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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas
Print version ISSN 2007-0934
Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc vol.5 n.spe10 Texcoco Nov./Dec. 2014
Spatiotemporal behaviour of the reference evapotranspiration in Mexico
1Laboratorio Nacional de Modelaje y Sensores Remotos del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales Agrícolas y Pecuarias Campo Experimental Pabellón, Carretera Aguascalientes-Zacatecas km 32.5, 20660. Pabellón deArteaga, Aguascalientes. (;; narvaez.mario@
2Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales Agrícolas y Pecuarias Campo Experimental Pabellón. (
3Universidad de la Sierra Juárez. Avenida Universidad s/n, Ixtlán de Juárez, Oaxaca. 68725. (
4Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales Agrícolas y Pecuarias. Campo Experimental Centro-Altos de Jalisco, km. 8, Carretera libre Tepatitlán-Lagos de Moreno. 47600. Tepatitlán, Jalisco. (
The management of water resources requires accurate information on reference evapotranspiration (ETO) necessary meteorological variable in explaining physical environmental processes. The present work aimed to study the spatial and temporal variability of ETO on a network ofautomatic weather stations over a period of three years. We used the standard model Penman-Monteith modified by FAO (FPM) and fed with wind speed, temperature and short wave radiation; with the latter two variables the vapour pressure deficit (es- ea and net radiation (Rn were obtained. Spatial variability is due to the combined effect ofthe variables that affect ETO such as Rn and atmospheric humidity. In December and January, the low values are located in the north ofthe country, in the States ofthe Gulf Coast and in a small portion of the west; while southern and central Mexico Sates have higher values. In the warm months, the highest values are located in the north, northeast, northwest and north-central States and the lowest in the south and southeast. ETO differences in time and space transíate into differences in the hydrological cycle and discrepancies in the volumes of irrigation. These results signify an important database for future agro-climatic studies.
Keywords: irrigation; reference evapotranspiration; weather station
La gestión de los recursos hídricos requiere información precisa relativa a la evapotranspiración de referencia (ETO), variable meteorológica indispensable en la explicación de procesos ambientales físicos. El presente trabaj o tuvo como objetivo estudiar la variabilidad espacial y temporal de ETO en una red de estaciones meteorológicas automáticas durante un período de tres años. Se utilizó el modelo estándar de Penman-Monteith modificado por la FAO (FPM) y se alimentó con velocidad del viento, temperatura y radiación de onda corta; con estas dos últimas variables se obtuvo el déficit de presión de vapor (es- ea) y la radiación neta (Rn). La variabilidad espacial se debe al efecto combinado de las variables que afectan la ETO como son Rn y la humedad atmosférica. En diciembre y enero los valores bajos se ubican al norte del país, en los estados de la costa del golfo y en una porción pequeña del oeste; mientras que estados del sur y centro de México presentan valores más altos. En los meses cálidos los valores más altos se encuentran al norte, noreste, noroeste y norte-centro y más bajos en estados del sur y sureste. Las diferencias de ETO en tiempo y espacio se traducen en diferencias en el ciclo hidrológico y en discrepancias en los volúmenes de riego. Estos resultados significan una base de datos importante para estudios agroclimáticos futuros.
Palabras clave: estación meteorológica; evapotranspiración de referencia; riego
The need for quality meteorological information and wide temporal spatial scale to support agriculture (rainfed and irrigated), led the federal government in 2004 to establish a network ofautomatic weather stations in Mexico (González et al, 2007). This network is administered by the National Laboratory of Modeling and Remote Sensing (LNMySR) ofthe National Research Institute of LivestockAgricultural and Forestry (INIFAP). This network does not duplicate the work of the networks of other agencies, but complement each other as pursuing other objectives; INIFAP focuses on the observation ofphenomena that occur in the layer closest to the ground (two meters high), microclimate of interest in farming atmosphere (Allen et al, 1998).
