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Acta zoológica mexicana

On-line version ISSN 2448-8445Print version ISSN 0065-1737

Acta Zool. Mex  n.90 Xalapa Dec. 2003




An annotated list of the species-group names applied to the lizard genus Sceloporus


Edwin L. Bell1, Hobart M. Smith2 And David Chiszar3


1Department of Biology, Albright College, Reading, Pennsylvania, 19612-5234 U.S.A.

2EPO Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, 80309-0334 U.S.A. E-Mail:

3Department of Psychology, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309-0345 U.S.A.


Recibido: 15 de enero 2003
Aceptado: 11 de abril 2003



Se presenta una lista alfabética de todos los nombres (196) de especies y subespecies aplicados o que han sido propuestos para las lagartijas del género Sceloporus. Esta lista incluye: la cita original, persona que propuso el nombre, localidad tipo, el nombre común en inglés, estado actual, prioridad de la combinación, grupo al que se asigna y etimología. Se han admitido como válidos 23 grupos de especies, 91 especies (66 monotípicas) y 153 especies y subespecies.

Palabras clave: Sceloporus, nombres propuestos, estado actual.



An alphabetically-arranged list of all (196) species-group names ever proposed or used in the genus Sceloporus is presented, with citations of the original proposal, onomatophore, type locality, English standard names, current status, combination priority, group assignment, and etymology. Twenty-three species groups, 91 species (66 monotypic) and 153 species- group names are recognized as valid.

Key words: Sceloporus, proposed names, current status.



The present compilation deals primarily with the species-group names proposed in the genus Sceloporus. However, it should be noted that the genus itself has been given five names, in chronological order as follows.

Sceloporus Wiegmann, 1828: 369. Type Sceloporus torquatus by subsequent designation (Wiegmann, 1834: 18).

Tropidolepis Cuvier, 1829: 39. Type Agama undulata Daudin (= Stellio undulatus Bosc and Daudin in Sonnini and Latreille), by monotypy (= Sceloporus undulatus undulatus).

Lopherpes Rafinesque, 1832: 143. Type Lopherpes dicyanelus Rafinesque, by monotypy (= Sceloporus undulatus hyacinthinus ). Lopherpes was suggested as a subgenus of Stellio, but adoption at that level was not clear.

Lysoptychus Cope, 1888: 397. Type Lysoptychus lateralis, by monotypy (= Sceloporus variabilis marmoratus).

Sator Dickerson, 1919: 468. Type species Sator grandaevus Dickerson, by original designation (= Sceloporus grandaevus (Dickerson)).

Several species-group names in Sceloporus have been proposed erroneously in other genera: Agama (torquata), Lacerta (fasciata, hyacinthina), and Stellio (undulatus, dicyanelis ?).

At the species-group level, we here recognize 91 species (66 monotypic) and 153 species-group taxa in the genus Sceloporus - a number little different, at least for species, from that recognized by other recent workers. To those 153, 195 species-group names have been applied, 42 of which are junior synonyms or otherwise invalid; one other name (holmani) has been proposed in the genus, but has since been removed to Phrynosoma. We thus here summarize for the first time 196 species-group names that have been applied to the genus, and give basic information about each.

Most of that information is quite objective: the original proposal, the onomatophore (name-bearer, be that holotype, lectotype, neotype, or syntypes), the type locality, combination priority, and etymology. Museum codes are for the most part those in Leviton et al. (1985); others are MZFC (Museo de Zoología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), UBIPRO (Laboratorio de Ecología, Escuela Nacional de Estudios Profesionales Iztacala, A. P. 314, Los Reyes Iztacala, Tlalnepantla, Estado de México, 54000 México), and UMMP (University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology). The standard English names are for the most part those given in Liner (1994), Liner and Casas-Andreu (2003), or Crother et al. (2000), and are not necessarily accepted universally. Where a species-level name is entered that has subspecies, the current status given is the trinominal, and two standard names are given, the first for the species, the second for the nominotypical subspecies. Current status is our own subjective decision, although for the most part we follow Wiens and Reeder (1997). Etymologies have been derived for the most part from Brown (1956).

The following names and group assignments that we have adopted is likewise largely that of Wiens and Reeder (1997), with four exceptions detailed in the Comments following the list.


Group assignments of valid species-group names


asper Boulenger, 1897


chrysostictus Cope, 1866


clarkii clarkii Baird and Girard, 1852a

clarkii boulengeri Stejneger, 1893

clarkii vallaris Shannon and Urbano, 1954

melanorhinus melanorhinus Bocourt, 1876a, b

melanorhinus calligaster Smith, 1942

melanorhinus stuarti Smith, 1948a


edwardtaylori Smith, 1936b


acanthinus Bocourt, 1873a

adleri Smith and Savitsky, 1974

cryptus Smith and Lynch, 1967

formosus formosus Wiegmann, 1834

formosus scitulus Smith, 1942

internasalis Smith and Bumzahem, 1955

lunae Bocourt, 1873c

malachiticus Cope, 1864

salvini Günther, 1890

smaragdinus Bocourt, 1873c

stejnegeri Smith, 1942

subpictus Lynch and Smith, 1965

taeniocnemis taeniocnemis Cope, 1885

taeniocnemis hartwegi Stuart, 1971

tanneri Smith and Larsen, 1975


gadoviae Boulenger, 1905


arenicolus Degenhardt and Jones, 1972

graciosus gracilis Baird and Girard, 1852b

graciosus graciosus Baird and Girard, 1852a

graciosus vandenburgianus Cope, 1896


anahuacus Lara-Góngora, 1983

disparilis Stejneger, 1916

grammicus grammicus Wiegmann, 1828

grammicus microlepidotus Wiegmann, 1834

grammicus tamaulipensis Sites and Dixon, 1981

heterolepis Boulenger, 1894

palaciosi Lara-Góngora, 1983

shannonorum Langebartel, 1959


jalapae Günther, 1890

ochoterenae Smith, 1934b


lundelli lundelli Smith, 1939

lundelli gaigeae Smith, 1939


maculosus Smith, 1934b


hunsakeri Hall and Smith, 1979

licki Van Denburgh, 1895

lineatulus Dickerson, 1919

magister magister Hallowell, 1854

magister bimaculosus Phelan and Brattstrom, 1955

magister cephaloflavus Tanner, 1955

magister transversus Phelan and Brattstrom, 1955

magister uniformis Phelan and Brattstrom, 1955

orcutti Stejneger, 1893

zosteromus zosteromus Cope, 1863

zosteromus monserratensis Van Denburgh and Slevin, 1921

zosteromus rufidorsum Yarrow, 1882


halli Dasmann and Smith, 1974

megalepidurus megalepidurus Smith, 1934b

megalepidurus pictus Smith, 1936c


merriami merriami Stejneger, 1904

merriami annulatus Smith, 1937a

merriami australis Williams, Smith and Chrapliwy, 1960

merriami ballingeri Lemos-Espinal, Smith, Auth and Chiszar, 2001 merriami longipunctatus Olson, 1973

merriami sanojae Lemos-Espinal in Smith et al., 2003

merriami williamsi Lemos-Espinal, Chiszar and Smith, 2000


cautus Smith, 1938c

exsul Dixon, Ketchersid and Lieb, 1972

olivaceus Smith, 1934b


nelsoni nelsoni Cochran, 1923

nelsoni barrancarum Tanner and Robison, 1960

pyrocephalus Cope, 1864


aeneus Wiegmann, 1828

bicanthalis Smith, 1937c

chaneyi Liner and Dixon, 1992

goldmani Smith, 1937c

samcolemani Smith and Hall, 1974

scalaris scalaris Wiegmann, 1828

scalaris brownorum Smith, Watkins-Colwell, Lemos-Espinal and Chiszar, 1997

scalaris unicanthalis Smith, 1937c

slevini Smith, 1937c

subniger Poglayen and Smith, 1958


carinatus Smith, 1936a

cupreus Bocourt, 1873b

siniferus Cope, 1869

squamosus Bocourt, 1874


horridus horridus Wiegmann, 1834

horridus albiventris Smith, 1939

horridus oligoporus Cope, 1864

spinosus spinosus Wiegmann, 1828

spinosus apicalis Smith and Smith, 1951

spinosus caeruleopunctatus Smith, 1938b


bulleri Boulenger, 1894

cyanogenys Cope, 1885

cyanostictus Axtell and Axtell, 1971

dugesii dugesii Bocourt, 1873c

dugesii intermedius Dugès, 1877

insignis Webb, 1967

jarrovii Cope in Yarrow, 1875

lineolateralis Smith, 1936a

macdougalli Smith and Bumzahem, 1953

minor minor Cope, 1885

minor cyaneus Treviño-Saldana, 1988

minor erythrocyaneus Mertens, 1950

minor immucronatus Smith, 1937d

minor oberon Smith and Brown, 1941

mucronatus mucronatus Cope, 1885

mucronatus aureolus Smith, 1942

mucronatus omiltemanus Günther, 1890

mucronatus olsoni Webb, Lemos-Espinal and Smith, 2002

ornatus ornatus Baird, 1859

ornatus caeruleus Smith, 1937d

poinsettii poinsettii Baird and Girard, 1852a

poinsettii macrolepis Smith and Chrapliwy, 1958

poinsettii polylepis Smith and Chrapliwy, 1958

prezygus Smith, 1942

serrifer serrifer Cope, 1866

serrifer plioporus Smith, 1939

sugillatus Smith, 1942

torquatus torquatus Wiegmann, 1828

torquatus binocularis Dunn, 1936

torquatus madrensis Olson, 1986

torquatus melanogaster Cope, 1885

torquatus mikeprestoni Smith and Alvarez, 1976


becki Van Denburgh, 1905

edbelli Smith, Chiszar, and Lemos-Espinal, 2002

occidentalis occidentalis Baird and Girard, 1852b

occidentalis biseriatus Hallowell, 1854

occidentalis bocourtii Boulenger, 1885

occidentalis longipes Baird, 1859

occidentalis taylori Camp, 1916

undulatus undulatus (Bosc and Daudin in Sonnini and Latreille), 1801 undulatus consobrinus Baird and Girard, 1853

undulatus cowlesi Lowe and Norris, 1956

undulatus elongatus Stejneger, 1890

undulatus erythrocheilus Maslin, 1956

undulatus garmani Boulenger, 1882

undulatus hyacinthinus (Green), 1818

undulatus speari Smith, Chiszar, Lemos-Espinal and Bell, 1995 undulatus tedbrowni Smith, Bell, Applegarth and Chiszar, 1992 undulatus tristichus Cope in Yarrow, 1875

virgatus Smith, 1938c

woodi Stejneger, 1918


angustus (Dickerson, 1919)

grandaevus (Dickerson, 1919)

utiformis Cope, 1864


couchii Baird, 1859

cozumelae Jones, 1927

parvus Smith, 1934b

smithi Hartweg and Oliver, 1937

teapensis Günther, 1890

variabilis variabilis Wiegmann, 1834

variabilis marmoratus Hallowell, 1852

variabilis olloporus Smith, 1937b


robustus Twente, 1952

Comments. The nominal subspecies of S. grammicus are those customarily listed, but the names do not properly reflect the taxa that exist in that group, which remain to be clearly defined. Certainly disparilis , as we here treat it, is a distinct species, isolated in a lowland habitad, and occurring on mesquite trees, whereas all others of the complex occur at high altitudes and on evergreen trees. Similarly, tamaulipensis is likely a distinct species, isolated as it is from othesr of its complex. However, to what extent other populations may be isolated and differentiated is not known.

The subspecies listed here of S. minor reflect our interpretationof the analyses by Wiens et al. (1999). It is not clear that molecular studies of conspecific population are always more reliable taxonomically than is morphology.

The ranks of the generally accepted subspecies of undulatus have long been questioned, under the impression that some may be specifically distinct, or that are all invalid. Indeed, Miles et al. (2002) stated that their "results indicate that present subspecies designation do not portray patterns of evolutionary relatedness and require re-evaluation." Their point relative to evolution is well made, but does not prove that the geographic morphological consistency that is the basis for recognition of these subspecies is not genetically correlated and therefore not taxonomically tenable.

Leache and Reeder (2002) likewise analysed molecular systematics of Sceloporus undulatus, but concluded that "at least four lineages should be recognized as evolutionary species." Those four species have little correlation with either environmental conditions or morphology. Both works revealed that the authors gained little or no notion how the subspecies evolved; they did not reveal that the subspecies do not exist.

We hold that species populations that consistently differ at least morphologically from other conspecific populations over a continuous geographic area owe their existence to correlated genetic differences that blend at points of populational contact. They are therefore taxonomically tenable, and their differences are generally assumed to be adaptive, although that assumption has rarely been tested. It is a reasonable hypothesis with no equally reasonable alternative. The fact that those genetic differences usually do not show up with the technology now available does not prove that they do not exist.

The distribution of polytypic species (25 of 91) in Sceloporus, as we understand them, is of considerable interest. On that basis, the groups of the genus are readily divisible into two sections, one polytypic, the other monotypic.

The polytypic division embraces 14 groups: CLARKII, FORMOSUS, GRACIOSUS, GRAMMICUS, LUNDELLI, MAGISTER, MEGALEPIDURUS, MERRIAMI, PYROCEPHALUS, SCALARIS, SPINOSUS, TORQUATUS, UNDULATUS and VARIABILIS. One or two species in each group are polytypic, except for the torquatus group with seven. The total number of species in each group is 1-16, and the percentage of polytypic species in each group varies 13-100%; only those with 1-2 total species have 50-100% polytypic species. The mean number of species per group in this division is 5.2.

The monotypic division embraces 9 groups: ASPER, CHRYSOCEPHALUS, EDWARDTAYLORI, GADOVIAE, JALAPAE, MACULOSUS, OLIVACEUS, SINIFERUS and UTIFORMIS. Each group contains but one or two species, except for olivaceus and utiformis with 3 each, and siniferus with 4; the mean is 1.9 species in this division.

These two divisions are obviously not monophyletic; they merely reveal the characteristics that lend themselves to polytypy. Most species of the monotypic division have a quite restricted range; only the OLIVACEUS and SINIFERUS groups are relatively wide-ranging, but even in them the range of individual species is narrow. Most species appear to have a relictual range, and are relatively small.

In the polytypic division, it is mostly the wide-ranging species inhabiting a wide diversity of environments that have evolved correlated geographic races. Among the four notable exceptions, the basis for subspeciation in the narrowly distributed species lundelli, megalepidurus and nelsoni is not readily evident, and merit investigation. On the other hand, the narrowly distributed Sceloporus merriami has ecological requirements restricting populations to isolated rocky canyons that preclude contact with each other, permitting founder or genetic drift differentiation. Thus seven different subspecies have evolved, some of which may qualify as separate species.

Deviations from the groups recognized by Wiens and Reeder (1997) are as follows.

1. Wiens and Reeder (1997: 38) incorporated S. asper in the GRAMMICUS group, Sites et al. (1992:40) gave it a separate group, and Smith (1939: 51) placed it in the FORMOSUS group. Distributionally it meshes best with the latter group (Smith, 1939), morphologically with the GRAMMICUS and TORQUATUS groups (Wiens and Reeder, 1997: 15), and genetically (to the limited extent known) with the GRAMMICUS group. In our opinion it is best regarded as a separate group, as Sites et al. (1992) concluded.

2. S. chrysostictus was placed in its own group by both Smith (1939), and Sites et al. (1992), whereas Wiens and Reeder (1997), as well as Flores-Villela et al. (2000), placed it in the VARIABILIS group. We regard its morphology, so distinctly inconsistent with that of the VARIABILIS group (absence of a postfemoral pocket, presence of larger, imbricate scales on rear of thigh), as justifying retention of the species in a separate group. Its remarkable resemblance to S. cozumelae is best interpreted as convergence through shared selection pressures.

3. S. cautus was placed in the UNDULATUS group by Smith (1939), as was S. exsul when it (Dixon et al., 1972) was described later; Wiens and Reeder (1997) also placed both in the UNDULATUS group. Similarities of both to the SPINOSUS group were noted, and that is where Sites et al. (1992) placed them. However, with segregation of the OLIVACEUS group (Wiens & Reeder, 1997), that is obviously where their relationship lies. Larsen and Tanner (1975) postulated derivation of S. cautus from S. olivaceus, and Ferguson (1982) strongly supported the same conclusion.

4. Flores-Villela et al. (2000) eliminated the ANGUSTUS group, adding its species to the UTIFORMIS group.


1. acanthinus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus acanthinus Bocourt, 1873a: 1-2; idem, 1874: 180-181. Described twice as new.

Syntypes: two, MNHP 3602; Commission Scientifique collectors.

Type Locality: San Agustín, 610 m., on the western [southern] slope of Volcán de Atitlán, Guatemala.

Standard Name: Bocourt's Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus acanthinus Bocourt.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: FORMOSUS, Sites et al. (1992); Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: An adjective from the Greek akanthinos, meaning "thorny," applied in reference to the bristly appearance of the lizard, due to the elongate spines of the dorsal scales.

Remarks: In the original description, the specific name is spelled acathhinus. However, in the index to the volume, the title of the paper describing the species is given with the name "acanthinus," which is referred to later in the paper. The name acathhinus is an erroneous original spelling without nomenclatural standing.

2. adleri

Original Proposal: Sceloporus adleri Smith and Savitsky, 1974: 297.

Holotype: UMMZ 131689, collected by Kraig Adler, D. M. Dennis and D. H. Snyder, 17 December 1969, 2520 m.

Type Locality: Asoleadero, Guerrero, Mexico.

Standard Name: Adler's Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus adleri Smith and Savitsky.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: FORMOSUS, Sites et al. (1992); Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: A noun in the genitive case, honoring Kraig Adler of Cornell University, co-founder and a chairman of the Ohio Herpetological Society, which became the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles. He is famed as a bibliophile and historian of herpetology, and is responsible for the many superb reprints of classical herpetological works produced by the SSAR.

3. aeneus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus aeneus Wiegmann, 1828: 370.

Holotype: ZMB 657 (Taylor, 1969), Ferdinand Deppe collector.

Type Locality: Mexico; restricted to Tres Cumbres, Morelos, Mexico, by Smith and Taylor (1950).

Standard Name: Black-bellied Bunchgrass Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus aeneus Wiegmann.

Combination Priority: Original, but revived by Liner (1994) and confirmed by Wiens and Reeder (1997), by removal of its subspecies to species rank.

Group: SCALARIS, Sites et al. (1992); Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin adjective aeneus, "brazen," or "brassy," was applied referring to the brownish dorsal color of the species.

