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Articles |
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| · Seeing Water in Early Twentieth-Century Mexico City: Henry Wellge's Perspective Plan of the City and Valley of Mexico, D.F. 1906 Widdifield, Stacie G.; Banister, Jeffrey M.
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| · Learning to See: The Visual Autobiography of Otto Neurath Guzmán Verri, Valeria
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| · Weeping Temples of the North: Graffiti in the Mudéjar Tradition in Four Churches of the Northern Provinces of New Spain Hernández Soubervielle, José Armando
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| · Maruja Bardasano: Between Dance and Painting in Mexican Exile Murga Castro, Idoia
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Works, documents |
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| · The Project of a Viceroy's Palace for Mexico by the First American Architect to have Graduated in Spain Gutiérrez, Ramón
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| · "Divine trompe-l'œil": The Nazarene of the Hospital de Jesús in Pennsylvania Robin, Alena
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| · Iconographic Precursors of the Image of the Virgin of Guadalupe von Wobeser, Gisela
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Books |
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| · Raquel Tibol (1923-2015) del Conde, Teresa
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Books |
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| · Ministriles novohispanos: Obras del manuscrito 19 de la catedral de Puebla de los Ángeles Rincón, Jazmín
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| · Francisco López Capillas. Missa en Re Sol-Missa Aufer a nobis. Motetes Rincón, Jazmín; Lara Cárdenas, Juan Manuel
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