Weather stations send information automatically to LNMySR, central base in Pabellón de Arteaga, Aguascalientes; where it is used as a basic input for applications primarily for agricultural and forestry. Lately, meteorological forecast is focused on short and medium term for civil protection purposes and in support of other federal institutions that perform this task in Mexican society (González et al, 2009).
Considering thatthe network of stations is considerably large in the supply ofmeteorological information, it is possible to use it in a myriad ofapplications, including reference evapotranspiration (ETO). This concept was first introduced in the late 70's and early 80's in the irrigation area to differentiate the concept of potential evapotranspiration (PET) from evapotranspiration (ET) in its most general sense, defined as simultaneous process by which an area ofvegetation loss water by evaporation from soil and foliage perspiration. However, it was not until the 90's when a consensus that ETO is the rate of evapotranspiration from a hypothetical crop height of 0.12 m, a fixed surface resistance of 70 s m-1 and albedo of 0.23; these characteristics are similar to the evapotranspiration of a large area of green grass with uniform height, actively growing, well watered, and completely shading the ground conditions (Allen et al, 1998).
This weather variable is elementary forthe evapotranspiration potential of the atmosphere at specific sites, is a function of available energy and the raw material in studies of irrigation management, hydrological modelling in ecosystem assessment of the sensitivity of the environment to global warming, moisture balances, climatic classifications, management of water resources and watershed-level studies (Currie, 1991; Droogers and Allen, 2002; Stóckle et al, 2004; Temesgen et al, 2005; Lu et al, 2005; Xu et al, 2006; Douglas et al, 2009; Liang et al, 2010), particularly in arid and semiarid regions of Mexico, where there are 3 498 164 hectares under irrigation, for this reason waterbecomes a character very scarce and valuable; without overlooking that ETO is ofgreat importance in coastal regions, where surface and underground runoffs governs and the high frequency of flooding.
At global level, the spatiotemporal dynamics of ETO has been widely studied by scientists from the physical disciplines. Douglas et al. (2009) observed the ETO in 18 meteorological stations in Florida, USA, while three empirical methods were calibrated on a gradient of five types of climate; gathering information regarding that ETO decreases in places with large bodies ofwater in open ofgrassland and mangroves. Lu et al. (2005) analysed the spatial variability ofETO estimated in six empirical equations in a transect of 36 basins with forest cover in the United States of America; they emphasize that each method originate highly variable results along the southeast ofthat country and respond to a north-south gradient to coastal plains and foothills to the Appalachian Mountains.
Pereira and Pruitt (2004) evaluated the performance of an empirical equation for daily measurements of a lysimeter located in an arid environment (Davis, CA) and one tropical (Piracicaba, SP Brazil) in order to reduce the sub or overestimates caused by differences in climate where the empirical model was generated. Xu et al. (2006) estimated the ETO with the method of FAO-Penman-Monteith (FPM) at 150 meteorological stations in China Basin, comparing the results between regions, obtaining maps of spatial variation and graphics of temporal variation; they concluded that, the magnitude of ETO is sensitive to changes inthe netradiation (Rn).
In Mexico this variable has not been characterized, although, there are significant areas ofirrigated and rainfed agricultural, soils affected due the erosion and susceptible to saline intrusions where this information could be used directly or indirectly. Campos (2006) , estimated ETO with three empirical models and contrasted with the original method of Penman in 31 meteorological observatories in Mexico, the author notes that the Hargreaves and Samani formulas reproduce acceptably ETO values comparing the original Penman method not commonly used, because of the high demand for input parameters. Chávez etal. (2013) characterized two sub-basins of the Nazas Durango river, they used the FPM model with data from three automatic stations, these results were compared with three empirical methods, indicating relationship between ETO and altitude in various parts of the basin, which leads to considerable differences in irrigation volumes for each zone. Other jobs with more specific and compact surfaces describe spatiotemporal trends in ETO (Ruíz et al, 2011; Cervantes et al., 2013) and its relationship with climate change scenarios for Mexico (Ojeda et al, 2011); however, they have the particularity that they are relatively small areas.