Remarks: The holotype is so regarded by monotypy, not by original designation.

4. albiventris

Original Proposal: Sceloporus horridus albiventris Smith, 1939: 108.

Holotype: FMNH 100057, E. H. Taylor collector, July 1934.

Type Locality: Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico.

Standard Name: White-bellied Rough Lizard (see horridus).

Current Status: Sceloporus horridus albiventris Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: SPINOSUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992), name not listed. SPINOSUS group fide Wiens and Reeder (1997), name listed.

Etymology: The Latin nouns albus, "white," and venter, "belly," refer to the immaculate venter in both sexes.

5. altamontanus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus altamontanus Lara-Góngora, 1978: 26.

Current Status: An unavailable name originally applied to what was later acceptably named Sceloporus palaciosi Lara-Góngora (1983).

Etymology: The Latin adjective altus, "high," and noun montanus, "of mountains," applies to occurrence of the species in mountains at high altitudes.

Group: GRAMMICUS, through synonymy.

Remarks: The name was not published in conformance with Art. 8a(1) ("issued publicly for the purposes of providing a permanent scientific record") of the 1985 International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. The specific issue was brought to the attention of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (Smith et al. 1993), and in the 1999 Code the applicability of the 1985 Article was confirmed and made more explicit that meeting abstracts are not nomenclaturally published.

6. anahuacus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus anahuacus Lara-Góngora, 1983: 2.

Holotype: Originally designated as MZFC 044, collected by G. Lara-Góngora, O. Sánchez-Herrera, and O. Flores-Villela, at 3400 m. Flores-Villela et al. (1991) gave 862 as the number of the holotype, and that number is correct (Flores-Villela, pers. comm.).

Type Locality: Cerro del Coyote, Monte Alegre, Sierra del Ajusco, Distrito Federal, Mexico.

Standard Name: Anahuacan Graphic Lizard (see grammicus).

Current Status: Sceloporus anahuacus Lara-Góngora.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: GRAMMICUS, Sites et al. (1992); Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The word anahuacus is Latinized from the Nahuatl word anahuac, and refers to the high montains bordering the southern portion of the Meseta del Anahuac.

Remarks: Although Sites et al. (1988) suggested that this species is not valid, Flores-Villela (1993), and others, maintain it.

7. angustus

Original Description: Sator angustus Dickerson, 1919: 469.

Holotype: AMNH 5712, collected by C. H. Townsend, Albatross

Expedition, 17 April 1911.

Type Locality: Santa Cruz Island, Gulf of California, Mexico.

Standard Name: Santa Cruz Island Sator.

Current Status: Sceloporus angustus (Dickerson).

Combination Priority: Flores-Villela, 1993: 24. Sources: Wyles and Gorman (1987); Etheridge and de Queiroz (1988). Confirmation: Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Group: UTIFORMIS. ANGUSTUS fide Wiens and Reeder (1997), UTIFORMIS fide Flores-Villela et al. (2000).

Etymology: From the Latin angustus, "narrow", referring to the very narrow, compressed body in the adult.

8. annulatus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus merriami annulatus Smith, 1937a: 83.

Holotype: UIMNH 25058, collected August 1931 by E. H. Taylor and J. S. Wright.

Type Locality: East slope of Chisos Mountains, Brewster Co., Texas.

Standard Name: Big Bend Canyon Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus merriami annulatus Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: MERRIAMI, Sites et al. (1992); Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not listed in either.

Etymology: The Latin noun annulus refers to the banded subcaudal surface, such banding being one of the key characteristics separating this subspecies from Sceloporus merriami merriami.

9. apicalis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus spinosus apicalis Smith, P. W. and H. M. Smith, 1951: 101-103.

Holotype: UIMNH 8864, collected 6 July 1949 by W. Leslie Burger.

Type Locality: Ten miles S Miahuatlán, Oaxaca, Mexico.

Standard Name: Miahuatlán Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus spinosus apicalis Smith and Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: SPINOSUS. HORRIDUS fide Sites et al. (1992); name not listed. SPINOSUS fide Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin apiculus, "little tip", was applied in reference to the occurrence of the subspecies at the southern apex of the state of Oaxaca.

Remarks. Wiens and Reeder (1997) suggested that this taxon may be of species rank.

10. arenicolus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus graciosus arenicolous (sic) Degenhardt and Jones, 1972: 213.

Holotype: MSWB 23621, collected by K. L. Jones, 27 April 1968.

Type Locality: Mescalero Sands, 3 1/2 mi N and 44 mi E Roswell, Chaves Co., New Mexico.

Standard Name: Dunes Sagebrush Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus arenicolus Degenhardt and Jones.

Combination Priority: Smith et al. (1992).

Group: GRACIOSUS, Sites et al. (1992); Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name mentioned in neither.

Etymology: The Latin noun arena, "sand," and adjective -cola, "dweller," refer to the habitat where the species lives.

Remarks: Smith et al. (1992) observed that the proper Latin ending is -us, not -ous, as originally proposed; the correct spelling was first used by Smith and Smith (1976), without explanation. A review is in Censky (1986).

11. asper

Original Proposal: Sceloporus asper Boulenger, 1897: 476, 497-498.

Syntypes: Six: BMNH 1946.8.30.2-7 (formerly 1892.9.5.10-12 & 1892.10.31.1-3), collected by Dr. C. Buller.

Type Locality: La Cumbre de los Arrastrados, Jalisco, Mexico, 8500 ft.

Standard Name: Asperous Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus asper Boulenger.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: ASPER. ASPER, Sites et al. (1992); GRAMMICUS, Wiens and Reeder (1997). See introductory comments.

Etymology: The Latin noun in the nominative singular case, asper, means "rough," or "thorny," and refers to the rough-scaled appearance of the species.

12. aureolus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus mucronatus aureolus Smith, 1942: 356.

Holotype: USNM 112232, collected by H. M. Smith, 17 January 1939.

Type Locality: Two miles W Acultzingo, Veracruz, Mexico.

Standard Name: Eastern Cleft Lizard (see mucronatus).

Current Status: Sceloporus mucronatus aureolus Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: TORQUATUS Sites et al. (1992); Wiens and Reeder (1997). Only the latter mentioned the name.

Etymology: The Latin adjective aureolus (=aureus), "golden," refers to the golden-yellow dorsal color of adult males.

13. australis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus merriami australis Williams, Smith and Chrapliwy, 1960: 38-39.

Holotype: UIMNH 43319, collected 9 July 1958, by P. S.

Chrapliwy and K. L. Williams.

Type Locality: 15.6 mi (25.1 km) E Cuatro Ciénegas, Coahuila, Mexico.

Standard Name: Southeastern Canyon Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus merriami australis Williams, Smith and Chrapliwy.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: MERRIAMI, Sites et al. (1992); Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not listed in either.

Etymology: The Latin adjective australis, "southern," refers to the range of this southernmost subspecies of S. merriami.

14. azureus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus biseriatus var. A, azureus Hallowell, 1854: 93.

Syntypes: Three: ANSP 8477-9, collected by Dr. Heermann.

Type Locality: "Borders of El Paso Creek and in Tejon Valley"; restricted by Bell (1954) to "El Paso Creek". El Paso Creek is in the southwestern Tehachapi Mountains of Kern County, California, about ten miles northeast of Ft. Tejon.

Current Status: Synonym of Sceloporus occidentalis biseriatus Hallowell (Bell, 1954).

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992); UNDULATUS fide Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name mentioned in neither.

Etymology: This adjective is Latinized from the French azur, "a blue color," and refers to the blue color of the dorsal scales of the syntypes.

15. ballingeri

Original Proposal: Sceloporus merriami ballingeri Lemos-Espinal, Smith, Auth and Chiszar, 2001: 125.

Holotype: UBIPRO 5094, Julio A. Lemos-Espinal collector, 9 June 2000.

Type Locality: La Campana, Sierra La Campana, municipio Tlahualilo, Durango (26°7'39.1"N, 103°41'00.0"W).

Standard Name: Ballinger's Canyon Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus merriami ballingeri Lemos-Espinal et al.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: MERRIAMI, Sites et al. (1992); Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not cited in either.

Etymology: The name honors Dr. Royce E. Ballinger, of the University of Nebraska, for his many contributions to herpetology and for guidance of our colleague Julio A. Lemos-Espinal to his doctoral degree.

16. barrancarum

Original Proposal: Sceloporus nelsoni barrancorum [sic] Tanner and Robison, 1960: 114.

Holotype: BYU 14316, collected 16 July 1958, by W. W. Tanner and W. G. Robison, Jr.

Type Locality: Urique, Chihuahua, Mexico.

Standard Name: Northern Nelson's Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus nelsoni barrancarum Tanner and Robison.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: PYROCEPHALUS. ORCUTTI according to Sites et al. (1992). PYROCEPHALUS group fide Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not mentioned in either.

Etymology: This noun, in the genitive plural case, is Latinized from the Spanish barranca, and refers to the habitat on steep-sided canyons. The name is thus properly spelled barrancarum, not barrancorum.

Remarks: Originally named coeruleus (q.v.).

17. becki

Original Proposal: Sceloporus becki Van Denburgh, 1905: 3, 9.

Holotype: CAS 4357, collected 26 March 1903 by R. H. Beck.

Type Locality: San Miguel Island, Santa Barbara County, California.

Standard Name: Island Fence Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus becki Van Denburgh.

Combination Priority: Original, supported by Bell (2001).

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992), name not mentioned. UNDULATUS fide Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin genitive singular honors R. H. Beck, collector of the holotype.

Remarks: The holotype appears to be the only specimen from San Miguel Island available in museum collections. Others, including some paratypes, were destroyed in the San Francisco earthquake and fire of 1906. Most of the Channel Islands, where S. becki occurs, are now a National Park where collecting is rigidly restricted. The taxon was cited as S. occidentalis becki through all of the Stejneger and Barbour checklists (1917-1943), in Schmidt's checklist (1953), by Bell (1954), and by Bell and Price (1996). The Channel Islands populations were regarded by Wiens and Reeder (1997) as probably of specific rank, and so Bell (2001) regarded them. For review see Bell and Price (1996).

18. belli

Original Proposal: Sceloporus undulatus belli Smith, Chiszar and Lemos-Espinal, 1995: 119.

Holotype: UCM 41539, collected 19 June 1966 by Richard L. Holland.

Type Locality: Two mi S León Guzmán, Durango, Mexico.

Current Status: An unavailable junior secondary homonym of Tropidolepis bellii Gray (1831).

Group: UNDULATUS. The name was not cited by Sites et al. (1992), but the species of which it was then considered a subspecies was placed in the HORRIDUS group. It was cited in the UNDULATUS group by Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: This noun in the genitive singular case honors Edwin L. Bell, Professor Emeritus of Biology at Albright College, Reading, Pennsylvania, who worked for many years on S. occidentalis and the systematics of the UNDULATUS group.

Remarks: Tropidolepis bellii Gray (1831) was described as a new species, without locality and with a description that precludes certainty of application. It is a nomen dubium. To our knowledge, it has never been cited in the literature; it does not appear in Gray (1845), Boulenger (1885, 1897), or in any more recent work. Tropidolepis Cuvier (1829) is a junior synonym of Sceloporus Wiegmann (1828). Hence Tropidolepis bellii Gray (1831) is transferred to the genus Sceloporus and is a senior secondary homonym of Sceloporus belli Smith et al. (1995). The latter was replaced by edbelli (q.v.).

19. bellii

Original Proposal: Tropidolepis bellii Gray, 1831: 44.

Type: None known.

Type Locality: None given.

Current Status: A nomen oblitum; taxon application unknown, but a secondary senior homonym of Sceloporus belli Smith et al.

Group: uncertain; the description suggests some member of the FORMOSUS group.

Etymology: The patronym honors Thomas Bell (1792-1880), an eminent scientist and herpetologist in London, much admired by Gray, who named many species for him.

Remarks: See preceding entry.

20. bicanthalis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus aeneus bicanthalis Smith, 1937c: 6-8.

Holotype: FMNH 32006 (E. H. Taylor no. 7939), collected 2 September 1936 by E. H. Taylor.

Type Locality: Cofre de Perote, near Cruz Blanca, Veracruz, Mexico.

Standard Name: Trans-Volcanic Bunchgrass Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus bicanthalis Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: SCALARIS. Sites et al. (1992); Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The name is derived from the Latin bi, "two", canthus, "edge" or "corner," and -alis, "pertaining to", and refers to the 2-2 canthals of the species, differentiating it from S. aeneus, with 1-1 canthals.

21. bimaculosus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus magister bimaculosus Phelan and Brattstrom, 1955: 9-10.

Holotype: CAS 91199 (formerly UCLA 3816), collected by R. G. Zweifel and K. S. Norris 24 August 1948.

Type Locality: 6.6 mi E San Antonio (33°52'19"N, 106°45'29"W), Socorro Co., New Mexico.

Standard Name: Twin-spotted Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus magister bimaculosus Phelan and Brattstrom.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: MAGISTER. Sites et al. (1992); Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name mentioned in neither.

Etymology: The name is a Latin adjective based upon bis-, "two" or "twice," and maculosus, "spotted," and refers to a series of paired brown blotches on dorsum.

Remarks: This was named Sceloporus magister maculosus in manuscript, and changed to Sceloporus magister bimaculosus while in press, in order to avoid junior homonymy with Sceloporus maculosus Smith (1934b). Unfortunately the name Sceloporus magister maculosus inadvertently persisted in the map of the printed publication. As an incorrect original spelling, maculosus Phelan and Brattstrom has no nomenclatural status. See Parker (1982) for an account under the species name.

22. binocularis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus binocularis Dunn, 1936: 474-475.

Holotype: ANSP 20032, collected by H.A. Pilsbry, F.W. Pennell and C.H. Harvey Malnate in 1934.

Type Locality: Trail from Pablillo to Alamar, Nuevo León, Mexico.

Standard Name: Nuevo León Torquate Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus torquatus binocularis Dunn.

Combination Priority: Smith and Taylor (1950).

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992); Wiens and Reeder (1997). Only the latter mentioned the name.

Etymology: The name is a Latin adjective from bis- "two" or "paired," and oculus, "eye," referring to the two enlarged supraocular scales.

Remarks: Known only from the type locality and immediate vicinity.

23. biseriatus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus biseriatus Hallowell, 1854: 93.

Lectotype: ANSP 8476 (Bell, 1954), collected by Dr. Heermann.

Type Locality: Borders of El Paso Creek and in Tejon valley, California, restricted to borders of El Paso Creek by Smith and Taylor (1950). El Paso Creek is in Kern Co., about ten miles northeast of Ft. Tejon. Tejon Valley (or Tejon Canyon) is northeast of El Paso Creek, Kern Co.

Standard Name: San Joaquin Fence Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus occidentalis biseriatus Hallowell.

Combination Priority: Camp (1916).

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992); UNDULATUS according to Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name mentioned in neither.

Etymology: The name is an adjective from Latin bis-, "two," and series, "series," and refers to the two, or double, dorsolateral light lines.

Remarks: For review see Bell and Price (1996).

24. bocourtii

Original Proposal: Sceloporus undulatus var. bocourtii Boulenger, 1885: 229.

Lectotype: BMNH 1946.9.6.98 (formerly 1885.11.5.3), collected by Mr. Forrer (no date), at Santa Cruz, California, designated by Bell (1954).

Type Locality: Restricted by Bell (1954), through lectotype designation, to Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Co., California.

Standard Name. Coast Range Fence Lizard.

Current Name: S. occidentalis bocourtii Boulenger.

Combination Priority: Bell (1954).

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992), UNDULATUS according to Wiens and Reeder. Name not listed in either.

Etymology: The Latinized noun in the genitive singular honors Marie-Firmin Bocourt, a French herpetologist most widely known for his major contributions to the Mission Scientifique au Mexique.

Remarks: For general account see Bell and Price (1996).

25. boulengeri

Original Proposal: Sceloporus boulengeri Stejneger, 1893: 180.

Syntypes: Three: USNM 14079, collected by A. Forrer, 3 April 1885.

Type Locality: Presidio, about 50 mi S Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico.

Standard Name: Southern Clark's Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus clarkii boulengeri Stejneger..

Combination Priority: Burt (1935).

Group: CLARKII. Sites et al. (1992); Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not listed in either work.

Etymology: The genitive singular noun honors George A. Boulenger, a prominent herpetologist at the British Museum of Natural History in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. His catalogs of the amphibians and reptiles of that museum are classics still widely used. He was one of the most prolific herpetologists of all time.

26. brownorum

Original Proposal: S. scalaris brownorum Smith, Watkins-Colwell, Lemos-Espinal and Chiszar, 1997: 290-301.

Holotype: BCB (Strecker Museum, Baylor University, Waco, Texas) 11847, taken by B. C. Brown, B.A. Brown, L D. Brown, A.A. Brown, R.B. Brown, E. Mitchell, and J. Wotring, 6 June 1961.

Type Locality: 22 mi NE El Salto, Durango, Mexico.

Standard Name: Brown's Bunchgrass Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus scalaris brownorum Smith et al.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: SCALARIS. Sites et al. (1992); Wiens and Reeder, 1997: 39. Name not listed in either.

Etymology: Named for Dr. Bryce C. Brown, Director Emeritus of the Strecker Museum, Baylor University, Texas; his wife Lillian, and his children, Alton A., Brent A., Carol A., Leo D., and Roy B., all of whom aided in collecting the largest series of this subspecies in any museum.

27. bulleri

Original Proposal: Sceloporus bulleri Boulenger, 1894: 729-730.

Lectotype: BMNH 1946.8.29.90 (formerly 1982.10.31.11), designated by Webb (1967), collected by Dr. A. C. Buller.

Type Locality: La Cumbre de los Arrastrados, Colonia Brizuela, Jalisco, Mexico (C. McCarthy, pers. comm.).

Standard Name: Buller's Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus bulleri Boulenger.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992); Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The genitive singular noun honors A. C. Buller, collector of the type specimens.

28. caeruleopunctatus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus spinosus caeruleopunctatus Smith, 1938b: 469.

Holotype: FMNH 32003 (EHT no. 8467), collected by H. M. Smith, 5 August 1935. Type Locality: Slopes of Cerro de San Luis, about 15 mi N Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico.

Standard Name: Blue-spotted Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus spinosus caeruleopunctatus Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: SPINOSUS. HORRIDUS of Sites et al. (1992), name not listed; SPINOSUS of Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin words caeruleus, "sky-blue," punctum, "spot," and -atus, "pertaining to," refer to the blue spots between the dorsolateral light lines.

