| Table of contents Act. Bot. Mex n.128 Pátzcuaro 2021 Research articles | | | | · Identity and distribution of Bouteloua reederorum (Poaceae: Chloridoideae), a species endemic to Mexico Sandoval-Ortega, Manuel Higinio; Siqueiros-Delgado, María Elena; Cerros-Tlatilpa, Rosa; Pérez-Molphe Balch, Eugenio
| | | | · Phenology of the threatened species Leptocereus scopulophilus (Cactaceae) in a semi-deciduous forest of western Cuba Toledo, Sandy; Barrios, Duniel; García-Beltrán, José Angel; González-Torres, Luis Roberto
| | | | · Floristic composition of disturbed tropical montane cloud forest and its ecotones in the National Park Cañón del Río Blanco, Veracruz, Mexico Vargas-Rueda, Abel Felipe; Rivera-Hernández, Jaime Ernesto; Álvarez-Aquino, Claudia; Salas-Morales, Silvia H.; Alcántara-Salinas, Graciela; Pérez-Sato, J. Antonio
| | | | · Comparative availability of edible mushrooms in the highlands and lowlands of Chiapas, Mexico, and its implications in traditional management strategies Ruan-Soto, Felipe; Cifuentes, Joaquín; Garibay-Orijel, Roberto; Caballero, Javier
| | | | · Amaranth: distribution and morphological diversity of the genetic resource in parts of the Mayan region (southeast of Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras) Aguilera-Cauich, Erick A.; Solís-Fernández, Karen Z.; Ibarra-Morales, Ariadna; Cifuentes-Velásquez, Rolando; Sánchez-del Pino, Ivonne
| | | | · Novelties in Costa Rican aroids (Araceae) with nomenclatural notes Ortiz, Orlando O.; Cedeño-Fonseca, Marco; Jiménez, José Esteban; Hidalgo-Mora, Jairo E.; López-Mora, Marco; Baldini, Riccardo M.
| | | | · Cookeina colombiana (Sarcoscyphaceae, Ascomycota) a new species from the department Córdoba, Colombia Raymundo, Tania; Montes-Fuentes, Gabriel; Valenzuela, Ricardo
| | | | · Threatened and endemic flora and mycobiota in the municipality San Sebastián del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico Hernández-López, Leticia; Rodríguez Alcántar, Olivia; Figueroa-García, Darío; Reynoso Dueñas, Jesús Jacqueline; Arias, Armando
| | | | · Bark development: Comparative study of two Ceiba (Malvaceae) species Guía-Ramírez, Sandra; Terrazas, Teresa; Aguilar-Rodríguez, Silvia; Yáñez-Espinosa, Laura; Tejero-Díez, José Daniel
| | | | · Variation in the Abies religiosa (Pinaceae) forest structure, at different management and disturbance conditions Hernández-Álvarez, Adriana Gisela; Reyes-Ortiz, José Luis; Villanueva-Díaz, José; Sánchez-González, Arturo
| | | | · First record of Clavulina fuscolilacina (Cantharellales, Basidiomycota) for Mexico Uitzil-Colli, Michael Oswaldo; Arana Yepez, Benni Josue; Fuente, Javier Isaac de la
| | | | · Fungi associated with the red mangrove Rhizophora mangle (Rhizophoraceae) in Cozumel Island Biosphere Reserve, Quintana Roo, Mexico García-Martínez, Yenitze A.; Heredia Abarca, Gabriela; Guzmán-Guillermo, Jorge; Valenzuela, Ricardo; Raymundo, Tania
| | | | · Seta length variation and the refutation of Hedwigidium=Braunia (Hedwigiaceae, Bryopsida) Luna, Efraín De
| | | | · Phylogeny of Lysiloma (Fabaceae), a genus restricted to Megamexico with outliers in the West Indies and Florida Duno de Stefano, Rodrigo; Tun Tun, Christian; López Contreras, José Enrique; Carnevali Fernández-Concha, German; Leopardi Verde, Carlos Luis; Ramírez-Prado, Jorge Humberto; Can Itza, Lilia Lorena; Tamayo Cen, Ivan
| | | | · Wild bees as floral visitors to Salvia assurgens (Lamiaceae): a contribution to the pollination ecology of a white-flowered endemic Mexican sage Cultid-Medina, Carlos A.; González-Vanegas, Paola A.; Bedolla-García, Brenda Y.