Because in Mexico there are no works considering networks ofstations with wide spatial distribution describing the seasonal and spatial dynamics of ETO and, by considering the importance of climate services acquire every day, this study aimed to: 1) to estimate reference evapotranspiration in a network of 999 weather stations of the Mexican Republic; 2) get the average monthlycumulative ETO foreach weatherstation; and 3)describe the spatial behaviour of this variable, monthly and annually.
Materials and methods
Weather information
Daily information on 999 meteorological stations network INIFAP was used for a period of three years, this period was considered uninterrupted information; this network covers primarily agriculturally important regions in different agro-ecological zones of Mexico. The variables used were: maximum and minimum temperature, shortwave radiation and wind speed. The spatial distribution of the station network of the study area is presented in Figure 1.
Model FAO-Penman-Monteith
There are different models for determining ETO, each with different degree of precision and their use depends primarily on the ultimate goal of the data and weather information available. Currently, the only accepted model and standardized universally to estimate this meteorological parameter is the Penman-Monteith modified by FAO (FPM), this model was validated and endorsed by the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (DNIC) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) (Allen et al., 1998) and has been used in a number of researches globally (Sheng-Feng et al., 2006; Gao et al, 2009; Liu et al, 2012; Chávez et al., 2013). The FPM algorithm for obtaining the ETO and each of the parameters required is described below:
Where: Rn is the net radiation at the surface of the reference crop (MJ m-2 day-1); G is the heat flow from the soil (MJ m-2 day-1); T the average air temperature at two meters height (°C); u2 wind speed at two meters height (ms-1); es- ea vapour pressure deficit (kPa); A slope of the vapour pressure curve (kPa °C-1); and y the psychrometric constant (kPa °C-1).
According to the methodology of the manuscript 56th of FAO, there are a number of methods for calculating each of the parameters required by the previous model, these are:
Atmospheric parameters
The psychrometric constant (γ)
The psychrometric constant influences the rate of evaporation and reference crop evapotranspiration, mainly in highlands due to low atmospheric pressure. This atmospheric parameter is obtained with:
Where: γ is the psychrometric constant (kPa °C-1); P atmospheric pressure (kPa); X constant (2.45) of the latent heat of vaporization (MJ kg-1); Cp specific heat at constant pressure (1.013*10-3) (MJ kg-1 °C-1); and 8 quotient of the molecular of steam/dry air (0622).
Also P is estimated with:
Where z is the heigth above sea level (m)
Average pressure of vapour at saturation (es )
The day value of this variable is estimated based on the temperature of the air, thereby the upper and lower temperature limits are used by the expression (Caí et al., 2007):
Wher: e°(T) is the saturation pressure of steam at a temperature of specific air (kPa), T is the air temperatura (°C).
This model is applied for the maximum and minimum temperature of the day, for this reason two values for the saturation of vapour pressure are obtained and then obtaining an average value (Allen et al, 1998).
Where: e s is the average day pressure of vapour saturation (kPa); e°(Tmax) and e°(Tmin) are the vapour pressure at saturation at the maximum and minimum temperature, respectively (kPa).
Actual vapour pressure (ea )
The actual vapour pressure is the vapour pressure of the air when it is saturated. A saturated environment is associated with the formation of dew, hence to estimate the pressure in these conditions, dew point temperature is used. However, dew forms on the lowest (minimum) temperatures of the day, so the latter parameter (Tmin) is a good estimate of the actual vapour pressure of day (Allen et al., 1998; Caí et al., 2007) calculated with:
Where: ea is the true vapour pressure (kPa); e° (Tmin) is the vapour pressure at the lowest temperature (kPa); and Tmin is the minimum air temperature (°C).