Remarks. Wiens and Reeder (1997) suggested that this taxon may be of species rank.

29. caeruleus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus ornatus caeruleus Smith, 1937d: 223-230.

Holotype: FMNH 32001, originally field no. 350, collected 20 June 1934 by David Dunkle and H. M. Smith.

Type Locality: Five miles S San Pedro (de las Colonias), Coahuila, Mexico.

Standard Name: Blue Ornate Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: S. ornatus caeruleus Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), name not cited; Wiens and Reeder (1997), name treed.

Etymology: The Latin adjective caeruleus means "sky- blue," and refers to the dorsal background color and the solid blue ventral color.

30. calligaster

Original Proposal: Sceloporus melanorhinus calligaster Smith, 1942: 360.

Holotype: USNM 112201, collected by H. M. Smith, 3 September 1939.

Type Locality: Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico.

Standard Name: Pastel-bellied Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus melanorhinus calligaster Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: CLARKII. Sites et al. (1992); Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not listed in either work.

Etymology: The name is from the Greek words kalos, "beautiful," and gaster, "belly," and refers to the colorful orange venter in males.

31. carinatus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus carinatus Smith, 1936a: 89.

Holotype: FMNH 32008 (originally EHT-HMS 4866), collected 4 September 1935 by E. H. Taylor and H. M. Smith.

Type Locality: Near Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, Mexico.

Standard Name: Keeled Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus carinatus Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: SINIFERUS. Sites et al. (1992); Wiens and Reeder (1997); Flores-Villela et al. (2000).

Etymology: The Latin carina, "keel," and -atus, "pertaining to," refer to the strongly keeled head scales.

32. cariniceps

Original Proposal: Sceloporus serrifer cariniceps Martin, 1952: 1-7.

Holotype: UMMZ 101537, collected by Richard Robins, 13 June 1949.

Type Locality: Five mi NE Gómez Farías at Rancho Pano Ayuctle along the Río Sabinas, Tamaulipas, Mexico.

Current Status: Junior synonym of Sceloporus serrifer plioporus Smith fide Olson (1987).

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992); Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not listed.

Etymology: The Latin nouns carina, "keel," and caput, "head," refer to the keeled head scales.

33. cautus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus cautus Smith, 1938c: 2, 5, 6.

Holotype: FMNH 32008. Originally HMS-EHT 13027, collected by E. H. Taylor and H. M. Smith, 1932.

Type Locality: Thirty mi N El Salado, San Luis Potosí, in Coahuila, Mexico.

Standard Name: Shy Spiny lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus cautus Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: OLIVACEUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992); UNDULATUS according to Wiens and Reeder (1997). See introductory comments.

Etymology: The Latin cautus means "cautious," or "wary," and refers to the behavior of these lizards.

34. cephaloflavus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus magister cephaloflavus Tanner, 1955: 32-34.

Holotype: BYU 11270, collected 16 July 1953 by D. E. Beck.

Type Locality: Bentley's Cabin, approximately 15 mi NW Hole-in-the-Rock, Kaiparowits Plateau, Kane County, Utah.

Standard Name: Orange-headed Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus magister cephaloflavus Tanner.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: MAGISTER. Sites et al. (1992); Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not listed in either work.

Etymology: The Greek noun kephale, "head," and the Latin noun flavus, "yellow," together refer to the yellow or orange dorsal head scales.

Remarks: Reviewed in Parker (1982).

35. chaneyi

Original Proposal: Sceloporus chaneyi Liner and Dixon, 1992: 421.

Holotype: TCWC 69151, formerly E. A. Liner 4757, collected by Ernest A. Liner and Richard M. Johnson on 17 July 1980.

Type Locality: Rancho la Encantada, 2835 m., 17 km SW Zaragoza, Cerro Peña Nevada area of Nuevo León, Mexico.

Standard Name: Chaney's Bunchgrass Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus chaneyi Liner and Dixon.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: SCALARIS. Sites et al. (1992), name not listed; Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latinized name in the genitive singular honors Allen H. Chaney of Texas A. & I. University (now part of Texas A. & M. system), Kingsville, Texas.

Remarks: Known primarily from the type locality and from 19.6 km NE San Antonio de Peña Nevada, Nuevo León, and vicinity of Tapalpa, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Reviewed by Liner and Dixon (1994).

36. chrysostictus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus chrysostictus Cope, 1866: 125.

Syntypes: Two: USNM 24865-6.

Type Locality: Yucatán, Mexico; no specific locality given: "collection made by direction of the governor of Yucatán, José Salazar Starreguí, by Arthur Schott"; restricted to Chichen Itzá, Yucatán, Mexico, by Smith and Taylor (1950).

Standard Name: Yellow-spotted Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus chrysostictus Cope.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: CHRYSOSTICTUS, Sites et al. (1992). VARIABILIS according to Wiens and Reeder (1997), Fernando-Mendoza et al. (1998), and Flores-Villela et al. (2000). See introduction.

Etymology: The Greek chrysos, "gold," and sticto-, "spot," refer to the "golden spangles" on the sides.

37. clarkii

Original Proposal: Sceloporus clarkii Baird and Girard, 1852a: 127.

Syntypes and lectotype: Three: USNM 2940, of which two specimens are S. m. magister; one designated by Smith (1939) "S. clarkii", with a white tag on its leg, is the lectotype; John H. Clark, collector.

Type Locality: "Province of Sonora", southern Arizona, restricted to Santa Rita Mountains, Pima Co., Arizona, by Smith and Taylor (1950).

Standard Name: Clark's Lizard, Sonoran Clark's Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus clarkii clarkii Baird and Girard.

Combination Priority: Cope (1875).

Group: CLARKII, Sites et al. (1992); Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: This species name honors John H. Clark, a collector for Colonel J. D. Graham, who obtained many specimens from near the Mexico border.

Remarks: An excellent history of the confusion between clarkii and magister is provided by Stejneger (1893).

38. cochranae

Original Proposal: Sceloporus cochranae Smith, 1936a: 87.

Holotype: USNM 47605, collected 8 July 1894 by E. W. Nelson and E. A. Goldman.

Type Locality: Mt. Zempoaltepec, 8,000 ft., Oaxaca, Mexico.

Current Status: Junior synonym of Sceloporus cupreus Bocourt, 1873 (fide Smith, 1939).

Group: SINIFERUS. Sites et al. (1992); Wiens and Reeder (1997); name not listed in either work.

Etymology: This name honors the late Doris M. Cochran, Division of Herpetology at the United States National Museum from 1919 to her retirement in 1968. She was officially given the titles Assistant Curator in 1927, Associate Curator in 1942, and Curator in 1956 (Adler, 1989).

39. coeruleus

Original Proposal: Tanner and Robison, 1959: 79-81.

Holotype: BYU 14316, collected 16 July 1958, by Wilmer W. Tanner and W. Gerald Robison, Jr.

Type Locality: Urique, Chihuahua, Mexico.

Current Status: A junior homonym of Sceloporus ornatus caeruleus Smith (1937d), and hence an unavailable senior synonym of Sceloporus nelsoni barrancarum Tanner and Robison.

Group: PYROCEPHALUS. ORCUTTI fide Sites et al. (1992); PYROCEPHALUS fide Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not cited in either work.

Etymology: The Latin noun coeruleus (= caeruleus) "deep blue," refers to the ventral color of males.

Remarks. S. n. coeruleus is a junior homonym of S. o. caeruleus Smith; the two spellings are regarded as homonymous by the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Art. 58). The replacement name for the former is S. n. barrancorum Tanner and Robison (1960), corrected to S. n. barrancarum.

40. consobrinus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus consobrinus Baird and Girard, 1853: 237-239.

Neotype. Oklahoma State University R5284, designated by Bell and Smith (2000), replacing the holotype, USNM 2855, destroyed.

Type Locality: Vicinity of North Fork of the Red River, and Elm Fork, R20N, T4N, S34, Southern Oklahoma Adolescent Alcoholics Rehabilitation Ranch, Quartz Mountain State Park, Kiowa County, Oklahoma.

Standard Name: Southern Prairie Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus undulatus consobrinus Baird and Girard.

Combination Priority: Cope (1900).

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS of Sites et al. (1992), name not listed; UNDULATUS according to Wiens and Reeder (1997), name treed.

Etymology: The Latin adjective consobrinus, "cousin," was presumably applied in recognition of its close relationship to Sceloporus undulatus, which at that time (1853) had no subspecies.

41. couchii

Original Proposal: Sceloporus couchii Baird, 1859: 254.

Lectotype: USNM 2739b, selected from a series of 9 specimens under the same number, by Smith (1939); Lieut. Darius Nash Couch collector, April 1853.

Type Locality: Santa Catarina, Nuevo León, Mexico.

Standard Name: Couch's Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus couchii Baird.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: VARIABILIS, Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997), Flores-Villela et al. (2002).

Etymology: This Latin noun in the genitive singular honors Lieut. Darius Nash Couch, the collector.

Remarks: See Conant (1968) for an account of Couch's travels in Mexico.

42. cowlesi

Original Proposal: Sceloporus undulatus cowlesi Lowe and Norris, 1956: 126.

Holotype: UAZ 682, collected 22 August 1949, by C. H. Lowe, Jr., and K. S. Norris.

Type Locality: White Sands, 3 mi NW National Monument Headquarters, Otero County, New Mexico.

Standard Name: White Sands Prairie Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus undulatus cowlesi Lowe and Norris.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992); UNDULATUS according to Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not listed in either work.

Etymology: This Latinized noun in the genitive singular honors the late Raymond B. Cowles of the University of California at Los Angeles, famed for his studies of desert reptiles and their temperature relations.

43. cozumelae

Original Proposal: Sceloporus cozumelae Jones, 1927: 1-4.

Holotype: USNM 13904, collected by the U. S. Fish Commission Albatross, 23-29 January 1885.

Type Locality: Cozumel Island, Quintana Roo, Mexico.

Standard Name: Cozumel Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus cozumelae Jones.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: VARIABILIS, Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The name is a Latinized noun in the genitive singular, based upon the type locality.

44. cryptus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus cryptus Smith and Lynch, 1967: 19-23.

Holotype: UIMNH 60275, collected by M. J. Landy and J. D. Lynch, 21 June 1964.

Type Locality: Llano de las Flores (12 mi N Ixtlán de Juárez), Sierra de Juárez, Distrito Ixtlán, Oaxaca, Mexico.

Standard Name: Sierra Juárez Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus cryptus Smith and Lynch.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: FORMOSUS according to Sites et al. (1992), and Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The name is an adjective from the Greek kryptos, "secret, hidden", and was applied in reference to the extreme convergent similarity of the species to the sympatric Sceloporus formosus.

45. cupreus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus cupreus Bocourt, 1873b: 3; idem, 1874: 210-212. Described twice as new.

Syntypes: Two: MNHNP 3174, collected by A. Boucard (no date).

Type Locality: Oaxaca, restricted to Mt. Zempoaltepec by Smith and Taylor (1950).

Current Status: Sceloporus cupreus Bocourt. Elevated to species rank by Wiens and Reeder (1997), from a subspecies of siniferus.

Standard Name: Upland Long-tailed Spiny Lizard.

Combination Priority: Original, confirmed by Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Group: SINIFERUS, Sites et al. (1992) (name not listed), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin adjective cupreus means "coppery," and refers to the rusty dorsal color on some males.

Remarks: This taxon was first assigned subspecific rank in Smith and Taylor (1950), and it was so accepted until 1997.

46. cyaneus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus jarrovii cyaneus Treviño-Saldana, 1988: 407-411.

Holotype: UANL 332, collected on 2 November 1966 by Juan José Velasco-Torres.

Type Locality: Cañon de la Presa de la Boca, Santiago, Nuevo León, Mexico.

Standard Name: Northern Blue Mountain Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus minor cyaneus Treviño-Saldana.

Combination Priority: Present. See introductory comments.

Group: TORQUATUS, Sites et al. (1992); Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not mentioned in either work.

Etymology: The Latin adjective cyaneus, "dark blue," refers to the blue on the dorsum and limbs.

Remarks: Not dealt with in Wiens et al. (1999), reviewing the jarrovii complex, to which cyaneus belongs.

47. cyanogenys

Original Proposal: Sceloporus torquatus cyanogenys Cope, 1885: 402.

Syntypes: USNM 31373-31377 and ANSP 11304-11305, collected by E. D. Cope.

Type Locality: Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico.

Standard Name: Blue Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus cyanogenys Cope.

Combination Priority: Smith (1938a), confirmed by Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Group: TORQUATUS, Sites et al. (1992), not listed; Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin noun cyaneus "deep blue" and the Greek noun genys "jaw or chin" refer to the blue throat of males.

Remarks: Prior to Wiens and Reeder (1997), the taxon was regarded as a subspecies of serrifer (Olson, 1987), before that as a separate species, and from 1885 to 1939 (Stejneger and Barbour, 1939) as a subspecies of torquatus.

48. cyanostictus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus jarrovii cyanostictus Axtell and Axtell, 1971: 89-98.

Holotype: USNM 167353, collected 21 June 1967, by R. W. Axtell.

Type Locality: 0.5 mi N La Muralla, at mouth of canyon, 1189m (26°21'30"N, 101°21'30"W), Coahuila, Mexico.

Standard Name: Blue-spotted Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus cyanostictus Axtell and Axtell.

Combination Priority: Wiens et al. (1999).

Group: TORQUATUS, Sites et al. (1992), name not listed; Wiens and Reeder (1997), discussed.

Etymology: The Greek kyanos, "deep blue", and sticto, "spotted", refer to the uniform bright blue to greenish-blue dorsal spotting in adult males.

49. delicatissimus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus delicatissimus Hallowell, 1852: 178.

Holotype: USNM 16020, collected by S. W. Woodhouse.

Type Locality: San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas.

Current Status: Junior synonym of Sceloporus variabilis marmoratus (Smith, 1939).

Group: VARIABILIS, Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not cited in either work.

Etymology: The Latin adjectives delicatus, "delightful," and the superlative -issimus, "very," are the roots of this name.

50. dicyanelus

Original Proposal: Lopherpes dicyanelus Rafinesque, 1832: 143-144.

Type: Unknown.

Type Locality: Knobhills, near Mammoth Cave, Kentucky.

Current Status: Junior synonym of Sceloporus undulatus hyacinthinus (Green, 1818), fide Schmidt (1953).

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS fide Sites et al. (1992), UNDULATUS fide Wiens and Reeder (1997), through synonymy.

Etymology: The Greek dis, "double", and kyanos, "blue", refer to the paired blue spots on the sides of the throat.

Remarks: The generic placement of the species in the original account was ambiguous: "Stellio dicyanelis or Lopherpes dicyanelis." A paragraph preceding the description stated "I refer it to the Genus Stellio...but perhaps it might form a S. G. [subgenus] Lopherpes R. [Rafinesque]." This may be one of the earliest uses of the subgeneric category in herpetology.

51. digueti

Original Proposal: Sceloporus digueti Mocquard, 1899: 311-313.

Type: MNHNP 1892.419. collected by M. Leon Diguet, 1896-7.

Type Locality: Santa Rosalía, Baja California.

Current Status: Junior synonym of Sceloporus orcutti Stejneger (1893).

Group: MAGISTER. ORCUTTI, Sites et al. (1992); MAGISTER, Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not mentioned in either work.

Etymology: This name honors M. Leon Diguet, who made numerous ethnographic, zoological and botanical collections in Baja California, Mexico.

52. dispar

Original Proposal: Sceloporus dispar Baird and Girard, 1852a: 127.

Type: "sent by Dr. Burroughs to the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia", now lost.

Type Locality: Veracruz, restricted to Cruz Blanca, Veracruz, Mexico, by Smith and Taylor (1950).

Current Status: Junior synonym of Sceloporus grammicus microlepidotus (Smith and Laufe, 1945), fide Smith (1939). The assignment is tentative, pending further study of the grammicus complex. The name may apply to a separate taxon.

Group: GRAMMICUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not listed in either work.

Etymology: The Latin noun dispar means "unlike," or "different", referring to the dorsal scales, which were much smaller than the tail scales.

53. disparilis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus disparilis Stejneger, 1916: 227-230.

Holotype: USNM 33041, collected by William Lloyd, 17 June 1891.

Type Locality: Lomita Ranch, 6 mi N Hidalgo, Hidalgo Co., Texas.

Standard Name: Mezquite Graphic Lizard (see grammicus).

Current Status: Sceloporus disparilis Stejneger.

Combination Priority: Original; see introductory comments.

Group: GRAMMICUS, Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not listed in either work.

Etymology: The Latin dispar "unlike," or "different," and -ilis, "having the quality of," refer to the distinctive color and nature of this species.

Remarks: The name has generally been accepted as a nominal subspecies of grammicus, since Smith and Laufe (1945). Occurrence of disparilis sensu stricto in Mexico has not been confirmed, although Texas records are close. It was not reported in the extensive collections from Tamaulipas in the Strecker Museum (Auth et al., 2000).

54. dugesii

Original Proposal: Sceloporus dugesii Bocourt, 1873c: 2; idem, 1874: 188. Described twice as new.

Syntypes: MNHNP 1652-4, collected by Alfredo Dugès.

Type Locality: Colima, no specific locality, Mexico.

Standard Name: Dugès' Spiny Lizard, Eastern Dugès' Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus dugesii dugesii Bocourt.

Combination Priority: Smith, 1938a: 657.

Group: TORQUATUS, Sites et al. (1992); Wiens and Reeder (1997), trinominal treed.

Etymology: This name honors the collector, Alfredo Dugès, who often is called "the father of Mexican herpetology", and who was the first one to summarize the Mexican herpetofauna in Linnaean terms.

Remarks: The species may be monotypic; Wiens and Reeder (1997) suggested that its subspecies intermedius may be a species.

55. edbelli

Original Proposal: Sceloporus edbelli Smith, Chiszar and Lemos-Espinal, 2002: 88-90.

Holotype: UCM 41539, collected 19 June 1966 by Richard L. Holland.

Type Locality: Two mi S León Guzmán, Durango, Mexico.

Standard Name: Bell's Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus edbelli Smith, Chiszar and Lemos-Espinal.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992), UNDULATUS fide Wiens and Reeder (1997), through synonymy.

Etymology: The genitive singular name honors Edwin L. Bell, Professor Emeritus of Biology at Albright College, Reading, Pennsylvania, who worked for many years on S. occidentalis and the systematics of the UNDULATUS group.

