Articles |
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| · The Design of the Institutional Model of the General Attorney of the Republic in the Efficiency of the Environmental Denunciation Peralta Escobar, Laila Alicia; Gutiérrez Garza, Esthela; Carmona Lara, María del Carmen
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| · The Regional Implications of the Constitutional Reform of Hydrocarbons in the Enjoyment and Exercise of the Fundamental Right to a Healthy Environment García Rivera, Enoc Alejandro
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| · The municipal development planning in Mexico and the citizen participation. A legal framework analysis Gómez MacFarland, Carla Angélica
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| · Geographical indications in the Free Trade Agreement Colombia-United States: from the harmonization of WTO international policies to the FTAs Llain Arenilla, Shirley
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| · Constitutional rights influence in legal system: his objective dimensión Mora Sifuentes, Francisco M.
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| · The responsibility of social networks: the case of Ashley Madison Platero Alcón, Alejandro
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| · Proposed model for tax juridical ordering improvement Polo Maceira, Elena; Rizo Pérez, Nilda Haydeé
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| · The ages of mexican constitutionalism and the role of Constitutional reforms Raigosa, Luis
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| · New rules concerning information and proof of foreign law in the Spanish Private International Law system Ybarra Bores, Alfonso; Rodríguez Benot, Andrés
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Legislative studies |
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| · Inconveniencia legal de la iniciativa denominada “Ley General de Aguas” Serrano Ceballos, Jorge; Avendaño González, Luis Eusebio Alberto; Nettel Barrera, Alina del Carmen
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| · Afectación a la propiedad social ante la reforma energética: análisis a la luz de la Ley de Hidrocarburos y la Ley de la Industria Eléctrica Reyes Monsiváis, Jesús Demetrio; Herrera Izaguirre, Juan Antonio; Cruz Rodríguez, Daniel; Ramírez Erazo, Abril Alejandra
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Bibliography |
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| · Strong, S. I. et al., Comparative Law for Spanish-English Speaking Lawyers. Legal Cultures, Legal Terms and Legal Practices. Derecho comparado para abogados anglo- e hispanoparlantes. Culturas jurídicas, términos jurídicos y prácticas jurídicas Albornoz, María Mercedes
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| · Peñaloza, Pedro José et al., Múltiples miradas de la criminalidad García Ramírez, Sergio
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| · Rifkin, Jeremy, La Tercera Revolución Industrial Lastra Lastra, José Manuel
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| · Morales Ramírez, María Ascensión, Mecanismo de transición escuela-trabajo. Hacia la empleabilidad Rueda Rodríguez, Alma Elena
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