Solar radiation parameters
Shortwave radiation (Rs )
The radiation component of greatest importance in determining ETO and required in the FPM model is the net radiation (Rn), which is estimated from the short wave radiation (Rs ), in this study Rs was recorded with a pyranometer which was located in each of the weather stations. The units are in megajoules per square meter per day (MJ m-2 day-1).
Extraterrestrial radiation (Ra )
The daily extraterrestrial radiation is calculated with the equation of Duffie and Beckman (1991):
Where: Ra is the extraterrestrial radiation (MJ m-2 day-1) is the solar constant (0.0820 MJ m-2 min-1); dr the inverse relative distance from the earth to the sun (dimensionless), cos the hour angle of radiation at sunset (rad); and ( the latitude (rad) and 5 the solar declination (rad).
Net radiation was calculated from the difference between the net shortwave radiation and net long-wave radiation through:
Also Rn= (1 - a)Rs where Rns is the net shortwave radiation (MJ m-2 day-1); Rs already described; and a is the albedo of the reference surface whose value in this study was 0.23. On the other hand.
Where: Rnl is the net longwave radiation (MJ m-2 day-1); o is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant for a day (4.903 x 10-9 MJ K-4 m-2 day-1); Tmaxk and Tminjk are the maximum and minimum air temperature during the day, respectively (°K); ea is the true vapour pressure (kPa); Rs as defined already; and Rso is the solar radiation on a clear day (MJ m-2 day-1) obtained with:
Where: z is the elevation of the station site (m); and Ra as already defined.
Results and discussion
Monthly ETO Behaviour
The Figure 2 shows the spatial variation ofmonthly reference evapotranspiration over Mexico, this variation is due to the combined effect of meteorological variables that affect it; mainly net radiation, relative humidity and wind (Xu et al, 2006). In November the lowest values begin to lie to the northeast and northwest of the country and in States of the GulfofMexico; while high values are set in the north-central, central and some States of the Pacific coast. In December the lowest values completely cover the north and also to the States of the GulfCoast (from Tamaulipas to Quintana Roo) and only a small portion in the western States. January and December showed significant similarities with high values in the north and Gulf States, this similarity is attributed to the misuse of other meteorological parameters that directly affect the ETO.
February and March show a transition behaviour between months with low values (winter) and months with high values (spring and summer), these months do not have a defined spatial pattern but significant increases in the monthly amount. The most substantial changes are observed from April, and the highest values are distributed in the north while the lower south and southeast of Mexico, this trend continues until October which coincides with results ofother researchers (Campos, 2006).
The linear regression analysis between monthly ETO and latitude indicated positive correlation from febrary to October and negative from November to January, which reflects the strong relationship between Rn and latitude and during the warmer months (Allen et al., 1998). The analysis with the length showed negative correlation in the twelve months of the year; while the altitude was positively correlated from January to June and from October to December; and negative from July to September. The results of these tests are consistent with reports of other authors (Dalezios et al., 2002; ElNesr et al., 2010). The correlation coefficients ofthe regressions between ETO and geographic parameters are presented in the Table 1.
Table1. Correlation coefficients between ETO and geographic parameters

P Coeficiente de correlacion (rho)
The trend of ETO in the year is similar in most of the study area, the absolute minimum for each station were in December and sometimes January. From December or January for some areas, ETO begins to increase towards the spring as a result of heating the air which in turn is a result of increased Rn (Figure 3); ETO increases toward the monthly maximum that depending on the region occurs between April and July (Campos, 2006); thereafter there is a gradual decrease due to the decrease in the intensity of Rn which is received by day. However, some localities have a positive peak in August because in that month the intraestival drought, period characterized by high temperatures, sunny days and dry days mainly in climates of tropical or close to it (Velázquez, 1994); after that period, ETO resumes its descent into the winter months (Ruíz et al., 2011). The trend of ETO throughout the year is quite similar to the tendency Rn which is the main source of energy that promotes it, which is why many authors use Rn as a reference, making it into sheet of water through the factor λ (Allen et al., 1998).