Remarks: Tropidolepis bellii Gray (1831) was described as a new species, without locality and with a description that precludes certainty of application. It is a nomen nudum. To our knowledge, it has never been cited in subsequent literature; it does not appear in Gray (1845), where it would be expected, nor in Boulenger (1895, 1897) or any more recent work. Tropidolepis Cuvier (1829) is a junior synonym of Sceloporus Wiegmann (1828). Hence Tropidolepis bellii Gray (1831) is transferred to the genus Sceloporus, where it is a senior secondary homonym of the unavailable Sceloporus bellii Smith et al. S. edbelli is its replacement, as a nomen novum.

56. edwardtaylori

Original Proposal: Sceloporus edwardtaylori Smith, 1936b: 6-8.

Holotype: FMNH 100058, EHT-HMS 8331, orig. EHT-HMS 4221; collected by E. H. Taylor and H. M. Smith, 22 August 1935.

Type Locality: Ixtepec (= San Gerónimo), Oaxaca, Mexico.

Standard Name: Taylor's Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus edwardtaylori Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: EDWARDTAYLORI. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992); EDWARDTAYLORI fide Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The name honors Edward Harrison Taylor (1889-1978), who was a well-known herpetological collector and author on the faculty of the University of Kansas from 1926-1978, and was one of the university's more colorful teachers. His monographic works on the Philippines, Thailand, Costa Rica and Mexico are classics.

57. elongatus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus elongatus Stejneger, 1890: 111.

Holotype: USNM 15858, collected 23 September 1889, by C. Hart Merriam and Vernon O. Bailey.

Type Locality: Moa Ave, Painted Desert, Arizona.

Standard Name: Northern Plateau Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus undulatus elongatus Stejneger.

Combination Priority: Smith, 1938c: 15.

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992), name not listed; UNDULATUS according to Wiens and Reeder (1997), name treed.

Etymology: The Latin elongatus refers to the elongate tail and legs, as described by Stejneger (1890).

58. erythrocheilus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus undulatus erythrocheilus Maslin, 1956: 291.

Holotype USNM 137833, collected by T. P. Maslin and H. A. Fehlman, 17 September 1949.

Type Locality: Nineteen mi E Model, Purgatoire River, Las Animas County, Colorado.

Standard Name: Red-lipped Plateau Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus undulatus erythrocheilus Maslin.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992), name not listed. UNDULATUS according to Wiens and Reeder (1997), name treed.

Etymology: The Greek erythros, "red," and cheilos, "lip," refer to the rust-reddish coloration of the lips and adjacent scales in breeding males.

59. erythrocyaneus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus jarrovii erythrocyaneus Mertens, 1950: 13.

Holotype: Senckenberg Mus. 41 151, collected by H. O. Wagner, 1 September 1949.

Type Locality: Cadereyta, Querétaro, Mexico.

Standard Name: Red-spotted Minor Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus minor erythrocyaneus Mertens.

Combination Priority: Herewith. See introductory comments.

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), name not listed. Wiens and Reeder (1997), name treed. Etymology: The Greek erythros, "red," and kyaneos, "dark blue," aptly describe this form, pictured in color on the cover of the issue in which it was described.

Remarks: An invalid synonym of a monotypic minor fide Wiens et al. (1999).

60. exsul

Original Proposal: Sceloporus exsul Dixon, Ketchersid and Lieb, 1972: 307-312.

Holotype: TCWC 32376, collected by C. A. Ketchersid, 14 June 1970.

Type Locality: Peña Blanca, 1420 m., Querétaro, Mexico.

Standard Name: Queretaran Desert Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus exsul Dixon, Ketchersid and Lieb.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: OLIVACEUS by present assignment. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992), UNDULATUS fide Wiens and Reeder (1997), SPINOSUS according to Ferguson (1982) and Smith and Flores-Villela (1994).

Etymology: The Latin exsul means "a banished person" or an "exile", and refers to the isolated range of this form as a relict in the extreme southern Chihuahua desert.

61. fasciata

Original Proposal: Lacerta fasciata Green, 1818: 349.

Type: None given. ANSP 8347(?) fide Malnate (1971).

Type Locality: "Princeton, New Jersey, Jacob Green (?)" fide Malnate (1971).

Current Status: A junior synonym of Sceloporus undulatus hyacinthinus, and a junior primary homonym of Lacerta fasciata Linnaeus (1758); see Smith (1948b).

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992), UNDULATUS according to Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not listed in either work.

Etymology: The Latin noun fascia, "striped," and the suffix "-ata," refer to the dorsal undulant transverse dark bands.

62. ferrariperezi

Original Proposal: Sceloporus ferrariperezi Cope, 1885: 400.

Syntypes: USNM 9874, 9876, 9878, 9880, 9895 (latter exchanged to MCZ in 1944 fide Cochran, 1961).

Type Locality: Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico.

Current Status: Junior synonym of Sceloporus torquatus torquatus Wiegmann (Smith, 1938a).

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not listed in either work.

Etymology: This name honors Fernando Ferrari-Pérez, an energetic former Chief of the Comisión Científica of Mexico.

Remarks: USNM 9880 is a typical Sceloporus s. spinosus (Smith, 1938a)

63. floridanus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus floridanus Baird, 1859: 254.

Holotype: USNM 2874, collected by Dr. R. W. Jeffries, U. S. N.

Type Locality: Pensacola, Escambia County, Florida.

Current Status: Junior synonym of Sceloporus undulatus undulatus (Bosc and Daudin), fide Smith (1946).

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992). UNDULATUS according to Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not listed in either work.

Etymology: This Latin singular noun refers to the state of Florida, with the suffix "-anus," meaning "pertaining to."

64. formosus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus formosus Wiegmann, 1834: 50.

Lectotype: ZMB 635, F. Deppe collector, designated by Smith and Pérez-Higareda (1992).

Type Locality: Mexico, restricted to Acultzingo, Veracruz, Mexico, by Smith and Taylor (1950), re-restricted to Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico, by Smith and Pérez-Higareda (1992).

Standard Name: Mexican Emerald Lizard, Common Mexican Emerald Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus formosus formosus Wiegmann.

Combination Priority: Wettstein (1934).

Group: FORMOSUS, Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). The latter treed the subspecies.

Etymology: The Latin adjective formosus, "beautiful", refers to the beautiful color of males, with an olive-green or blue-green dorsal coloration, light orange anterior to a ventral cobalt blue throat band, and pearl-blue on sides of venter.

65. frontalis

Original Proposal: Baird and Girard, 1852b: 175.

Type: None given.

Type Locality: "caught in going up Puget Sound".

Current Status: Junior synonym of Sceloporus occidentalis occidentalis (Grinnell and Camp, 1917).

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992). UNDULATUS fide Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not listed in either work.

Etymology: This Latin noun is from frons or frontis, "forehead," and -alis, "pertaining to". The authors drew attention to the rounded, blunt snout and the convexity of the frontal region, in contrasting it with Sceloporus undulatus.

66. fulvus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus fulvus Bocourt, 1874: 214-215.

Syntypes: MNHNP 3179(6).

Type Locality: "Environs de Guatemala et de l'Antigua". La Unión, El Salvador, fide Guibe (1954).

Current Status: Junior synonym of Sceloporus squamosus Bocourt (Smith, 1939).

Group: SINIFERUS, Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not listed in either work.

Etymology: This Latin noun fulvus, means "tawny, reddish yellow," and refers to the dark reddish-brown color of both sexes.

67. gadoviae

Original Proposal: Sceloporus gadoviae Boulenger, 1905: 246-247.

Syntypes: BMNH 1946.8.30.11-12 (formerly 1906.6.1.164-165), collected by Hans Gadow.

Type Locality: Ravine near Mezquititlán, N of Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico.

Standard Name: Gadow's Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus gadoviae Boulenger.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: GADOVIAE. JALAPAE according to Sites et al. (1992). GADOVIAE fide Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: This species is named for Mrs. Hans Gadow.

68. gaigeae

Original Proposal: Sceloporus lundelli gaigeae Smith, 1939: 71.

Holotype: FMNH 31524, collected by H. M. Smith, 27-30 August 1934.

Type Locality: Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico.

Standard Name: Gaige's Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus lundelli gaigeae Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: LUNDELLI. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992). LUNDELLI according to Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name listed in neither.

Etymology: This taxon honors Helen Thompson Gaige (1890-1976), Curator of the Reptile and Amphibian Section of the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology (1923-1945). She was employed by the Museum from 1910-1945. She was herpetological editor of Copeia in 1930, then Managing Editor in 1937, then Editor-In-Chief from 1946-1949. She had a major role in transforming the journal into a modern quarterly publication, and in guiding the early careers of many herpetologists. (Adler, 1989)

69. garmani

Original Proposal: Sceloporus garmani Boulenger, 1882: 761.

Lectotype: BMNH 1946.8.30.10, one of the original three syntypes (Bell, 1996).

Type Locality: "Dacota", in original description; restricted to "Near Pine Ridge, South Dakota", by Stejneger and Barbour (1933).

Standard Name: Northern Prairie Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus undulatus garmani Boulenger.

Combination Priority: Smith, 1938c: 14.

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992), name not listed. UNDULATUS according to Wiens and Reeder (1997), name treed.

Etymology: The genitive singular noun honors Samuel Garman, Curator at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University, who authored nearly 50 works in herpetology from 1874-1917. Garman sent the syntypes to Boulenger.

70. goldmani

Original Proposal: Sceloporus goldmani Smith, 1937c: 5.

Holotype: UMMZ 80896, collected by C. L. Lundell on 31 July 1934.

Type Locality: Near Charcas, San Luis Potosí, Mexico.

Standard Name: Goldman's Bunchgrass Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus goldmani Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: SCALARIS, Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin genitive singular honors Edward A. Goldman, one of the collectors of the paratypes of the species. He was a prominent naturalist and author, first employed in 1892 by the U. S. Biological Survey, under whose auspices he and Edward W. Nelson made their famous survey of the terrestrial vertebrates of Mexico around the turn of the century. Their 12-year collection was the largest single such collection ever made in Mexico.

71. gracilis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus gracilis Baird and Girard, 1852b: 175.

Type: Unknown fide Censky (1986).

Type Locality: "inhabits Oregon", restricted to "vicinity of Klamath Falls" by Schmidt (1953).

Standard Name: Western Sagebrush Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus graciosus gracilis Baird and Girard.

Combination Priority: Van Denburgh (1922).

Group: GRACIOSUS, Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not listed in either work.

Etymology: The Latin gracilis means "thin, slender", and Baird and Girard described it as such in comparing it with their Sceloporus graciosus.

Remarks: A review is in Censky (1986).

72. graciosus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus graciosus Baird and Girard, 1852a: 69. According to Banta (1971), the original proposal was published between April and June, 1852. The more detailed description, commonly but erroneously credited as the first (Baird and Girard, 1852d), was published shortly afterward in July or early August, 1852.

Syntypes; Four: USNM 2877, collected by H. Stansbury; date unknown.

Type Locality: Valley of the Great Salt Lake [Utah].

Standard Name: Common Sagebrush Lizard, Northern Sagebrush Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus graciosus graciosus Baird and Girard.

Combination Priority: Camp (1916).

Group: GRACIOSUS, Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin gratia, meaning "grace," or "graceful," and -osus, "having the quality of," is a judgment of form. The name graciosus is an incorrect transliteration but cannot be changed under the Code. See gratiosus.

Remarks: An account of the species appeared in Censky (1986).

73. grammicus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus grammicus Wiegmann, 1828: 370.

Syntypes; Three: ZMB 641-643, collected by F. Deppe.

Type Locality: "Mexico", restricted to Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico by Smith and Taylor (1950).

Standard Name: Graphic Lizard, Southern Plateau Graphic Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus grammicus grammicus Wiegmann.

Combination Priority: Smith and Laufe (1945).

Group: GRAMMICUS, Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Greek adjective gramma is the basis for this name, and refers to script, or graphic, lines that cross the gray back. This is one of the most characteristic features of this group. On that basis the Standard English name is derived, applying to grammicus and its closest relativeas, anahuacus, disparilis and palaciosi.

74. grandaevus

Original Proposal: Sator grandaevus Dickerson, 1919: 469.

Holotype: AMNH 5491, collected by C. H. Townsend, Albatross

Expedition, 19 April 1911.

Type Locality: Cerralvo Island, Gulf of California, Mexico.

Standard Name: Cerralvo Island Sator.

Current Status: Sceloporus grandaevus (Dickerson).

Combination Priority: Flores-Villela (1993). See S. angustus.

Group: UTIFORMIS. ANGUSTUS fide Wiens and Reeder (1997). UTIFORMIS fide Flores-Villela et al. (2000).

Etymology: From the Latin grandis, "large or noble", referring to the total body size, up to 250 mm.

75. gratiosus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus gratiosus Yarrow 1875: 576; this spelling was used along with references to Sceloporus graciosus Baird and Girard. The spelling was independently used also by Boulenger (1885), explicitly as an emendation of graciosus.

Type: That of Sceloporus graciosus Baird and Girard.

Type Locality: That of Sceloporus graciosus Baird and Girard.

Current Status: Junior synonym (unjustified emendation) of Sceloporus graciosus.

Group: GRACIOSUS, through synonymy.

Etymology: The Latin words gratia "pleasure", "beauty", and gratiosus "full of favor", are the sources for both spellings; gratiosus is correct, but an incorrect original transliteration (graciosus) is not to be corrected according to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.

76. guentheri

Original Proposal: Sceloporus guentheri Stejneger, 1918: 92.

Type: BMNH 1946.8.10.5 (formerly 1857.7.31.38) collected by M. Sallé.

Type Locality: "Mexico," restricted to La Esperanza, Chiapas, Mexico, by Smith and Taylor (1950).

Current Status: Junior synonym of Sceloporus acanthinus (Smith, 1939).

Group: FORMOSUS, Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not mentioned in either.

Etymology: The name is a nominative singular Latin word honoring A. C. L. G. Günther, who worked at the British Museum of Natural History beginning in 1857. He was keeper of the Zoology Department, 1875-1895. He wrote the herpetological volume of the series "Biologia Centrali-Americana," 1885-1902, and founded the Zoological Record in 1865. (Adler, 1989)

77. halli

Original Proposal: Sceloporus megalepidurus halli Dasmann and Smith, 1974: 231-237.

Holotype: UCM 41137, collected by T. MacDougall October 1967.

Type Locality: San José Lachiguiri, Oaxaca, Mexico.

Standard Name: Hall's Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus halli Dasmann and Smith.

Combination Priority: Wiens and Reeder (1997), corroborated by Smith, McCarthy and Chiszar (2000).

Group: MEGALEPIDURUS, Sites et al. (1992) (name not listed), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The name honors William P. Hall III, who contributed to the systematics of Sceloporus through karyotyping, and opened the can of worms in the Sceloporus grammicus complex.

78. hartwegi

Original Proposal: Sceloporus taeniocnemis hartwegi Stuart, 1971: 256.

Holotype: UMMZ 119854, collected by F. L. Downs and J. R. Winkelmann 17 July 1959.

Type Locality: 8.2 mi SE San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, "elevation probably about 2500 m."

Standard Name: Hartweg's Emerald Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus taeniocnemis hartwegi Stuart.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: FORMOSUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not listed in either work.

Etymology: The Latin nominative singular noun honors the late Norman E. Hartweg, former staff member at the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, who worked extensively on the herpetology of Oaxaca and Chiapas.

79. heterolepis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus heterolepis Boulenger, 1894: 724, 731.

Syntypes: BMNH: 1946.8.10.37-43 (formerly 1892.9.5.17-23), La Cumbre de los Arrastrados, Jalisco, 8500 ft.; 1946.8.10.25-30 (formerly 1892.10.31.4-9), La Cumbre de los Arrastrados, Jalisco, 8500 ft.; 1946.8.10.20 (formerly 1893.4.29.1-2), Real Alto, Jalisco, 7800 ft.; 1892.2.8.30, "Riocho (= Rancho)" La Berberia. All collected by A. C. Buller.

Type Locality: Restricted to La Cumbre de los Arrastrados, Jalisco, Mexico, by Smith and Taylor (1950).

Standard Name: Southern Odd-scaled Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus heterolepis Boulenger.

Combination Priority: Original, accepted by Wiens and Reeder (1997). Considered polytypic, including shannonorum, by Webb (1969).

Group: GRAMMICUS, Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Greek words heteros, "different," and lepido-, "scale," refer to the noticeably unequal sizes of the dorsal scales.

80. heterurus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus heterurus Cope, 1867: 322.

Holotype: Probably USNM 25064, given incorrectly in original description as USNM 6589, collected by Charles Sartorius (Cochran, 1961).

Type Locality: Mirador, Veracruz, Mexico.

Current Status: Synonym of Sceloporus microlepidotus microlepidotus Wiegmann fide Smith (1939), now S. grammicus microlepidotus. The assignment is tentative, pending further study of the grammicus complex. The name may apply to a separate taxon.

Group: GRAMMICUS. See microlepidotus.

Etymology: The Greek words heteros, "different," and oura, "tail," refer to the large and heavily keeled caudal scales, compared with the dorsals.

80. holmani

Original Proposal: Sceloporus holmani Eshelman, 1975: 20.

Holotype: UMMP V61389, right dentary.

Type Locality: Late Blancan (Pliocene) White Rock fauna of ancestral Republican River paleovalley of north-central Kansas.

Current Status: Phrynosoma holmani (Eshelman), according to Van Devender and Eshelman (1979).

Etymology: The name honors J. Alan Holman of Michigan State University, a prominent authority on paleoherpetology.

81. horridus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus horridus Wiegmann, 1834: 50.

Holotype: ZMB 640 (missing fide Taylor, 1969), Ferdinand Deppe collector.

Type Locality: "Mexico," restricted to Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico, by Smith and Taylor (1950).

Standard Name: Rough Lizard, Southern Rough Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus horridus horridus Wiegmann.

Combination Priority: Smith (1939).

Group: SPINOSUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992); SPINOSUS according to Wiens and Reeder (1997), trinominal treed.

Etymology: The Latin horridus, "bristly," or "rough," refers to the strongly mucronate dorsal scales. It is unlikely that the ancillary meaning of dreadful, frightful or fearsome (the English word horrid) was intended by the describer.

83. humeralis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus humeralis Bocourt, 1873c: 2; idem, 1874: 206-208. Described twice as new.

Type: MNHNP 2527, collected by M. Sallé.

Type Locality: "Oaxaca," restricted to the city of Tehuantepec by Smith and Taylor (1950a).

Current Status: Junior synonym of Sceloporus siniferus Cope, fide Smith (1939).

Group: SINIFERUS. See siniferus.