| | | | · Checklist and plant communities of Cerro Giubldan, San Bartolomé Quialana, Oaxaca, Mexico Aragón-Parada, Juvenal; García-Mendoza, Abisaí Josué; González-Adame, Gabriel
| | | | · Classifications and perceptions associated with knowledge of the firewood used in a rural community of Dry Chaco (Catamarca, Argentina) Jiménez-Escobar, N. David
| | | | · In vitro development of the Mexican endemic twig epiphyte Erycina hyalinobulbon (Orchidaceae) to promote its conservation Gutiérrez Zavala, José Tonatiuh; Ávila Díaz, Irene; Magaña Lemus, Rosa Elia
| | | | · The role of the Francisco Javier Clavijero Botanic Garden (Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico) in the conservation of the Mexican flora Díaz-Toribio, Milton H.; Luna, Victor; Vovides, Andrew P.
| | | | · Ionomidotis mesophilus (Ascomycota, Cordieritidaceae), a new species from tropical cloud forest in Mexico Sánchez Flores, Marcos; Martínez-Pineda, Michelle; Raymundo, Tania
| | | | · Flora of the tropical deciduous forest in a gypseous and calcareous area, Colima, Mexico Harker, Mollie; Hernández-López, Leticia; Muñiz-Castro, Miguel Ángel
| | | | · Anatomy of the sporophyte of Anemia phyllitidis var. phyllitidis (Anemiaceae) from a riparian forest (Tucumán, Argentina) Romagnoli, María G.; Hernández, Marcela A.; Albornoz, Patricia L.
| | | | · Second described species of the genus Euacanthe (Scortechiniaceae, Coronophorales), of urban and peri-urban green areas of Xalapa, Mexico Chacón Zapata, Santiago; González, Dolores
| | | | · Taxonomic review of the genus Meriania (Melastomataceae) in Colombia Mendoza-Cifuentes, Humberto
| | | | · Genetical and physicochemical diversity among twelve Brazilian cultivars of cashew (Anacardium occidentale) Lemos, Moaciria de Souza; Bordallo, Patricia do Nascimento; Vidal Neto, Francisco das Chagas; Lima, Eveline Nogueira; Holanda, Ioná Santos Araújo
| | | | · The lichenized fungi of the genus Glyphis in Veracruz, Mexico Guzmán-Guillermo, Jorge; Barrera Bernal, Clementina; Llarena-Hernández, Régulo C.