Annual behaviour of ETO
The spatial variation of the annual aggregate value of ETO can be seen in the Figure 4. The regions with lower values are mainly oriented towards the Gulf of Mexico, distributing northwest, west, east and south of Veracruz; in this State the lowest value of the country was found (634 mm) in the experimental field station Teocelo where the currents influence of air loaded with moisture coming from the coast, another factor is the high rainfall of the area (Díaz et al., 2006; Granados et al., 2014). Low values of ETO were also presented southwest of Tabasco bordering with Chiapas and is due to high humidity reasons, noted in agroclimatology studies (Ruíz et al., 2012).
In Chiapas these values are concentrated to the southeast and west where the relative humidity plays an important role mainly due to the high rainfall in most parts of the year in areas surrounding the dam Netzahualcóyotl and Motozintla (Serrano et al., 2006). These low annual values of ET O are presented in colours slightly purple to blue highlighting that it is relatively small compared to the total surface area of the country.
Meanwhile, the highest annual values of ETO are located north of the republic, mainly in the States of Coahuila, Chihuahua, Durango, Baja California Sur, Sonora, eastern and northern Sinaloa; and northern Zacatecas. The maximum annual value was 1 986.15 mm in the station Empacadora de Melon (Coahuila). These high values of ETO are associated with desert regions, mainly those located in the north-central region. These desert regions coincide with areas where the winds flow to the Pacific coast displacing atmospheric moisture of the land surface while introducing dry air from the deserts ofthe southern United States as explained by the model of atmospheric circulation of the three cells (Oliver, 2005; Sánchez, 2005).
The areas of highest ETO in the northern Mexico, coincide with the highest radiation values identified by Campos (2006) . Some areas of high ETO are also found in isolated parts such as the State of Guerrero, northern Nuevo Leon and northeast of Tamaulipas, south of Puebla, south and southeast of Michoacán, north of Campeche and central parts of the republic (northeast Jalisco, much of the State of Guanajuato, east and northeast of San Luis Potosí, and Tlaxcala center). In the Figure 4, we can see that values of ETO in the range of1 536 to 1 986 occupy most of the area under study which is consistent with reports of Medina et al. (2006) who points for these regions the highest rates of aridity and drought.
Regarding low annual values of ETO and high values in rainfalls, there are positive water balances, where soil moisture leads to at least one crop cycle per year, in there the crop water requirements are met by rainfall and storage capacity of water in the soil (Eldin, 1983). While in the regions where ETO is higher than precipitation, as in arid areas, irrigation of crops is necessary to obtain commercial crops; there, the ETO provides great support for the design, planning and management of irrigation (Chávez et al., 2013). The maps in Figures 3 and 4 provide useful information for planning and water management at the basin level, since monthly or annual values of ETO is an important parameter in the hydrological cycle because they represent the upper and lower limit in the evapotranspiration demand of the atmosphere at different sites (Xu et al., 2006).
The spatiotemporal variability ofreference evapotranspiration in a network of automatic weather stations in Mexico was characterized.
The reference evapotranspiration in Mexico has a highly dependent character on local weather conditions, which causes areas with different conditions from the point of view of this variable. In winter months the highest values occur in the southern, central and north-central part and northwest; while occupying the lower gulf coast, north and northwest part of Mexico. In warmer months, the highest values comprise the north, northeast and northwest. The lowest annual accumulated are located in high humidity environments while the highest correspond to sites with arid environments. Through out the year, ETO starts from low values in the winter months to maximum peaks in spring or summer months, depending on the location, this seasonal and spatial variation leads to differences in the hydrological dynamics and supposed discrepancies in the volumes of irrigation even in the case of the management of the same agricultural species.
These results constitute an important database that will serve as background and starting point for studies ofclimate change, agro-climatic and irrigation engineering design, currently, climate services are highly demanded.
Literatura citada
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Received: May 2014; Accepted: October 2014