Articles |
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| · The Tendency to Favor the Development of International Commercial Arbitration by Weakening Internationally Mandatory Rules Albornoz, María Mercedes
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| · The Sources of Legal Knowledge Álvarez González, Rosa María
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| · Idea, Validation and Criticism of the Principle of Balancing Cárdenas Gracia, Jaime
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| · Bank Guarantees in the International Trade Fernández Masiá, Enrique
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| · Justice and Contexts: Reflections on the Work of Justice from a Humanistic and Genre Perspective Pérez Duarte y Noroña, Alicia Elena
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| · Constitution of the Electoral Authorities: a Jurisdictional (Re)Construction of a Right by the TEPJF Salmorán Villar, María de Guadalupe
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| · The Evolution of Crime Against Humanity in of International Criminal Law Servín Rodríguez, Christopher Alexis
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| · Jurisprudence in Cuba: Recognition Within the Sources of Law and Possible Consequences Bruzón Viltres, Carlos Justo; Tamayo Blanco, Iraida R.
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Legislative studies |
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| · El Tribunal Constitucional Plurinacional de Bolivia: Cómo se distribuye el poder institucional Cortez Salinas, Josafat
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| · La unificación legislativa en el enjuiciamiento y la ejecución penal: la reforma constitucional de 2013. Concentración y dispersión García Ramírez, Sergio
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| · El concepto de "autoridad responsable" en la nueva Ley de Amparo Sánchez Gil, Rubén
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| · El (inexistente) derecho humano más humano que otro Labardini, Rodrigo
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Bibliography |
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| · Derechos humanos de los indocumentados Castro Villalobos, José Humberto
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| · La enseñanza del derecho como forma de acción política Hornero Méndez, César
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Information |
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| · Francisco Javier Gaxiola Ochoa y el Ilustre y Nacional Colegio de Abogados de México Cruz Barney, Óscar
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