Articles |
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| · Agreements in German Criminal Procedure: Description of the Plea-Bargaining Triumph from Informality to Legal Regulation Gomes de Vasconcellos, Vinicius; Moeller, Uriel
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| · Reception in the Mexican Legal Practice of the ad hoc Arbitration Tribunals’ Awards Pursuant NAFTA, Article 1904 (Second Part) Landeros, Cecilia
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| · An approach to harassment in the workplace from a comparative perspective Morales Ramírez, María Ascensión
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| · The Paris Agreement. The predominance of Soft Law in the Climate Regime Nava Escudero, César
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| · Academic Work Quoted in Constitutional Courts Cases. A Especial Analysis of Those Quoted in Unconstitutional Claims by the Mexican Supreme Court of Justice Pegoraro, Lucio; Figueroa Mejía, Giovanni A.
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| · From Kelsen to the Contradicción De Tesis 293/2011: Normative Conflicts between Formal Hierarchies And Decisionism Puppo, Alberto
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| · Rogatory Letter Border. Some Experiences in the Border Area Juarez City-El Paso Silva Silva, Jorge Alberto
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| · Judicial Injunctions and the New Role of Judges in the Formulation of Public Policies Thury Cornejo, Valentín
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| · Comparative Analysis of the Regulation in Nanotechnology in the United States and the European Union Vidal Correa, Laura Elena
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| · The Relationship between the Policy System and Law System in Mexico Zamorano Farías, Raúl
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Legislative studies |
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| · A nova legislação portuária brasileira e a responsabilidade civil do operador portuário: a jurisprudência estadual do Paraná Glitz, Frederico E. Z.
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| · La protección de la biodiversidad en el derecho ambiental mexicano: un análisis de la legislación desde el enfoque de especies amenazadas y su hábitat crítico Olivo Escudero, Juan Carlos
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Bibliography |
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| · Díaz de León, Marco Antonio, Código Penal Federal con notas y jurisprudencia García Ramírez, Sergio
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| · González Oropeza, Manuel et al., La evolución de la participación política de las mujeres en México y sus entidades federativas Piedras Encino, David
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| · Guerrero Rodríguez, Marcelo, La transferencia de la facultad de investigación de la SCJN a la CNDH. Retroceso constitucional Gómez Marinero, Carlos Martín
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| · López López, Julia, La extinción del contrato como última ratio: los mecanismos de protección del contrato de trabajo Lastra Lastra, José Manuel
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| · Moreno Hernández, Moisés y Ontiveros Alonso, Miguel (coords.), Comentarios al Código Nacional de Procedimientos Penales García Ramírez, Sergio
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