| | | | · Diversity of vascular epiphytes in remnant trees of the genus Ficus (Moraceae) in silvopastoral systems of southeastern Mexico Trejo-Cruz, Iray Atziri; Martínez-Camilo, Rubén; Martínez-Meléndez, Nayely; Jiménez-López, Derio Antonio
| | | | · Ascomicetes of the Cozumel Island Biosphere Reserve, Mexico Raymundo, Tania; Martínez-Pineda, Michelle; Reyes, Pamela E.; Cobos-Villagrán, Aurora; García-Martínez, Yenitze A.; Tun, Adrián A.; Valenzuela, Ricardo
| | | | · Biological variation in climbing aroids Bautista-Bello, Alma P.; Krömer, Thorsten; Acebey, Amparo R.; Weichgrebe, Letizia; Zotz, Gerhard
| | | | · Fuscoporia valenzuelae (Hymenochaetaceae, Basidiomycota), a new species from the tropical dry forest in Mexico Raymundo, Tania
| | | | · Notes on the marine algae of the International Biosphere Reserve Seaflower, Caribbean Colombia VIII: new records of red algae (Rhodophyta) from San Andres, Old Providence, and Saint Cataline, Colombia Reyes-Gómez, Viviana Patricia; Velasquez Pomar, Hernán; Gavio, Brigitte
| | | | · Coulteria delgadoana (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae), a new species from the Western Río Balsas Depression, Mexico Sotuyo, Solange; Contreras-Jiménez, José Luis
| | | | · Floristic inventory of vascular plants in fragments of tropical dry forest in the department Magdalena, Colombia Herazo Vitola, Fran; Carrascal Prasca, Dairo; Herrera Castillo, Maziel; Valencia-Cuéllar, Dayana Sofía
| | | | · Composition, diversity and structure of woody species in temperate forests of Monte Grande, Sierra Fría, Aguascalientes, Mexico Martínez-Calderón, Víctor Manuel; Sosa-Ramírez, Joaquín; Siqueiros-Delgado, María Elena; Díaz-Núñez, Vicente
| | | | · Genetic diversity in Pinus remota (Pinaceae) populations of Northeast Mexico: evidences of historical demographic contraction González Jiménez, Aridahí; Delgado Valerio, Patricia; Molina Sánchez, Agustín; Flores López, Celestino; Vargas Gutierrez, Juan Pablo; García Magaña, J. Jesús
| | | | · Melanogaster coccolobae sp. nov. (Paxillaceae, Boletales), a tropical hypogeous fungus from the urban areas of Quintana Roo, Mexico Fuente, Javier Isaac de la; Martínez-González, César Ramiro; Oros-Ortega, Iván; Guevara, Gonzalo; Bandala, Víctor M.; Córdova-Lara, Iván; Vela-Hernández, Reyna Yazuly; López, Caribell Yuridia; García Jiménez, Jesús
| | | | · Wood anatomy of Forestiera (Oleaceae) species in Mexico Ruiz-Valencia, Jesús Alejandro; Vázquez-Sánchez, Monserrat; Burgos-Hernández, Mireya; Gutiérrez, Jorge; Terrazas, Teresa
| | | | · Functional traits of invasive species Thunbergia alata (Acanthaceae) and its importance in the adaptation to Andean forests Quijano-Abril, Mario Alberto; Castaño-López, María de los Ángeles; Marín-Henao, Daniela; Sánchez-Gómez, David; Rojas-Villa, José Miguel; Sierra-Escobar, Jorge
| | | | · Hymenochaete liliae (Agaricomycetes, Fungi), a new species from the state of Oaxaca, Mexico Contreras-Pacheco, Magdalena; Raymundo, Tania; Pacheco, Leticia; Bautista-Hernández, Silvia; Valenzuela, Ricardo
| | | | · Taxonomic treatment of the tribe Boldoeae (Nyctaginaceae) Hernández-Ledesma, Patricia
| | | | · Endosperm starch grains of Andropogon, Arthraxon hispidus, and Hyparrhenia rufa (Andropogoneae, Panicoideae, Poaceae) Sánchez-Ken, J. Gabriel
| | | | · A synopsis of Braunia (Hedwigiaceae, Bryopsida) in Mexico, with the lectotypification of Braunia andrieuxii Luna, Efraín De
| | | | · Wild populations of Agave angustifolia (Asparagaceae) from Sonora, Mexico: morphological variation and sugar content Fragoso-Gadea, Tania; Gutiérrez, Aldo; Coronado, Martha L.; Terrazas, Teresa; Ramos-Clamont, Gabriela; Vázquez-Moreno, Luz; Álvarez-Bajo, Osiris; Esqueda, Martín