Etymology: The Latin humerus, "shoulder" or "bone of forearm," and -alis, "having the nature of," refers to the black spot on the shoulder in some males.

84. hunsakeri

Original Proposal: Sceloporus hunsakeri Hall and Smith, 1979: 4.

Holotype: MVZ 73570, collected 17 February 1960 by R. G. Crippen.

Type Locality: Three mi E San Bartolo, ~500 ft., Cape region, Baja California, Mexico.

Standard Name: Hunsaker's Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus hunsakeri Hall and Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: MAGISTER. ORCUTTI according to Sites et al. (1992), MAGISTER fide Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin genitive singular name honors Don Hunsaker II, in recognition of his comparative ethological studies of Sceloporus, and for encouraging W. P. Hall III to perform karyological studies of the genus.

85. hyacinthinus

Original Proposal: Lacerta hyacinthina Green, 1818: 349.

Neotype: No type indicated. Neotype ANSP 35082, collected 3 May 1993 by R. T. Zappalorti and E. L. Bell; see Bell (1996).

Type Locality: None stated. "Probably the vicinity of Princeton, New Jersey" (Stejneger and Barbour, 1943). Neotype locality: Crossley Preserve, western Berkeley Township, Ocean County, New Jersey, 4.76 mi (7.05 km) directly west of the Garden State Parkway bridge over Toms River at Toms River, New Jersey.

Standard Name: Northern Fence Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus undulatus hyacinthinus (Green).

Combination Priority: Smith, 1948b: 1.

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992), name not listed. UNDULATUS according to Wiens and Reeder (1997), name treed.

Etymology: The Greek singular noun is from hyakinthinus, "lily," and refers to the blue colors of the abdominal semeions.

86. immucronatus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus jarrovii immucronatus Smith, 1937d: 22.

Holotype: FMNH 100056, originally EHT-HMS 9358a, collected by E. H. Taylor and H. M. Smith in 1932.

Type Locality: Ten miles N El Pinalito, Hidalgo, Mexico.

Standard Name: Southern Blue Minor Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus minor immucronatus Smith.

Combination Priority: Present. See introductory comments.

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), name not listed; Wiens and Reeder (1997), name treed.

Etymology: The Latin prefix im-, "not," and nominative singular Latin noun mucronatus "pointed," refer to the weakly pointed (immucronate) body scales.

Remarks: An invalid synonym of a monotypic minor fide Wiens et al. (1999).

87. insignis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus insignis Webb, 1967: 209.

Holotype: UMMZ 125919, collected by W. E. Duellman 16 June 1958.

Type Locality: Sierra de Coalcomán, Michoacán, Mexico.

Standard Name: Coalcoman Black-collared Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus insignis Webb.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin adjective insignis means "remarkable, notable, distinguished," meaning that it is distinctive enough from Sceloporus bulleri to be a different species (Webb, 1967).

88. intermedius

Original Proposal: Sceloporus intermedius Dugès, 1877: 29-34.

Syntypes: Two, Mus. Alfredo Dugès, no number, collector unknown (Smith and Necker, 1944).

Type Locality: La Noria, near Zamora, hacienda of D. Epifanio Jiménez, Michoacán, Mexico.

Standard Name: Western Dugès' Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus dugesi intermedius (Dugès).

Combination Priotity: Smith (1938).

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), name not listed; Wiens and Reeder (1997), name treed.

Etymology: The Latin intermedius, "intermediate", was applied with the thought that its scalation was intermediate between that of S. grammicus and S. microlepidotus.

Remarks: Tropidolepis intermedius Dugès (1869: 143) is a nomen nudum. We do not treat it separately because it is the same as the properly published name by the same author. The taxon may be of specific rank (Wiens and Reeder, 1997).

89. internasalis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus malachiticus internasalis Smith and Bumzahem, 1955: 118-120.

Holotype: UIMNH 35617, collected 12 March 1953 by Thomas MacDougall.

Type Locality: La Gloria, Oaxaca, Mexico.

Current Status: Sceloporus internasalis Smith and Bumzahem.

Combination Priority: Sites et al. (1992), with a question; Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Group: FORMOSUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin inter, "between," nasus, "nose," and -alis, "having the quality of," refer to the many small scales in the internasal area.

Remarks: Stuart (1971) gives the best summary of this problematical species. Wiens and Reeder (1997) did not agree with the analysis of Smith and Perez-Higareda (1992), who maintained that the names S. salvini and S. internasalis apply to the same species.

90. irazuensis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus irazuensis Günther, 1890: 67.

Syntypes: BMNH 1946.8.10.10-14 (formerly 1885.10.20.2-5), Irazú, Costa Rica, collected by F. D. Godman and O. Salvin. Also 1946.8.10.3-4 (formerly 1889.11.13.114-115), collected in "S. Mexico" by F. D. Godman.

Type Locality: Irazú, Costa Rica.

Current Status: Junior synonym of Sceloporus malachiticus Cope.

Group: FORMOSUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name cited in neither.

Etymology: The name, with the Latin -ensis suffix, means "of Irazú, the type locality.

Remarks: The syntypes probably represent more than one species.

91. jalapae

Original Proposal: Sceloporus jalapae Günther, 1890: 74.

Syntypes: BMNH 1946.8.10.31 (formerly 1881.10.31.5), collected by C. T. Hoege.

Type Locality: Jalapa (now Xalapa), Veracruz, Mexico.

Standard Name: Xalapa Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus jalapae Günther.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: JALAPAE. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The type locality in the genitive case.

92. jarrovii

Original Proposal: Sceloporus jarrovii Cope in Yarrow, 1875: 569. The name first appeared as a nomen nudum in Cope's (1875) checklist.

Lectotype: USNM 8495, designated by Webb and Axtell (1986), collected by H. W. Henshaw, October 1873.

Type Locality: Webb and Axtell (1986) stated that the type locality "cannot be restricted to one specific site, but is somewhere between Fort Grant and the Fort Bowie National Historic Site, Arizona, in an area encompassing the southeastern Pinaleno (Graham) Mountains, Dos Cabezas, and northwestern Chiricahua Mountains".

Standard Name: Yarrow's Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus jarrovii Cope.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). Trinominal treed in the latter.

Etymology: The name honors Henry Crecy Yarrow, Acting Assistant Surgeon, United States Army, and Honorary Curator of Amphibians and Reptiles at the U. S. National Museum previous to 1889.

Remarks: Wiens et al. (1999) removed all subspecies from jarrovii except for lineolateralis, which he did not allocate and which we here regard as a separate species.

93. lateralis

Original Proposal: Lysoptychus lateralis Cope, 1888: 397-398.

Holotype: USNM 14741, a typical S. couchi, collected by W. P. Taylor.

Type Locality: San Diego, Duval County, Texas, in error; the species is restricted to Mexico. The type probably came from somewhere in Nuevo León.

Current Status: Junior synonym of Sceloporus couchi Baird.

Group: VARIABILIS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name cited in neither.

Etymology: The Latin adjective lateralis, "of the side," probably was based on the very prominent lateral dark and light stripes.

Remarks: The type specimen is preserved in such a manner as to form a definite neck fold (although not of small scales), which was the basis for Cope's new genus. Larsen and Tanner (1975) resurrected Lysoptychus for seven species, including S. couchi, but Cole (1978) returned them to Sceloporus.

94. licki

Original Proposal: Sceloporus licki Van Denburgh, 1895: (2)5: 110.

Holotype: CAS 1436, collected by Gustav Eisen and F. Vaslit, September 1894.

Type Locality: Sierra San Lázaro, Baja California, Mexico.

Standard Name: Cape Arboreal Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus licki Van Denburgh.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: MAGISTER. ORCUTTI according to Sites et al. (1992). MAGISTER, Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The name honors James Lick, a philanthropist who left his home in Pennsylvania, with little money, became a master cabinetmaker, then went to South America and returned to San Francisco in 1848 with more than $30,000 in gold. He invested in prime waterfront properties and allegedly became the richest man in California. He is buried on Mount Hamilton, beneath one of the piers of Lick Observatory.

95. lineatulus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus lineatulus Dickerson, 1919: 467.

Holotype: Formerly AMNH 5478, now USNM 64263, fide Cochran (1961), collected 16 May 1911 by C. H. Townsend on the Albatross expedition.

Type Locality: Santa Catalina Island, Gulf of California, Mexico.

Standard Name: Santa Catalina Island Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus lineatulus Dickerson.

Combination Priority: Original, restored by Murphy (1983) after long assignment as a subspecies of magister.

Group: MAGISTER. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin lineatus, "linear," and the diminutive -ulus refer to the finely striped dorsal pattern.

Remarks: Reviewed (as a subspecies of S. magister) by Parker (1982). The taxon was first assigned subspecific rank by Smith (1939), and that was accepted as late as 1990. Species rank was accepted by several workers between 1939 and 1983, but after the latter date most workers followed Murphy (1983).

96. lineolateralis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus lineolateralis Smith, 1936a: 92.

Holotype: FMNH 32002, originally EHT-HMS 4323, collected by E. H. Tylor and H. M. Smith, 27 August 1932.

Type Locality: Six miles northeast of Pedriceña, Durango, Mexico.

Standard Name: Lined Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus lineolateralis Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin lineo,"to make straight," and lateralis, "of the side," refer to the light and especially dark lines along the side of the body.

Remarks: This was regarded as a subspecies of jarrovii following Webb and Hensley (1959), but Wiens et al. (1999) removed all subspecies from S. jarrovii, except for lineolateralis which he deferred for later consideration. Our experience leads us to regard it as a full species, based on its distinctly different pattern and habitat from S. jarrovii. It was so considered by Wiens and Reeder (1997), and questionably by Sites et al. (1992).

97. longipes

Original Proposal: Sceloporus longipes Baird, 1859: 254.

Lectotype: USNM 4358A, collected by John Xantus, designated by Bell (1954).

Type Locality: Fort Tejon, California [Kern County].

Standard Name: Great Basin Fence Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus occidentalis longipes Baird.

Combination Priority: Bell (1954).

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992). UNDULATUS according to Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not listed in either work.

Etymology: The Latin long, "long," and pes, "foot," refer to the elongate toes.

Remarks: S. o. longipes is the form sympatric with S. undulatus tristichus in the Pine Valley Mountains of southwestern Utah (Cole, 1983; Smith and Chiszar, 1989). Reviewed by Bell and Price (1996).

98. longipunctatus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus merriami longipunctatus Olson, 1973: 116-127.

Holotype: USNM 192744, formerly REO 3286, collected 31 May 1971, by R. Earl Olson.

Type Locality: Closed Canyon, 14.3 rd mi (23.0 km.) SE Redford, Presidio County, Texas.

Standard Name: Presidio Canyon Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus merriami longipunctatus Olson.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: MERRIAMI. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name listed in neither work.

Etymology: The Latin adjective long, "long," the noun punctum, "spot," and the suffix -atus, "pertaining to", refer to laterally elongate paravertebral spots, diagnostic of the subspecies.

Remarks: The species and its subspecies were reviewed by Olson (1979).

99. lunaei

Original Proposal: Sceloporus lunaei Bocourt, 1873c: 1; idem, 1874: 184-186. Described twice as new.

Syntypes: Seven: MNHNP 3144-47.

Type Locality: Plateau of Guatemala, 1500 meters.

Standard Name: Luna's Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus lunae Bocourt.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: FORMOSUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin lunaei refers to a Dr. Luna who collected the type.

Remarks: The Latinized surname Luna becomes lunae in the genitive case, even though Luna was a man. There is no provision in the Code for an extra terminal -i (Art. 31 of the Code, ICZN, 1999).

100. lundelli

Original Proposal: Sceloporus lundelli lundelli Smith, 1939: 66.

Holotype: UMMZ 80674, collected by C. L. Lundell.

Type Locality: Cohune Ridge, 20 mi SE Benque Viejo, British Honduras.

Standard Name: Lundell's Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus lundelli lundelli Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: LUNDELLI, new group, Wiens and Reeder (1997). HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992).

Etymology: This Latin genitive singular noun honors the collector, famed in the study of Central American botany.

101. macdougalli

Original Proposal: Sceloporus macdougalli Smith and Bumzahem, 1953: 185-187.

Holotype: UIMNH 34354, collected by Thomas MacDougall, 26-27 March 1953.

Type Locality: Rincón Bamba, 22 mi. SW Tehuantepec, 8 miles from the coast at Bahía Bamba, Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico.

Standard Name: MacDougall's Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus macdougalli Smith and Bumzahem.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: This Latin genitive singular noun honors the late collector, Thomas MacDougall, who spent many summers collecting plants and some animals in Oaxaca and adjacent states in Mexico.

102. macrolepis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus poinsettii macrolepis Smith and Chrapliwy, 1958: 268.

Holotype: UIMNH 35455, collected in 1952-3 by Barden and I. L. Firschein.

Type Locality: El Salto, Durango, Mexico.

Standard Name: Western Crevice Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus poinsettii macrolepis Smith and Chrapliwy.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name listed in neither work.

Etymology: The Greek makros, "long," (but often mistakenly, as here, used to mean "large") and lepis, "scale," pertain to the relatively large dorsal scales in this subspecies, compared with other members of the species.

103. maculosus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus maculosus Smith, 1934b: 267.

Holotype: FMNH 32007 (formerly EHT-HMS 7638) collected 29 August 1932 by E. H. Taylor and H. M. Smith.

Type Locality: 14 mi NE Pedriceña, Durango, Mexico.

Standard Name: Northern Snub-nosed Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus maculosus Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: MACULOSUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin noun maculosus, "spotted" or "dappled" refers to the white dots scattered over dorsal surfaces of body and limbs.

104. madrensis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus torquatus madrensis Olson, 1986: 167-170.

Holotype: TCWC 62433, collected by R. E. Olson, 18 June 1982.

Type Locality: Above Rancho del Cielo, 1740 m, 7 km NW Gómez Farías, Tamaulipas, Mexico.

Standard Name: Lesser Torquate Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus torquatus madrensis Olson.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name listed in neither.

Etymology: The Latinized Spanish madre, "mother," and the suffix -ensis, "pertaining to," refer to the type locality of this form in the pine-oak forests on the eastern wall of the Sierra Madre Oriental.

105. magister

Original Proposal: Sceloporus magister Hallowell, 1854: 93.

Holotype: USNM 2967, collected by A. L. Heermann.

Type Locality: "near Fort Yuma, at junction of Colorado and Gila, also near Tucson, in Sonora, upon a rocky soil" (Hallowell, 1854).

Standard Name: Desert Spiny Lizard, Purple-backed Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus magister magister Hallowell.

Combination Priority: Linsdale (1932).

Group: MAGISTER. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin magister, "master," or "chief," refers to the large size of this species.

Remarks: An excellent history of the confusion between S. magister¨and S. clarkii is given by Stejneger (1893). A review of the species and its subspecies is in Parker (1982).

106. malachiticus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus malachiticus Cope, 1864: 178.

Syntypes: USNM 101062(5), formerly 12186, earlier 6492, collected by C. H. Riotte.

Type Locality: "Arriba" (= uplands), Costa Rica.

Standard Name: Green Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus malachiticus Cope.

Combination Priority: Original, supported by Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Group: FORMOSUS. Sites et al. (1982), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin malus or melinos, "apple," or apple-green," and the Greek chiton, "tunic," and -icus, "pertaining to," are the roots of this word, and undoubtedly refer to the greenish "tunic" of adult males.

107. marmoratus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus marmoratus Hallowell, 1852: 178.

Holotype: Apparently lost. Cope (1900) noted USNM 2892 as a "type" from San Antonio (under S. variabilis, with which he synonymized it) but it too is lost. Furthermore it is uncertain whether it was the type of delicatissimus or marmoratus, both described by Hallowell on the same page, from the same locality and taken by the same collector, Dr. S. W. Woodhouse.

Type Locality: San Antonio [Bexar Co.], Texas.

Standard Name: Northern Rose-bellied Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus variabilis marmoratus Hallowell.

Combination Priority: Smith (1934a).

Group: VARIABILIS. Sites et al. (1992), name not listed; Wiens and Reeder (1997), name treed.

Etymology: The Greek marmaros, "marble," and Latin -atus, "pertaining to the nature of," presumably refer to the perceived marble-like appearance of the type.

Remarks: Mendoza-Quijano et al. (1998) elevated this taxon to species rank on the basis of molecular evidence. Morphological intergradation is nevertheless conspicuous, and for that reason we continue to regard marmoratus as a subspecies of variabilis. Degree of difference, whether genetic or morphological, is not a secure criterion of taxonomic rank.

108. megalepidurus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus megalepidurus Smith, 1934b: 272.

Holotype: FMNH 100107 (EHT-HMS 7543), collected 19 July 1932 by E. H. Taylor and H. M. Smith.

Type Locality: Near Totalco, Veracruz, Mexico.

Standard Name: Cursorial Spiny Lizard, Dull Cursorial Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus megalepidurus megalepidurus Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: MEGALEPIDURUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997), trinominal treed in latter.

Etymology: The Greek mega, "large,", lepis, "scale," and oura, "tail," refer to the caudal scales, which are two to three times as large as the body scales.

Remarks. Smith et al. (2000) showed clear evidence of apparent intergradation (hybridization?) between megalepidurus and pictus, but Wiens and Reeder (1997) regarded the relationship as uncertain. Their status remains to be resolved definitively.

109. melanogaster

Original proposal: Sceloporus melanogaster Cope, 1885: 400.

Holotype: USNM 9877,collected by Alfredo Dugès in 1877.

Type Locality: "Probably from Guanajuato." Noría (Michoacán), or Tupátaro near Cuerámaro, Guanajuato, fide Dugès (1888); restricted to Tupátaro by Smith and Taylor (1950).

Standard Name: Central Plateau Torquate Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus torquatus melanogaster Cope.

Combination Priority: Smith (1938a).

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), name not listed; Wiens and Reeder (1997), name treed.

Etymology: The Greek melanos, "black," and gaster, "stomach," refer to the black abdomen.

110. melanorhinus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus melanorhinus Bocourt, 1876a: 2-4; idem, 1876b: 401-402. Described twice as new.

Syntypes: Four, MNHNP 5325, collected by F. Sumichrast.

Type Locality: Isthmus of Tehuantepec, restricted to Tehuantepec City, Oaxaca, Mexico, by Smith and Taylor (1950).

Standard Name: Black-nosed Lizard, Southern Black-nosed Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus melanorhinus melanorhinus Bocourt.

Combination Priority: Smith (1942).

Group: CLARKII. Sites et al. (1992); Wiens and Reeder (1997), trinominal treed.

