Articles |
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| · Breach of the promise contract despite the execution of the promised contract in Colombia? Baracaldo Chíquiza, Jorge Luis
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| · The political-philosophical foundations of Chilean immigration law and its impact on understanding the guarantee of equality Bassa Mercado, Jaime; González Pérez, Erick
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| · Surrogacy in Mexico: What are the problems in light of international standards on Human Rights? Bollinger Ríos, Victoria
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| · “Knock for knock” in charterparties: key elements and judicial construction under English and American law Castillo, Mariano
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| · Digital disconnection as a new human right. A comparative law and Mexico analysis Faz Garza, Oscar; Malagón Monroy, David Iván
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| · A restorative treatment for abortion in Chile González Ramírez, Isabel Ximena; Vargas Ugalde, Johanna Carla
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| · The phenomenon of agencification in the administration of the European Union Kühn Baca, Werner Miguel
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| · Damages derived from spousal infidelity. Analysis of the issue in the light of the right to free development of personality and the inobservance of marriage duties Medina Villanueva, Jorge Eduardo
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| · Mexican public security and its alternative in the non-state aspect of the lato sensu democratic trial Ordóñez, Joaquín
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| · The liberalization of the Spanish electricity market: intervening agents, distribution of competences and the special position of the regulator. Challenges facing as a result of the crisis caused by COVID-19 Pérez de Arévalo Trillo-Figueroa, Casto
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| · The legal entity of the “alternative conviction” (Wahlsfeststellung): an introductory study based on German doctrine Reyes Romero, Italo
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| · The interpretation in conformity with the Constitution in German Law Rojas Amandi, Víctor Manuel
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