Articles |
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| · Margin of Appreciation and Conventionality Control: a Possible Conciliation? Aguilar Cavallo, Gonzalo
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| · Mediation and Reparatory Agreements in the Metamorphosis of Criminal Justice of 21st Century Barona Vilar, Silvia
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| · Income Tax in Colombia: a View from Tax Expenditure Bolaños Bolaños, Lucía del Carmen
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| · Approach to the Importance of Preclusion in the Chilean Justice of Family. A Contribution to an Empirical Analysis Carretta Muñoz, Francesco
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| · Fundamental Rights Seen as State Responsibilities Garrido Gómez, M. Isabel
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| · Binding Case Law and Principle of Legality in Mexico: a Complex Relationship Gómora Juárez, Sandra
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| · Transparency as an Assumption in the Combat Against Corruption in Public Biddings in Brazil Godoi, Carlos Eduardo Gonçalves de
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| · Dogmatic Problems Regarding the Application of Article 20.2.B of the Organic Law 4/2015, Dated March 30th, of Public Security Protection: Special Consideration When it Involves Intimate Parts. Possible Solutions According to Case-Law Doctrine Guillén Pérez, Valentín
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| · Effectiveness of the Amparo Action in Environmental Matter from its Inclusion in the National Argentine Constitution Mantecón, Cecilia Lucía
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| · Rethinking the Universality and Neutrality of Peng Chun Chang in The Drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Conversation with the Contributions of Charles Malik Pallares-Yabur, Pedro
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| · Advantages of Mediation in the Health Field and its Extension to other Topics Riveros Ferrada, Carolina; Villarroel Toro, Gabriela; Olivares Ramírez, Maximiliano
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| · The Crime of Migrant Smuggling. A Comparative Analysis of the Spanish and Chilean Criminal Offenses Salinero Echeverría, Sebastián
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| · Criminal populism in Colombia: Proposal for an unfinished discussion Sarmiento E., Juan Pablo; Bula, Enith Carolina; Mariño M., Carolina
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Legislative studies |
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| · Consideraciones en torno a la impugnación de los actos administrativos desde una perspectiva constitucional en Cuba Cabrera Guerra, Lainiep Irina; Infante Bazán, Eliannys Bárbara
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| · Responsabilidad penal de las auditoras certificadoras de modelos de prevención en Chile Cándano Pérez, Mabel
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| · Ensaio crítico sobre os meios alternativos de resolução de conflitos Facchini Neto, Eugênio
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| · Cinco años de la Reforma Constitucional en materia energética, en camino a un manejo eficiente del gas natural asociado a la extracción de hidrocarburos Franco Hernández, Gaspar; Velázquez Paredes, Samuel Isaí
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| · Mujer migrante: estudio convencional del marco de derechos humanos. Una aproximación al tema Pérez Contreras, María de Montserrat
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| · Comentario legislativo al decreto por el que se dejan sin efectos los programas de condonación de deudas fiscales Santos Flores, Israel
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Bibliography |
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| · Vilar González, Silvia. 2018. La gestación subrogada en España y en el derecho comparado Atienza Macías, Elena
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| · Del Granado, Juan Javier. 2018. De iure civile in artem redigendo. Nuevo proyecto de recodificación del derecho privado para el siglo XXI en Latinoamérica y el Caribe (desde el análisis económico del derecho) Heredia Vázquez, Horacio
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| · Telles De Miranda, Adriana Augusta. 2016. Adoção de embriões excedentários à luz do direito brasileiro Vasconcelos, Adaylson Wagner Sousa de
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