Etymology: The Greek melanos, "black," and rhinos, "nose," refer to the black snout.

111. merriami

Original Proposal: Sceloporus merriami Stejneger, 1904: 17.

Holotype: USNM 33039, collected 2 September 1890 by W. Lloyd.

Type Locality: East Painted Cave, near mouth of Pecos River, Texas.

Standard Name: Canyon Lizard, Merriam's Canyon Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus merriami merriami Stejneger.

Combination Priority: Smith (1937a).

Group: MERRIAMI. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: This form honors C. Hart Merriam, the originator of the life-zone theory of biotic ditribution, and chief of the Bureau of Biological Survey, predecessor of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Remarks: A review of the species and its subspecies then known is in Olson (1979).

112. microlepidotus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus microlepidotus Wiegmann, 1834: 51.

Syntypes: Ten, ZMB 644-646, collected by F. Deppe.

Type Locality: "Mexico," restricted to Distrito Federal by Smith and Taylor (1950).

Standard Name: Northern Plateau Graphic Lizard see grammicus).

Current Status: Sceloporus grammicus microlepidotus Wiegmann.

Combination Priority: Smith and Laufe (1945).

Group: GRAMMICUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name in neither work.

Etymology: The Greek micro-, "small," and lepidos, "scale," refer to the small dorsal body scales.

Remarks: See introductory comments about the grammicus group.

Smith (1949) was the first to use the combination S. m. microlepidotus, but for many years previously the name was used at the monotypic level.

113. mikeprestoni

Original Proposal: Sceloporus torquatus mikeprestoni Smith and Alvarez, 1976: 221.

Holotype: MCZ R115679, an adult female collected by Ticul Alvarez, 3 April 1969.

Type Locality: Marcela, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Marcela is a rural housing development at the northern end of a valley at the foot of Peña Blanca. The nearest town is Miquihuana, Tamaulipas, 19 km N and 7 km W of Marcela.

Standard Name: Preston's Torquate Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus torquatus mikeprestoni Smith and Alvarez.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). Neither work cited the name.

Etymology: The Latin genitive singular honors Michael J. Preston, who provided critical aid to the Smiths in the processing of data on the literature of Mexican herpetology.

Remarks: Circular sympatry may occur between S. t. mikeprestoni, derived from S. t. torquatus, and S. t. binocularis, derived from S. t. melanogaster. Additional field work in the hiatus between the ranges of S. t. mikeprestoni and S. t. binocularis is necessary to resolve this problem.

114. minor

Original Proposal: Sceloporus torquatus minor Cope, 1885: 402.

Lectotype: USNM 26167, collected by A. Dugès, designated by Webb and Axtell (1994).

Type Locality: "Zacatecas", restricted to Pinos, eastern Zacatecas, by Webb and Axtell (1994).

Standard Name: Minor Lizard, Red Minor Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus minor minor Cope.

Combination Priority: Present, for subspecies; Wiens et al. (1999) for species. See introductory comments.

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), name not listed. Wiens and Reeder (1997), jarrovii minor listed.

Etymology: The name is the Latin noun minor, "little," and may have referred to a perceived lesser version of S. torquatus.

Remarks: Monotypic fide Wiens et al. (1999).

115. monserratensis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus monserratensis Van Denburgh and Slevin, 1921: 396.

Type: CAS 50509, collected 24 May 1921 by J. R. Slevin.

Type Locality: Monserrate Island, Gulf of California, Mexico.

Standard Name: Central Baja Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus zosteromus monserratensis Van Denburgh and Slevin.

Combination Priority: Present; inference might be made from Grismer and McGuire (1996) or Wiens and Reeder (1997), but the combination was actually not made in either work. Considered a geographically distinct pattern class by Grismer (2002).

Group: MAGISTER. Sites et al. (1992), listed as monserratensis; Wiens and Reeder (1997), listed as conspecific with zosteromus and rufidorsum.

Etymology: This taxon is named for its island type locality.

Remarks: A review of S. magister and its subspecies, including monserratensis, is in Parker (1982).

116. mucronatus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus torquatus mucronatus Cope, 1885: 402.

Lectotype: USNM 25077, designated by Smith (1938a), collected by Carl Sartorius.

Type Locality: Mirador, Veracruz, Mexico.

Standard Name: Cleft Lizard, Central Cleft Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus mucronatus mucronatus Cope.

Combination Priority: Smith (1938a).

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997), trinominal treed in latter.

Etymology: The Latin nominative singular mucronis, "sharp point," and -atus, "pertaining to," refer to the sharply pointed scales on the dorsum.

Remarks: The closely related poinsettii and mucronatus take refuge in rock crevices. The name Crevice Lizard has long been associated with poinsettii; we suggest a verbal synonym, Cleft Lizard, for mucronatus.

117. nelsoni

Original Proposal: Sceloporus nelsoni Cochran, 1923: 185-186.

Holotype: USNM 47676, collected by E. W. Nelson and E. A. Goldman, 18 July 1897.

Type Locality: Plomosas, Sinaloa, Mexico.

Standard Name: Nelson'sLizard, Southern Nelson's Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus nelsoni nelsoni Cochran.

Combination Priority: Tanner and Robison (1959).

Group: PYROCEPHALUS. Wiens and Reeder (1997). ORCUTTI fide Sites et al. (1992).

Etymology: The Latin genitive singular honors Edward W. Nelson, who was first employed by the U. S. Biological Survey in 1890, and was appointed Chief in 1916. He shared with Goldman a ten-year survey of Mexican terrestrial vertebrates.

118. nigroventris

Original Proposal: Sceloporus biseriatus nigro-ventris Bocourt, 1874: 199.

Type: None indicated.

Type Locality: None indicated.

Current Status: Junior synonym of occidentalis, either S. o. longipes Baird, or S. o. biseriatus Hallowell (present allocations).

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992). UNDULATUS fide Wiens and Reeder (1997). The name is not mentioned in either work.

Etymology: The Latin nigra "black," and ventris, "belly," refer to the dark abdominal area on venter between the blue semeions.

Remarks: The name appeared in a description and discussion of specimens referred to S. biseriatus, noting Hallowell's Sceloporus biseriatus var. azureus, and var. variegatus, to which Bocourt added this third variety.

119. oberon

Original Proposal: Sceloporus jarrovii oberon Smith and Brown, 1941: 253.

Holotype: USNM 105823, collected by H. M. and R. B. Smith, 15 November 1938.

Type Locality: Arteaga, Coahuila, Mexico.

Standard Name: Royal Lesser Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus minor oberon Smith and Brown.

Combination Priority: Present. See introductory comments.

Group: TORQUATUS. Wiens and Reeder (1997), as jarrovii oberon. Sites et al. (1992), name not mentioned.

Etymology: This is a Latinized noun from Old High German oberon, "king of the fairies", applied in reference to the black dorsal color of the subspecies - a color shared with the fabulous king.

Remarks: Of species rank fide Wiens et al. (1999).

120. obscurus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus obscurus Van Denburgh, 1898: 462.

Holotype: CAS 3213, collected by Gustav Eisen and Frank H. Vaslit, November 1894.

Type Locality: Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico.

Current Status: Junior synonym of Sceloporus asper Boulenger (1897), fide Smith (1939).

Group: ASPER. GRAMMICUS fide Wiens and Reeder (1997), ASPER fide Sites et al.(1992).

Etymology: The Latin obscurus, "dark," or "indistinct," refers to the bluish steel dorsal color, without collar or other markings.

121. occidentalis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus occidentalis Baird and Girard, 1852b: 175.

Syntypes: USNM 2838, 2866, collected by Dr. J. S. Newberry during the U. S. Exploring Expedition in 1838-1842. No. 2838 is lost, and until 1996 No. 2866 was also thought to be lost (as implied by its absence in Cochran's 1961 list). Accordingly, Bell (1954) designated a neotype, MVZ 59874, collected by Robert C. Stebbins. After discovery of the existence of USNM 2866 (two syntypes), Bell et al. (2001) petitioned the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature for acceptance of the designated neotype as the name-bearer, rather than the rediscovered syntypes, as required by the Code (ICZN, 1999).

Type Locality: Originally "California, and probably Oregon", restricted to Benicia [Solano County], California, by Grinnell and Camp (1917), by inference from the next published record, by Baird (1859). The designated neotype is from the same locality.

Standard Name: Western Fence Lizard, Northwestern Fence Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus occidentalis occidentalis Baird and Girard.

Combination Priority: Camp (1916).

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992), UNDULATUS according to Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin words occidens, "the west," and -alis, "pertaining to," are the bases for the nominal species. .

Remarks: See review of species and its subspecies in Bell and Price (1996).

122. ochoterenae

Original Proposal: Sceloporus ochoterenae Smith, 1934b: 269.

Holotype: FMNH 100052. Originally EHT-HMS 7158, EHT field no. 1075; collected 26 June 1932 by E. H. Taylor and H. M. Smith.

Type Locality: Two mi N Mazatlán, Guerrero, 12 mi S Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico.

Standard Name: Ochoterena's Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus ochoterenae Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: JALAPAE. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: This species was named in honor of Dr. Isaac Ochoterena, formerly Director of the Instituto de Biologia of the Universidad Nacional de Mexico in Mexico City, in recognition of numerous courtesies extended to Taylor and Smith.

123. oligoporus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus oligoporus Cope, 1864: 177-178.

Syntypes: USNM 31386-31393, collected by John Xantus; 31391 exchanged to MCZ in 1944; 31392 exchanged to UIMNH in 1956.

Type Locality: Colima, Colima, Mexico.

Standard Name: Western Rough Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus horridus oligoporus Cope.

Combination Priority: Taylor (1938).

Group: SPINOSUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992), SPINOSUS fide Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name mentioned in neither.

Etymology: The Greek words oligo, "few," and poros, "pore," refer to the small number of femoral pores, which rarely total more than six for both sides.

124. olivaceus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus olivaceus Smith, 1934b: 277-278.

Holotype: UIMNH 25057; original EHT-HMS 29883, field no. EHT-2508, taken 23 August 1931 by E. H. Taylor and J. S. Wright.

Type Locality: lower end of Arroyo los Olmos, about 3 mi SE Rio Grande City, Starr County, Texas.

Standard Name: Texas Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus olivaceus Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: OLIVACEUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992). OLIVACEUS fide Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin oliva, "olive," and -aceus, pertaining to, refer to the olive-green dorsal coloration, particularly of the holotype and other preserved specimens.

Remarks: A review is in Kennedy (1973). A summary of nomenclatural history and confusion is in Axtell (1992).

125. olloporus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus variabilis olloporus Smith, 1937b: 11.

Holotype: UMMZ originally 71207, now 80458, collected 7 October 1931, by Austin Smith.

Type Locality: San Juanillo, Costa Rica.

Standard Name: Southern Rose-bellied Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus variabilis olloporus Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: VARIABILIS, according to Sites et al. (1992) and Wiens and Reeder (1997); name not listed.

Etymology: The Greek ollos, "other," or "of a different sort," and poros, "pore," refer to the relatively small number of femoral pores in the subspecies.

Remarks: Mendoza-Quijano et al. (1998) elevated olloporus to species rank on molecular grounds. Morphological intergradation is nevertheless conspicuous, and for that reason we continue to recognize olloporus as a subspecies of variabilis.

126. olsoni

Original Proposal: Sceloporus mucronatus olsoni Webb, Lemos-Espinal and Smith, 2002: 1-14.

Holotype: UCM 61083 (JLE 4503), collected 6 May 2000 by Julio A. Lemos-Espinal.

Type Locality: San Juan Acazuchitlán (20°8'33.3"N, 99°36'15.8"W), 2646m, Estado de México, Mexico.

Standard Name: Olson's Cleft Lizard (see mucronatus).

Current Status: Sceloporus mucronatus olsoni Webb, Lemos-Espinal and Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.


Remarks: This subspecies honors R. Earl Olson, who has studied Mexican herpetology for many years and who instigated the description of this subspecies.

127. omiltemanus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus omiltemanus Günther, 1890: 66.

Syntypes: BMNH 1946.8.30.13-17 (formerly 1889.11.13.49-53), collected by H. H. Smith.

Type Locality: Omilteme (= Omiltemi), Guerrero, Mexico.

Standard Name: Southern Cleft Lizard (see mucronatus).

Current Status: Sceloporus mucronatus omiltemanus Günther.

Combination Priority: Smith (1938a).

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), name not cited; Wiens and Reeder (1997), name treed.

Etymology: This subspecies is named after the type locality.

128. orcutti

Original Proposal: Sceloporus orcutti Stejneger, 1893: 181.

Holotype: USNM 16330, collected by C. R. Orcutt, 5 January 1890.

Type Locality: Originally "Milquatay Valley, San Diego County, California, just bordering the Mexican boundary, 50 miles east of San Diego by wagon road," correctly rendered "Campo Valley, San Diego County, California". This was an Indian encampment shown on the San Diego County map of 1872 in the Campo Valley. A note signed by L. M. Klauber, dated 14 August 1934 and found in the bottle containing the holotype states "Orcutt once told me that the 'Milquatay' referred to was the flat just east of Campo, San Diego Co., California. Milquatay is said to mean 'wheat field' in Indian, and almost any flat was known as Milquatay. The town of Guatay or Quatay is not the type locality of orcutti" (Hall and Smith, 1979). C. R. Orcutt told L. M. Klauber that the type locality was a few hundred yards east of Campo, San Diego County. (Klauber, 1939).

Standard Name: Granite Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus orcutti Stejneger.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: MAGISTER. Wiens and Reeder (1997); ORCUTTI, Sites et al. (1992).

Etymology: This Latin patronym honors Charles Russell Orcutt, pioneer San Diego naturalist, editor, and publisher who collected the type specimen.

Remarks: A review is in Weintraub (1980).

129. ornatus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus ornatus Baird, 1859a: 254.

Holotype: USNM 2845, collected by Lt. Darius Nash Couch.

Type Locality: Patos, Coahuila, Mexico.

Standard Name: Ornate Spiny Lizard, Eastern Ornate Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus ornatus ornatus Baird.

Combination Priority: Smith (1938a).

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). The latter also treed the trinominal.

Etymology: The Latin noun ornatus, "decoration" or "ornament," refers to the ornate coloration.

130. palaciosi

Original Proposal: Sceloporus palaciosi Lara-Góngora, 1983: 7.

Holotype: Originally cited as MZFC 0546, collected by O. Flores-Villela. Flores-Villela et al. (1991) cited the correct number as MZFC 864.

Type Locality: Cerro del Caballete, Second Lake, Parque Nacional Lagunas de Zempoala, Sierra de Ocuilán, México, Mexico, 3000 m. Flores et al. (1991) gave Serranía del Ajusco as the type locality.

Standard Name: Palacios' Graphic Lizard (see grammicus).

Current Status: Sceloporus palaciosi Lara-Góngora.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: GRAMMICUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The name is a patronym for Dr. Prococo Palacios, of Comunidad Rancho el Capulín.

131. parvus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus parvus Smith, 1934b: 263-266.

Holotype: FMNH 100125, formerly EHT-HMS 7120, originally EHT-HMS field no. 292, collected 8 June 1932 by E. H. Taylor and H. M. Smith.

Type Locality: The hills about 5 mi W Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo León, Mexico.

Standard Name: Blue-bellied Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus parvus Smith.

Combination Priority: Original. The subspecies scutulatus was rejected by Auth et al. (2000).

Group: VARIABILIS, Wiens and Reeder (1997), Flores-Villela et al. (2000). JALAPAE, Sites et al. (1992).

Etymology: The Latin parvus, "little," refers to the very small size of this species, which has a maximum body length of 50 mm.

132. pictus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus pictus Smith, 1936c: 1.

Holotype: AMNH 18744, collected on 27 July 1920, by Paul D. R. Rüthling.

Type Locality: Near Santa Catarina, Puebla, Mexico.

Standard Name: Painted Cursorial Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus megalepidurus pictus Smith. Sites et al. (1992) noted crosses of megalepidurus and pictus, and Smith et al. (2000) described and mapped intergradation between the two taxa. Wiens and Reeder (1997) regarded the two taxa as separate species, but noted that further study is required for definitive allocation.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: MEGALEPIDURUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin pictus, "painted," refers to the the rather spectacular coloration of this subspecies as compared with m. megalepidurus.

133. pilsbryi

Original Proposal: Sceloporus pilsbryi Dunn, 1936: 473-474.

Holotype: ANSP 20085, collected in 1934 by Henry A. Pilsbry, Frances W. Pennell and Cyril H. Harvey.

Type Locality: Alvarez, 7500 ft, San Luis Potosí, Mexico.

Current Status: Junior synonym of Sceloporus microlepidotus disparilis fide Smith (1939), in error; pilsbryi is not disparilis as here interpreted, although it is applicable to the grammicus complex. The name may apply to a separate taxon.

Group: GRAMMICUS, Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997), name not listed.

Etymology: This Latin noun in the genitive singular honors Henry A. Pilsbry, an outstanding conchologist at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

134. pleurolepis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus pleurolepis Günther, 1890: 74-75.

Holotype: BMNH 1946.8.10.51, formerly 1890.2.4.5, collected by F. D. Godman and O. Salvin.

Type Locality: North of Río Santiago, Jalisco, Mexico.

Current Status: Junior synonym of Sceloporus dugesii dugesii fide Smith (1938a).

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997), name not listed.

Etymology: The Greek pleura, "side," and lepis, "scale," refer to the lateral scales, which "are twice or thrice as large as those on the back, and keeled" (Günther, 1890: 74).

134. pleurostictus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus pleurostictus Wiegmann, 1828: 370.

Type: Presumably ZMB (but not listed in Taylor, 1969), Ferdinand Deppe collector.

Type locality: "Mexico", restricted to Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico, by Smith and Taylor (1950).

Current Status: Junior synonym of S. grammicus fide Smith (1939).

Group: GRAMMICUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997), name not listed.

Etymology: The Greek pleura, "side," and stiktos, "spotted" refer to the scattered dark spots on sides of body.

Remarks: The taxon to which this name applies is likely the same as that represented by rubriventris, if the type locality restriction here cited is accepted. Further study of the GRAMMICUS complex will be necessary to establish definitively the taxa to which these names apply.

135. plioporus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus serrifer plioporus Smith, 1939a: 212.

Holotype: FMNH 32004, collected by E. H. Taylor, no date.

Type Locality: Four miles east of Encero, Veracruz, Mexico.

Standard Name: West Gulf Rough-scaled Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus serrifer plioporus Smith (see Olson, 1987).

