Articles |
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| · Surrogate Motherhood: a Comparison between Italy and Mexico Baffone, Cristiana
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| · Barbarity: Literature and Moral Philosophy Bueno, Roberto
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| · Legal Education, Research and lntelligents Human Rights González Galván, Jorge Alberto
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| · Legal Proceedings for Payment of Obligations Imposed on Monetary Decisions on Colombian State about Human Rights and International Human Law Olano García, Hernán Alejandro
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| · The Jurisdictional Treatment of Communicative Freedoms in the Information Society in Brazil Oro Boff, Salete; Dias, Felipe Da Veiga
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| · Constitutionalized Law in Mexico Ortega García, Ramón
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| · Mediation and Voluntary Jurisdiction under the Modernization of Justice: An Approach to the Spanish Legislation Pérez Fuentes, Gisela María; Cobas Cobiella, María Elena
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| · The Sovereign Debt Crisis and the Reform of Article 135 of the Spanish Constitution Sánchez Barrilao, Juan Francisco
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| · The Submission of the Public Power to the Law in the Civil law and The Common Law Traditions: Rechtsstaat and Rule of Law. Can Be Extrapolated to the International Level? Villegas Delgado, César
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Legislative studies |
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| · Ley de Migración: reforma a cuentagotas Perales Garza, Claudia Yadira
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| · Comentario a la propuesta de reforma constitucional en materia de transparencia aprobada en 2012 por el Senado Salazar Rebolledo, Grisel
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Bibliography |
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| · Argumentos de la argumentación jurídica García López, María Tania
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Information |
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| · Comentarios a la sentencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos caso Artavia Murillo y otros (fecundación in vitro) vs. Costa rica Brena, Ingrid
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| · Informe anual de labores del Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la UNAM (de Septiembre de 2011 a Agosto de 2012) Fix-Fierro, Héctor
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