Biosca, Saúl; Chávez-Usla, José Manuel; Betanzo-Quezada, Eduardo
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| · On the Path to Cerro Gordo, and Tepehuan Ritual Offerings in the Highest Mountains of the Community of San Bernardino de Milpillas Cramaussel, Chantal
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| · Mortality by Excessive Natural Heat in Northwest Mexico: Social Conditions Associated with this Cause of Death Díaz Caravantes, Rolando Enrique; Castro Luque, Ana Lucía; Aranda Gallegos, Patricia
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| · The Wine Clusters of Mendoza and Serra Gaúcha: A Local Development Perspective Alderete, María Verónica
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Essay |
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| · Edge Anthropology and Transamerican Cuba: Fernando Ortiz's Contributions to Latin American Thought Molinari, Claudia; Enríquez, Mariana
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Book reviews |
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| · Run for the Border: Vice and Virtue in U.S.-Mexico Border Crossings Oliveras González, Xavier
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| · La condition cosmopolite: L'anthropologie à l'épreuve du piège identitaire Calderón Bony, Frida
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| · The Ópatas: In Search of a Sonoran People Enríquez Licón, Dora Elvia
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