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not listed in either work.

Etymology: The Greek adjective plio, "more," and noun porus, "pore," refer to the larger number of femoral pores in this subspecies than in S. s. serrifer.

137. poinsettii

Original Proposal: Sceloporus poinsettii Baird and Girard, 1852a: 126.

Lectotype: USNM 2952, designated by Webb (1988).

Type Locality: "Rio San Pedro of the Rio Grande del Norte, and the Province of Sonora." The type locality was restricted to either the southern part of the Big Burrow Mountains, or to the vicinity of Santa Rita, both in Grant Co., New Mexico, by Webb (1988), superceding all previous type locality restrictions.

Standard Name: Crevice Lizard, Northern Crevice Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus poinsettii poinsettii Baird and Girard.

Combination Priority: Smith and Chrapliwy (1958).

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: This Latin genitive singular honors the Hon. Joel Roberts Poinsett, who promoted science and the useful arts while Secretary of War of the United States, 1837-1841, and for whom the plant genus Poinsettia was named.

138. polylepis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus poinsettii polylepis Smith and Chrapliwy, 1958: 269.

Holotype: UIMNH 21464, collected 25 June 1934 by David Dunkle and Hobart M. Smith.

Type Locality: Eighteen mi N Escalón, Chihuahua, Mexico.

Standard Name: Southern Crevice Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus poinsettii polylepis Smith and Chrapliwy.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not listed.

Etymology: The Greek polys, "many," and lepis, "scale," refer to the smaller and more numerous dorsal scales in this subspecies than in the nominotypical subspecies.

139. prezygus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus prezygus Smith, 1942: 354.

Holotype: USNM 46861 (given incorrectly as "46881" in original description, fide Cochran, 1961), collected by E. W. Nelson and E. A. Goldman, 2 May 1894.

Type Locality: Conjob (Conjab in original description, Axtell, 1960), between San Bartolomé and Comitán, 5300 ft. (16°19'N, 92°18'W), Chiapas, Mexico.

Standard Name: Chiapan Rough-scaled Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus prezygus Smith.

Combination Priority: Original, but supported by Wiens and Reeder (1997), and questionably by Sites et al. (1992).

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin pre-, "going before," and Latinized form of Greek zygos, "yoked," refer to the phylogenetic position of the species, thought to have been near the ancestral origin of the poinsettii group.

Remarks: The Standard name is a reflection of the fact that prezygus was often regarded as a subspecies of serrifer, following Axtell (1960).

140. pullus

Original Proposal: Cope, 1871: 80.

Current Status: A nomen nudum, with no nomenclatural standing. It probably was intended to apply to S. squamosus.

Etymology: The Latin noun pullus, "young," may reflect a thought by Cope that the specimen at hand was immature.

141. pygmaeus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus pygmaeus Lara-Góngora, 1978: 26.

Current Status: An unavailable name (not published under the criteria for nomenclatural acceptance), applied to what later was acceptably named Sceloporus anahuacus Lara-Góngora (1983).

Etymology: The name is the Latin adjective pygmaeus "pygmy-like, dwarfish," applied in reference to the small size of the species, "never exceeding 54 mm. [SVL]" (Lara-Góngora, 1983).

Group: GRAMMICUS, through synonymy.

Remarks: See remarks under altamontanus. The name Sceloporus pygmaeus holds the same relationship to Sceloporus anahuacus as Sceloporus altamontanus does to Sceloporus palaciosi.

142. pyrocephalus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus pyrocephalus Cope, 1864: 177.

Lectotype: USNM 31495, collected by John Xantus in 1863, was stated by Cochran (1961) to be the lectotype. We are aware of no other designation.

Type Locality: Near Colima, Colima, Mexico.

Standard Name: Red-headed Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus pyrocephalus Cope.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: PYROCEPHALUS. ORCUTTI according to Sites et al. (1992). PYROCEPHALUS, Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Greek pyro-, "fire," and kephale, "head," refer to the reddish head coloration, especially in females.

143. pyrrhocephalus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus pyrrhocephalus Cope, 1885: 394.

Onomatophore: same as for pyrocephalus, for which pyrrhocephalus was an emendation.

Current Status: An unjustified emendation and an objective junior synonym of pyrocephalus. It is an available but invalid name.

Group: PYROCEPHALUS, through synonymy.

Etymology: The Greek pyrrho-, "red," and kephale, "head," mean "red-headed," as opposed to pyrocephalus, "fire-headed". The name pyrrhocephalus was used consistently, with two exceptions, after it was proposed, until 1937, but pyrocephalus has been used consistently since then, and under the circumstances is correct under the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.

144. robisoni

Original Proposal: Sceloporus poinsettii robisoni Tanner, 1987: 398.

Holotype: BYU 14287, collected 19 July 1958 by W. W. Tanner and W. G. Robison.

Type Locality: Cuiteco, Chihuahua, Mexico.

Current Status: A junior synonym of Sceloporus poinsettii macrolepis fide Lemos-Espinal et al. (2002).

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not listed in either work.

Etymology: This Latin genitive singular honors W. G. Robison, who worked with W. W. Tanner, and earned a Ph. D. at the University of California at Berkeley.

145. robustus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus robustus Twente, 1952: 70.

Holotype: UMMP 27665, a left dentary with seventeen teeth and spaces for seven others.

Type Locality: Upper Pliocene, Rexroad Formation, Rexroad fauna, locality UM-K1-47, Fox Canyon, XI Ranch, Sec. 35, T. 34S, R. 30W., Meade County, Kansas.

Current Status: Sceloporus robustus Twente.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: Unknown.

Etymology: The Latin noun robustus, "oaken, strong like oak," refers to the weight and ruggedness of the dentary, not found in the Sceloporus undulatus living in Kansas today.

Remarks: To date this is the only valid exclusively fossil species of Sceloporus. See account of Sceloporus holmani = Phrynosoma holmani Etheridge. Other extant species have been found as fossils.

146. rubriventris

Original Proposal: Sceloporus rubriventris Günther, 1890: 72.

Syntypes: Two: BMNH 1946.8.10.23-24, formerly 1889.11.13.54-55, collected by F. D. Godman.

Type Locality: Omilteme Ç= Omiltemi), Guerrero, Mexico.

Current Status: Junior synonym of Sceloporus microlepidotus microlepidotus Wiegmann, fide Smith (1939), now S. grammicus microlepidotus. The assignment is tentative, pending further study of the grammicus complex. The name may apply to a separate taxon.

Group: GRAMMICUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not listed in either work.

Etymology: The Latin nouns rubra, "red," venter, "belly," and the Greek suffix -tris, "agent," refer to the orange throat and parallel orange lines on the venter.

147. rufidorsum

Original Proposal: Sceloporus rufidorsum Yarrow, 1882: 442.

Holotype: USNM 11981, collected in 1882 by L. Belding, macerated, only bones left (Cochran, 1961).

Type Locality: San Quintín Bay, Baja California, Mexico.

Standard Name: Red-backed Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus zosteromus rufidorsum Yarrow.

Combination Priority: Present; inference might be made from Grismer and McGuire (1996) or Wiens and Reeder (1997), but the combination was actually not made in either work. Considered a geographically distinct pattern class by Grismer (2002).

Group: MAGISTER. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin nouns rufus, "red, reddish," and dorsum, "back" refer to the rusty-red dorsal stripe.

148. salvini

Original Proposal: Sceloporus salvini Günther, 1890: 68.

Lectotype: Specimen 0 in Boulenger (1897), collected by Hoege, from a series of syntypes, BMNH 1946.8.29.96-97, 1946.8.29.98-99, 1946.8.30.1, formerly 1881.10.31.8-9 (Smith, 1939).

Type Locality: "Jalapa and Guatemala," restricted to Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico, via lectotype designation, by Smith (1939).

Standard Name: Salvin's Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus salvini Günther.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: FORMOSUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin genitive singular honors Osbert Salvin, a prodigiously productive British naturalist and co-editor of the Biologia Centrali-Americana, who collected extensively in Guatemala and elswhere.

Remarks: The lectoparatypes presumably represent more than one species.

149. samcolemani

Original Proposal: Sceloporus scalaris samcolemani Smith and Hall, 1974: 100.

Holotype: UMMZ 124670, collected by P. H. Litchfield on 16 July 1960.

Type Locality: Between Providencia and La Paz, Nuevo León, Mexico.

Standard Name: Coleman's Bunchgrass Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus samcolemani Smith and Hall.

Combination Priority: Smith et al. (1996).

Group: SCALARIS. Sites et al. (1992), name not cited; Wiens and Reeder (1997), name treed.

Etymology: The Latin genitive singular honors Dr. Sam Coleman, who wrote programs for processing data pertaining to the Smith's work on the herpetology of Mexico.

Remarks: A review is in Watkins-Colwell et al. (1998).

150. sanojae

Original Proposal: Sceloporus merriami sanojae Lemos-Espinal, in Smith, Lemos-Espinal and Chiszar (2003).

Holotype: UBIPRO 7456, collected 24 July 2001 by Julio A. Lemos-Espinal.

Type Locality: Rancho Peñoles (27°7'49.6"N, 103°48'45.0"W), 1194m, Chihuahua, Mexico.

Standard Name: Sanoja's Canyon Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus merriami sanojae Lemos-Espinal.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: MERRIAMI, conformant with allocation of the species in Sites et al. (1992) and Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The subspecific matronym honors Susy Sanoja Sarabia, in honor of and gratitude for her long-term support of Julio A. Lemos-Espinal in the field, laboratory and at home.

151. scalaris

Original Proposal: Sceloporus scalaris Wiegmann, 1828: 370; 1834: 52.

Syntypes: Four, ZMB 654-656 (fide Taylor, 1969), collected by Ferdinand Deppe.

Type Locality: "Mexico," restricted to Mexico, D. F., by Smith and Taylor (1950).

Standard Name: Light-bellied Bunchgrass Lizard, Wiegmann's Bunchgrass Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus scalaris scalaris Wiegmann.

Combination Priority: Smith (1937c).

Group: SCALARIS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). Trinominal treed in the latter.

Etymology: The Latin scalaris, "of a ladder," refers to the successive transverse dorsal dark lines resembling a ladder.

151. schmidti

Original Proposal: Sceloporus schmidti Jones, 1927: 4.

Holotype: FMNH 5214, collected 5 May 1923 by Karl P. Schmidt.

Holotype lost fide Smith (1939).

Type Locality: Mountain camp west of San Pedro, Honduras, 4500 ft.

Current Status: Junior synonym of Sceloporus smaragdinus Bocourt, fide Smith (1939).

Group: FORMOSUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997), via its senior synonym smaragdinus.

Etymology: This Latin genitive singular honors the late Karl Patterson Schmidt, who worked at the American Museum of Natural History 1917-1922, and at the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, from 1922-1955. Author, editor, and bibliophile, he was known as the Dean of American herpetologists for many years.

153. scitulus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus formosus scitulus Smith, 1942: 352.

Holotype: FMNH 100012, EHT-HMS 26962, collected 2-4 August 1940, by Richard C. Taylor and Edward H. Taylor.

Type Locality: Omilteme (=Omiltemi), Guerrero, Mexico.

Standard Name: Striated Emerald Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus formosus scitulus Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: FORMOSUS. Sites et al. (1992), name not listed; Wiens and Reeder (1997), "probably a distinct species."

Etymology: The Latin scitulus, "beautiful," refers to the brilliant green dorsum with parallel longitudinal black lines.

154. scutulatus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus parvus scutulatus Smith, 1937b: 4-6.

Holotype: UIMNH 25056, originally EHT-HMS 7129.

Type Locality: 30 mi N Matehuala, San Luis Potosí, Mexico.

Current Status: An invalid subspecies of Sceloporus parvus Smith, fide Auth et al. (2000).

Group: VARIABILIS, through synonymy.

Etymology: The Latin scutula, "a small plate," and -atus, "provided with," refer to the perceived smaller scales than in other populations.

155. serrifer

Original Proposal: Sceloporus serrifer Cope, 1866: 124-125.

Holotype: USNM 34868, collected by Arthur Schott. See account of Sceloporus chrysostictus Cope.

Type Locality: Yucatán, restricted to Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico, by Smith and Taylor (1950).

Standard Name: Rough-scaled Lizard, Yucatecan Rough-scaled Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus serrifer serrifer Cope.

Combination Priority: Smith (1939).

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin serra, "saw," and fero, "to bear," refer to the strongly mucronate, "saw-toothed," dorsal and lateral scales, and to those between the nuchal pocket and a point below lower edge of auditory meatus.

156. shannonorum

Original Proposal: Sceloporus shannonorum Langebartel, 1959: 25-27.

Holotype: UIMNH 43060, collected 2 September 1957 by Joseph Schaffner.

Type Locality: 37 rd mi NE Concordia, Sinaloa, Sierra Espinazo del Diablo, mpio El Salto, Durango.

Standard Name: Shannons' Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus shannonorum Langebartel.

Combination Priority: Original, regarded as a subspecies of heterolepis by Webb (1969), but returned to species rank by Wiens and Reeder (1997), questionably by Sites et al. (1992).

Group: GRAMMICUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: This species is named for Dr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Shannon, Langebartel's long-term friends from the University of Illinois. They financed the collecting trip on which the type was taken.

157. siniferus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus siniferus Cope, 1869: 159.

Syntypes: USNM 30453-30471, collected by F. Sumichrast.

Type Locality: "Pacific side of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec," restricted to Tehuantepec (city and environs), Oaxaca, Mexico, by Smith and Taylor (1950).

Standard Name: Long-tailed Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus siniferus Cope.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: SINIFERUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997), Flores-Villela et al. (2000).

Etymology: The Latin sinus, a pocket or recess, and the Latin fero, to carry, refer to "a deep cervical pocket extending more than halfway to the tympanum, and with some subdividing folds" (Cope, 1869).

158. slevini

Original Proposal: Sceloporus scalaris slevini Smith, 1937c: 3.

Holotype: CAS 48103, collected by Joseph R. Slevin, 23 August 1920.

Type Locality: Miller Peak, Huachuca Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona.

Standard Name: Slevin's Bunchgrass Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus slevini Smith.

Combination Priority: Tanner (1987).

Group: SCALARIS. Sites et al. (1992), name not listed; Wiens and Reeder (1997), name treed.

Etymology: This name honors the collector, Joseph Richard Slevin, assistant to John Van Denburgh, former Curator of Amphibians and Reptiles at the California Academy of Science, San Francisco.

159. smaragdinus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus smaragdinus Bocourt 1873c: 1; idem, 1874: 186-188. Described twice as new.

Syntypes: Thirteen: MNHNP 3148, 3150, 3177, USNM 11000.

Type Locality: The vicinity of Sololá, Totonicapan, and Quetzaltenango, 2000m.

Standard Name: Bocourt's Emerald Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus smaragdinus Bocourt.

Combination Priority: Original, confirmed morphologically by Stuart (1971).

Group: FORMOSUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin smaragdinus, "emerald-green," aptly refers to the dorsal coloration.

160. smaragdinus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus smaragdinus Cope in Yarrow, 1875: 572.

Syntypes; Four: USNM 8612, collected by Yarrow in 1872.

Type Locality: Beaver, Utah; Nevada; Dome Canyon, Utah.

Current Status: Junior synonym of Sceloporus occidentalis longipes Baird.

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992). UNDULATUS fide Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name cited in neither work.

Etymology: The Latin smaragdinus, "emerald-green," refers to the dorsal coloration. Mature male S. o. longipes are often greenish-blue dorsally.

Remarks: This is a junior primary homonym of S. smaragdinus Bocourt (1873), making smaragdinus Cope (1875) unavailable as well as a junior synonym (of occidentalis longipes).

161. smithi

Original Proposal: Sceloporus variabilis smithi Hartweg and Oliver, 1937: 1.

Holotype: UMMZ 81777, collected by N. Hartweg and J. Oliver, 4 July 1936.

Type Locality: Quiengola (Guengola) Mountain, about 5 mi NW Tehuantepec, Oaxaca.

Standard Name: Smith's Rose-bellied Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus smithi Hartweg and Oliver.

Combination Priority: Smith et al. (1993).

Group: VARIABILIS. Sites et al. (1992), name not mentioned; Wiens and Reeder (1997), listed as a species.

Etymology: This species honors Hobart M. Smith, a long-time student of Sceloporus, who pointed out the distinctness of this taxon to its describers.

162. speari

Original Proposal: Sceloporus undulatus speari Smith, Chiszar, Lemos-Espinal and Bell, 1995: 45.

Holotype: UCM 56881, collected 4 October 1993, by J. A. Lemos-Espinal.

Type Locality: 1.6 km N Hwy 2, 107°11'W, 31°33" N, 1250 m, on a side road intersecting Hwy. 2, 3.6 km E Microondas Duna, 18.6 km E San Martín, northern central Chihuahua, Mexico.

Standard Name: Spear's Prairie Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus undulatus speari Smith, Chiszar, Lemos-Espinal and Bell.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992), UNDULATUS fide Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name cited in neither work.

Etymology: The genitive singular patronym honors Norman E. Spear, Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the State University of New York at Binghamton, where he is Co-director of the Center for Developmental Psychology, and was a mentor for David Chiszar.

163. spinosus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus spinosus Wiegmann, 1828: 370.

Syntypes: Two: ZMB 638-639, Ferdinand Deppe collector.

Type Locality: "Mexico", restricted to Puebla, Puebla, Mexico, by Smith and Taylor (1950).

Standard Name: Spiny Lizard, Wiegmann's Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus spinosus spinosus Wiegmann.

Combination Priority: Martín del Campo (1937).

Group: SPINOSUS, Wiens and Reeder (1997). HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992).

Etymology: The Latin spinosus, "thorny", refers to the strongly spiny scales.

Remarks. Wiens and Reeder (1997) suggested that this taxon may be monotypic, its supposed subspecies being of species rank.

164. squamosus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus squamosus Bocourt, 1874: 212-214.

Syntypes: Seven, MNHNP 3180-82, and one, USNM 10964, collected by Bouvier.

Type Locality: Volcán Antigua, 1500m, Guatemala [? City] and the embayment of the Río Nagualate, Guatemala.

Standard Name: Dwarf Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus squamosus Bocourt.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: SINIFERUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997), Flores-Villela et al. (2000).

Etymology: The Latin noun squamosus, "scaly," refers to the quite large scales for such a small lizard.

165. stejnegeri

Original Proposal: Sceloporus stejnegeri Smith, 1942: 350.

Holotype: USNM 112634, collected by H. M. Smith, 31 August 1939.

