| Table of contents Salud pública Méx vol.58 n.1 Cuernavaca Jan./Feb. 2016 Letters to the editor | | | | · Asociación entre donación y trasplante de órganos en Latinoamérica Torres-Román, Junior Smith; Zumaeta-Cabrera, Carito; Arroyo-Hernández, Hugo
| | | | · Servicio social en medicina en Latinoamérica: cobertura sin retención Flores-Anaya, Lizeth; León-Lozada, Cinthia; Mayta-Tristán, Percy
| | | | · Epidemiología de la enfermedad de Chagas en comunidades mocovíes y criollas en el sur del Chaco Argentino Colussi, Carlina; Stafuza, Mariana; Denner, Susana; Nepote, Marcelo; Mendicino, Diego
| | | | · Cierre de escuelas rurales y salud colectiva Vera-Bachmann, Daniela; Salvo, Sonia
| | | | · Sociedades médicas del Perú: ¿están cumpliendo su rol en la promoción de la investigación? Toro-Huamanchumo, Carlos J; Arce-Villalobos, Laura R; Fernández-Chinguel, José E; Díaz-Vélez, Cristian
| | | Original articles | | | | · Influence of parental perception of school safety and gender on children's physical activity in Mexico: A cross sectional study Hutchens, Amy; Soltero, Erica G; Barquera, Simón; Lévesque, Lucie; Jauregui, Edtna; López y Taylor, Juan; Lee, Rebecca E
| | | | · Satisfaction with life, victimization, and perception of insecurity in Morelos Martínez-Ferrer, Belén; Ávila-Guerrero, María Elena; Vera-Jiménez, Jesús Alejandro; Bahena-Rivera, Alejandro; Musitu-Ochoa, Gonzalo
| | | | · Decrease of HCV seroprevalence in Mexico: Results from the National Health and Nutrition Survey 2012 Gutiérrez, Juan Pablo; Sucilla-Pérez, Héctor; Conde-González, Carlos J; Izazola, José Antonio; Romero-Martínez, Martin; Hernández-Ávila, Mauricio
| | | | · The financial and health burden of diabetic ambulatory care sensitive hospitalisations in Mexico Lugo-Palacios, David G; Cairns, John
| | | | · Economic recession (2006-2012) and changes in the health status of the Spanish population Pérez-Romero, Shirley; Gascón-Cánovas, Juan J; de la Cruz-Sánchez, Ernesto; Sánchez-Ruiz, José F; Parra-Hidalgo, Pedro; Monteagudo-Piqueras, Olga
| | | | · Crohn's disease: The experience of living with a chronic illness García-Sanjuán, Sofía; Lillo-Crespo, Manuel; Sanjuán-Quiles, Ángela; Richart-Martínez, Miguel
| | | | · Pregnancy under fifteen: The motives and redefinition of life's course Pacheco-Sánchez, Carlos Iván
| | | Review articles | | | | · Costa Rica's implementation of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: Overcoming decades of industry dominance Crosbie, Eric; Sosa, Patricia; Glantz, Stanton A
| | | | · Analysis of the evidence on the efficacy and safety of CYD-TDV dengue vaccine and its potential licensing and implementation through Mexico's Universal Vaccination Program Hernández-Ávila, Mauricio; Lazcano-Ponce, Eduardo; Hernández-Ávila, Juan Eugenio; Alpuche-Aranda, Celia M; Rodríguez-López, Mario Henry; García-García, Lourdes; Madrid-Marina, Vicente; López Gatell-Ramírez, Hugo; Lanz-Mendoza, Humberto; Martínez-Barnetche, Jesús; Díaz-Ortega, José Luis; Ángeles-Llerenas, Angélica; Barrientos-Gutiérrez, Tonatiuh; Bautista-Arredondo, Sergio; Santos-Preciado, José Ignacio
| | | Essay | | | | · Healthcare or sickcare: reestablishing the balance Frenk, Julio; Gómez-Dantés, Octavio
| | | Public health pages | | | | · Medical elegibility criteria for contraceptive use Cravioto Galindo, Ma. del Carmen
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