| | | | · Echeandia cholulensis (Asparagaceae), a new species from central Mexico Rodríguez, Aarón; Ortiz-Brunel, Juan Pablo
| | | | · Quararibea calycoptera (Malvaceae), a new species from the Pacific wet forests of Ecuador and Colombia Fernández-Alonso, José Luis; Cornejo, Xavier
| | | | · Taxonomic update of the benthic marine brown algae (Phaeophyceae, Ochrophyta) from the Mexican Atlantic García-García, Annie May Ek; Cabrera-Becerril, Ernesto; Núñez-Resendiz, María Luisa; Dreckmann, Kurt M.; Sentíes, Abel
| | | | · Species richness of the vascular plants of the Bijagual high Andean forest, Colombia Gil-Leguizamón, Pablo Andrés; Morales-Puentes, María Eugenia; Carrillo-Fajardo, Merly Yenedith
| | | | · Geastrum chamelense (Geastraceae, Agaricomycetes), a new species with setose endoperidium from the tropical dry forest in Jalisco, Mexico Bautista-Hernández, Silvia; Raymundo, Tania; Aguirre-Acosta, Elvira; Martínez-González, César Ramiro; Valenzuela, Ricardo
| | | | · Mycorrhizas from the tropical dry forest and other fungal symbioses Álvarez-Manjarrez, Julieta; Solís Rodríguez, Abraham Ulises; Villarruel-Ordaz, José Luis; Ortega-Larrocea, María del Pilar; Garibay-Orijel, Roberto
| | | | · Taxonomic confirmation of Gelidium americanum (Gelidiaceae, Rhodophyta) in Tabasco, Mexico, using a morphological and molecular approach Quiroz-González, Nataly; Rivas Acuña, Ma. Guadalupe; Ponce Márquez, Ma. Edith
| | | | · Aristolochia quiricoana (Aristolochiaceae), a new species from southern Costa Rica Jiménez, José Esteban; Cedeño-Fonseca, Marco; Blanco, Mario A.
| | | | · Distribution patterns of the family Solieriaceae (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) in Mexico Hernández, Oscar. E.; Dreckmann, Kurt M.; Núñez Resendiz, María Luisa; Sentíes, Abel
| | | | · Floral resources used by the Honduran Emerald Hummingbird (Amazilia luciae) in the Agalta Valley, Honduras Ferrufino-Acosta, Lilian; Rodríguez-Vásquez, Fabiola; Cruz, Saby Y.; Mejía Ordóñez, Thelma; Argüijo Escoto, Dorian; Larkin, Jeffery L.
| | | | · Engellaria (Caryophyllaceae), a new North American genus segregated from Stellaria Iamonico, Duilio
| | | | · Genetic variation of four tropical tree species in the Selva El Ocote Biosphere Reserve, Chiapas, Mexico Ruiz-Montoyal, Lorena; López-López, María Zenaida; Lorenzo, Consuelo; García-Bautista, Maricela; Ramírez-Marcial, Neptalí
| | | | · The quiensabe, Hedeoma piperita (Lamiaceae), a species with cultural importance in the indigenous community of San Francisco Pichátaro, Michoacán, Mexico: bases for its conservation management Herrera-Arroyo, María Luisa; Rico, Yessica; Pascual-Cortes, Magdalena
| | | Scientific note | | | | · Phyllanthus fluitans (Phyllanthaceae): a new record of an aquatic plant for the flora of Panama Ibáñez, Alicia; Flores, Rodolfo
| | | | · First record of Mycoporum buckii (Dothideomycetes, Pleosporales) in Mexico García-Martínez, Yenitze A.; Heredia, Gabriela; Valenzuela, Ricardo; Raymundo, Tania
| | | | · Thirteen new weeds on Cedros Island, Baja California, Mexico Vanderplank, Sula E.; Rebman, Jon P.
| | | | · Bactrospora totonacae (Arthoniales, Ascomycota), a new species from Veracruz, Mexico Guzmán-Guillermo, Jorge; Sorcia-Navarrete, Paola L.; Llarena-Hernández, Régulo C.; Cárdenas-Mendoza, Kevin Dorian R.
| | | Book review | | | | · Reseña de libro/Book review “Atlas de las leguminosas arbóreas de México: clado mimosoide” Grether, Rosaura
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