Type Locality: Tierra Colorada, Guerrero, Mexico.

Standard Name: Stejneger's Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus stejnegeri Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: FORMOSUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin genitive singular name honors Leonard H. Stejneger, Curator of Herpetology and, later, Biology, at the Smithsonian Institution, from 1881 until his death in 1943 at the age of 92. In 1932 he was exempted from mandatory retirement, and continued in productive work until his death.

166. striatum

Original Proposal: Sceloporus striatum Sorenson, 1894: 163, 170.

Current Status: A nomen nudum, probably used in reference to Sceloporus undulatus hyacinthinus.

Group: Uncertain, probably UNDULATUS.

Etymology: The Latin noun stria, "furrow," or "channel," and suffix -atus, "pertaining to," perhaps referred to the arrangement of the dorsal scales in rows.

Remarks: This name was applied to specimens of Sceloporus in a neurological study of the epiphysis and parietal eye. It therefore was accompanied by a description, but it did not purport to differentiate the taxon (Art. 13 of the Code, ICZN, 1999).

167. stuarti

Original Proposal: Sceloporus melanorhinus stuarti Smith, 1948a: 1.

Holotype: UMMZ 96759, adult male, collected by L. C. Stuart, 18 April 1947.

Type Locality: Finca Caníbal, about 3000 ft., Huehuetenango, Guatemala.

Standard Name: Stuart's Black-nosed Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus melanorhinus stuarti Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: CLARKII. Sites et al. (1992), not listed; Wiens and Reeder (1997), suggesting that the taxon may be a species.

Etymology: The genitive singular word honors L. C. Stuart, who contributed more than any other to the understanding of the herpetofauna of Guatemala.

168. subniger

Original Proposal: Sceloporus aeneus subniger Poglayen and Smith, 1958: 13.

Holotype: UIMNH 40850, collected by Ivo Poglayen, 4 April 1956.

Type Locality: 63 km N Toluca, México, Mexico.

Standard Name: Plateau Bunchgrass Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus subniger Poglayen and Smith.

Combination Priority: Liner (1994), substantiated by Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Group: SCALARIS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin sub, "under," and niger, "black", refer to the prominent black gular bars and reduction of ventral melanism - diagnostic features separating this species from Sceloporus aeneus.

169. subpictus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus subpictus Lynch and Smith, 1965: 173.

Holotype: UIMNH 53127, collected by Thomas MacDougall, 5 May 1963.

Type Locality: San Andrés Chicahuastla, Oaxaca, Mexico.

Standard Name: Southern Cursorial Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus subpictus Lynch and Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: FORMOSUS according to Sites et al. (1992) and Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin sub, meaning "somewhat," is applied in the sense that this taxon is "somewhat like," or "related to," pictus.

170. sugillatus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus jarrovii sugillatus Smith, 1942: 357.

Holotype: USNM 112100, collected by H. M. Smith, 22 February 1939.

Type Locality: East end of Lake No. 4, Lagunas de Zempoala, ~10,000 ft., México, Mexico.

Standard Name: Zempoala Bar-bellied Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus sugillatus Smith.

Combination Priority: Wiens et al. (1999).

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), not listed; Wiens and Reeder (1997), listed.

Etymology: The Latin sugillatus, "black and blue spots or bruises," refers to the numerous, distinct, transverse black streaks on the sides of the abdomen.

171. taeniocnemis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus taeniocnemis Cope, 1885: 399.

Holotype: USNM 24768, collected by H. Hague.

Type Locality: "Guatemala," restricted to Cobán, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala (Smith, 1949).

Standard Name: Nuclear Emerald Lizard, Guatemalan Emerald Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus taeniocnemis taeniocnemis Cope.

Combination Priority: Stuart (1971).

Group: FORMOSUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin taenia, "band" or "ribbon", and the Greek kneme, meaning "leg between knee and ankle", refer to the "two black bands, separated by a brown one, on the posterior face of the thigh." The chosen Greek word for the species name is incorrect, but immutable.

172. tamaulipensis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus grammicus tamaulipensis Sites and Dixon, 1981: 63-67.

Holotype: TCWC 57386, collected 23 July 1979 by J. W. Sites, Jr., and J. R. Dixon.

Type Locality: In oak forest 4.3 rd km S Hacienda Acuña, and 45.3 rd km N Gonzales in the Sierra de Tamaulipas, in southern Tamaulipas, Mexico.

Standard Name: Tamaulipas Graphic Lizard (see grammicus).

Current Status: Sceloporus grammicus tamaulipensis Sites and Dixon.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: GRAMMICUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997), name not listed in either work.

Etymology: The name is derived from the name of the Sierra de Tamaulipas, and -ensis, a possessive suffix.

Remarks: The isolation of this population suggests that it should be regarded as a species.

173. tanneri

Original Proposal: Sceloporus tanneri Smith and Larsen, 1975: 48-49.

Holotype: UCM 49437, collected February 1972 by Thomas MacDougall.

Type Locality: Santa Rosa Lachao, Juquila, Oaxaca, Mexico.

Standard Name: Tanner's Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus tanneri Smith and Larsen.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: FORMOSUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin genitive singular name honors Wilmer W. Tanner, of Brigham Young University, who has contributed much to western United States and Mexican herpetology.

174. taylori

Original Proposal: Sceloporus occidentalis taylori Camp, 1916: 66.

Holotype: MVZ 5947, collected by Walter P. Taylor, 25 August 1915.

Type Locality: Half-way between Merced Lake and Sunrise Trail (Echo Creek Basin), altitude 7500 feet, Yosemite National Park, California.

Standard Name: Sierra Fence Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus occidentalis taylori Camp.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992). UNDULATUS according to Wiens and Reeder (1997), name not listed in either work.

Etymology: The Latin genitive singular noun honors the collector, Walter P. Taylor, widely travelled in the early twentieth century in Mexico as well as the United States as a member of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Remarks: Reviewed in Bell and Price (1996).

175. teapensis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus teapensis Günther, 1890: 75.

Syntypes: Seven: BMNH 1946.8.9.92-98 (formerly 1883.11.13.25-31). According to N. Arnold (pers. com.) the collector was F. D. Godman.

Type Locality: Teapa, Tabasco, Mexico.

Standard Name: Teapan Rose-bellied Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus teapensis Günther.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: VARIABILIS. Sites et al. (1992), as a subspecies of S. variabilis). Wiens and Reeder (1997), as a species.

Etymology: This species is named for its type locality, Teapa, with the Latin suffix -ensis, meaning "of".

Remarks: Authorities differ on the rank of this taxon. Smith (1937b) regarded it as a subspecies, but later (Smith, Pérez-Higareda and Chiszar, 1993) as a species. The most recent analysis (Mendoza-Quijano et al., 1999)considers teapensis as a subspecies of variabilis. More field work is needed in the area of range contact.

176. tedbrowni

Original Proposal: Sceloporus undulatus tedbrowni Smith, Bell, Applegarth, and Chiszar, 1992: 124.

Holotype: MSWB 33859, collected 19 June 1978, by A. and H. Sena.

Type Locality: A large dune, Waldrop Peak, 0.5 mi S Hy 380, Chavez Co., 6 mi W Caprock, Lea Co., New Mexico.

Standard Name: Mescalero Dunes Fence Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus undulatus tedbrowni Smith, Bell, Applegarth and Chiszar.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992). UNDULATUS according to Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name listed in neither.

Etymology: The Latin genitive singular honors Ted L. Brown, authority on the herpetology of New Mexico, and long editor of the New Mexico Herpetological Society Newsletter.

177. thayerii

Original Proposal: Sceloporus thayerii Baird and Girard, 1852a: 127.

Syntypes: Three: USNM 2887, collected by J. H. Clark.

Type Locality: "Indianola [Calhoun County, Texas], on the Gulf of Mexico, San Antonio (Texas), El Paso del Norte, and as far westward as the province of Sonora". However, Smith (1938c) and Cochran (1961) give the type locality as Indianola.

Current Status: Junior synonym of Sceloporus undulatus hyacinthinus (Green).

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS group according to Sites et al. (1992), UNDULATUS fide Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not listed in either work.

Etymology: This name honors Col. Sylvanus Thayer, founder of the instructional regimen at West Point Military Academy in the middle of the 19th century.

Remarks: If the syntypes came from as far-flung places as stated in the original description, they represent more than one taxon.

178. torquata

Original Proposal: Agama torquata Peale and Green, 1830: 231-232.

Holotype: ANSP 8499, collected by W. H. Keating.

Type Locality: "Mexico", restricted to México, Distrito Federal, by Smith and Taylor (1950).

Current Status: Junior secondary homonym and objective synonym of Sceloporus torquatus Wiegmann (1828).


Etymology: See torquatus entry.

Remarks: Serendipitously, Peale and Greene applied the name to the same species as Wiegmann did.

179. torquatus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus torquatus Wiegmann, 1828: 369.

Syntypes: Five: ZMB 628-631, collected by Ferdinand Deppe.

Type Locality: Mexico, restricted to México, Distrito Federal, by Smith and Taylor (1950).

Standard Name: Torquate Lizard, Wiegmann's Torquate Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus torquatus torquatus Wiegmann.

Combination Priority: Cope (1885).

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). The latter treed the trinominal.

Etymology: The Latin torquatus, "adorned with a necklace or collar", refers to the conspicuous, light-bordered black collar in these lizards.

Remarks: This is the type species of Sceloporus, so designated by Wiegmann (1834). Smith (1938a: 539) proposed that the TORQUATUS group be called the POINSETTII group because the name torquatus Wiegmann was at one time a secondary homonym, and under the nomenclatural rules then in effect, suppression of any homonym, primary or secondary, was considered permanent. For that reason the name Sceloporus ferrariperezi Cope (1885), as the earlist available synonym, was revived for S. torquatus Wiegmann. Unhappy with that arrangement, Smith and Taylor (1950:121) noted that secondary homonyms have not "been regarded in recent years as permanently suppressed", and on that basis revived TORQUATUS as the group name, and torquatus as the species name. That nomenclature has remained in effect to the present time, although not until the 1961 Code appeared was the later reasoning made official. Ditmars (1933) used the name "porcupine lizard" for this species. Olson (1990) reviewed the species and its subspecies.

180. transversus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus magister transversus Phelan and Brattstrom, 1955: 10.

Holotype: CAS 91200, formerly UCLA 6695, collected 23 July 1953 by R. L. Phelan.

Type Locality: Keough's Hot Springs, 7 mi. S Bishop, Inyo County, California.

Standard Name: Barred Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus magister transversus Phelan and Brattstrom.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: MAGISTER. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not listed in either work.

Etymology: The Latin noun transversus, "crosswise," refers to the 6 or 7 conspicuous dark crossbars on the dorsum.

181. tristichus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus tristichus Cope in Yarrow, 1875: 571.

Holotype: USNM 8613, collected August 1874, by W. G. Shedd.

Type Locality: Taos, Taos Co., New Mexico.

Standard Name: Southern Plateau Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus undulatus tristichus Cope.

Combination Priority: Smith, 1938c: 15.

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992), but name not listed. UNDULATUS according to Wiens and Reeder (1997), and listed there.

Etymology: The Greek treis, "three," and stichos, "a row of things," refer to the two narrow light dorsolateral lines and the wider middorsal stripe.

Remarks: tristichus is the race of S. undulatus sympatric with occidentalis longipes in the Pine Valley Mountains of southwestern Utah (Cole, 1963; Smith and Chiszar, 1989).

182. undulatus

Original Proposal: Stellio undulatus Bosc and Daudin in Sonnini and Latreille, 1801 [An.X] (2): 40. See Bell (1995).

Neotype: Charleston Museum CR 1981, collected by John Quinby 31 October 1953, designated by Bell (1996). Original types lost.

Type Locality: "Les grands bois de la Caroline." Of neotype, 3.2 mi (5.14 km) N intersection of South Carolina route 41 and county road 100 at Wando (Cainhoy), in Francis Marion National Forest, Berkeley County, South Carolina. Wando, or Cainhoy, is 15.25 mi (24.6 km) NE Charleston, S. C.

Standard Name: Eastern Fence Lizard, Southern Fence Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus undulatus undulatus (Bosc and Daudin).

Combination Priority: Smith (1938c).

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992). UNDULATUS according to Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin undulatus, "wavy," refers to the undulant transverse dark cross-bars on the dorsum.

183. unicanthalis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus scalaris unicanthalis Smith, 1937c: 4.

Holoype: FMNH 100101, formerly EHT-HMS 7699, collected by H. M. Smith, 30 June 1935.

Type Locality: Magdalena, Jalisco, Mexico.

Standard Name: Southwestern Bunchgrass Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus scalaris unicanthalis Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: SCALARIS. Sites et al. (1992), name not listed. Wiens and Reeder (1997), name treed.

Etymology: The Latin unus, "one," the Greek canthus, "corner," and the Latin suffix -alis, "pertaining to," refer to the distinctive single canthal scale.

184. uniformis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus magister uniformis Phelan and Brattstrom, 1955: 7.

Holotype: CAS 91201 (formerly UCLA 1812), collected 14 June 1943 by R. B. Cowles.

Type Locality: Valyermo, Los Angeles County, California.

Standard Name: Yellow-backed Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus magister uniformis Phelan and Brattstrom.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: MAGISTER. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997); name listed in neither.

Etymology: The Latin unus, "one, whole," and forma, "feature", refer to the uniform light yellow of the middorsum, lacking dark markings.

Remarks: A review of the species containing this subspecies is in Parker (1982).

185. uriquensis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus clarki [sic] uriquensis Tanner and Robison. 1960: 77-79.

Holotype: BYU 14311, collected 16 July 1958 by W. W. Tanner and W. G. Robison, Jr.

Type Locality: Urique, Chihuahua, Mexico.

Current Status: A junior synonym of S. c. clarkii fide Lemos-Espinal, Smith and Chiszar (2001).

Group: CLARKII. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name listed in neither.

Etymology: This form is named for the type locality, with Latin suffix ensis, "of".

186. utiformis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus utiformis Cope, 1864: 177.

Syntypes: Two: USNM 42089, near Colima, Colima, Mexico, collected by John Xantus in 1863, and USNM 42090, near Cachán River, Michoacán, Mexico.

Type Locality: Near Colima, Colima, Mexico, designated by Smith and Taylor (1950).

Standard Name: Antesator.

Current Status: Sceloporus utiformis Cope.

Combination Priority: Original.

Etymology: Cope stated that utiformis "approaches Uta in its scutellation." To that name he added -formis, from Latin forma, shape or figure. At that time Uta included Urosaurus of today.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: UTIFORMIS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997), Flores-Villela et al. (2000).

Remarks: Wiens and Reeder (1997) showed that utiformis is the closest relative to the species of the former Sator, hence the suggested Standard Name.

187. vallaris

Original Proposal: Sceloporus clarki vallaris Shannon and Urbano, 1954: 189-191.

Holotype: UIMNH 67065, originally FAS (Frederick A. Shannon) 3997.

Type Locality: Granite Dells, four miles north of Prescott, Yavapai County, Arizona.

Standard Name: Plateau Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus clarkii vallaris Shannon and Urbano.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: CLARKII. Wiens and Reeder (1997), Sites et al. (1992); name not listed.

Etymology: The Latin vallum, or vallaris, i.e., a rampart, mound or wall, refers to the habitat on the Colorado Plateau of Arizona among large granitic boulders.

188. vandenburgianus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus vandenburgianus Cope, 1896: 834.

Holotype: USNM 21931, collected by E. A. Mearns, 20 June 1894.

Type Locality: Originally stated as "Summit of Coast Range, San Diego Co., California." According to Applegarth and Banta (1970), the locality is described by Mearns ((1907) as "Campbell's Ranch, at Laguna Mountains, Coast Range, San Diego County, California."

Standard Name: Southern Sagebrush Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus graciosus vandenburgianus Cope.

Combination Priority: Camp (1916).

Group: GRACIOSUS. Sites et al. (1992), name not listed. Wiens and Reeder (1997), listed as a full species.

Etymology: The Latin genitive singular honors John Van Denburgh, whose 1922 two-volume set, The Reptiles of North America, laid the foundation for herpetology in the American West. He was Curator of the Reptile Collection at the California Academy of Science from 1895 until his untimely death in 1924.

Remarks: Censky (1986) reviewed S. graciosus and its subspecies. Wiens and Reeder (1997) were equivocal in giving vandenburgianus species rank (originally proposed by Collins, 1991), but Collins and Taggart (2002) and Grismer (2002) accepted it. However, Applegarth and Banta (1970) provided considerable evidence of intergradation with graciosus, hence we prefer to retain subspecific rank.

189. variabilis

Original Proposal: Sceloporus variabilis Wiegmann, 1834: 51.

Syntypes: Seven: ZMB 650-653, Ferdinand Deppe collector.

Type Locality: Mexico, restricted to Veracruz, Veracruz, Mexico, by Smith and Taylor (1950).

Standard Name: Rose-bellied Lizard, Mexican Rose-bellied Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus variabilis variabilis Wiegmann.

Combination Priority: Smith (1934a).

Group: VARIABILIS. Sites et al. (1992), Mendoza-Quijano et al. (1998), Flores-Villela et al. (2000), Wiens and Reeder (1997). The latter also treed the trinomen.

Etymology: The Latin adjective variabilis, "changeable, or "variable" refers to the "wide difference in color between the males and females" (Cope, 1900).

Remarks: A review is in Mather and Sites (1985). Mendoza-Quijano et al. (1998) regarded the upland Mexican populations as a distinct species, as yet unnamed.

190. variegatus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus occidentalis var. b, variegatus Hallowell, 1854: 94.

Type: apparently lost.

Type Locality: "Borders of El Paso Creek and in Tejon valley", restricted to "Borders of El Paso Creek" [Kern County, California], by Bell (1954).

Current Status: Junior synonym of Sceloporus occidentalis biseriatus fide Bell (1954).

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992). UNDULATUS fide Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not listed in either work.

Etymology: The Latin adjective variegatus, "different, particularly colors" refers to a varied dorsal coloration.

191. virgatus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus undulatus virgatus Smith, 1938c: 1, 11, 17.

Holotype: UMMZ 81912, collected by Berry Campbell.

Type Locality: Above Santa María mine, El Tigre Mountains, Sonora, Mexico.

Standard Name: Striped Plateau Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus virgatus Smith.

Combination Priority: Cole (1963).

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992), UNDULATUS according to Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin virgatus, "of twigs," or "rodlike," refers to the very distinctive unbroken dorsolateral light line, with a distinctive dark band below it.

Remarks: A review is in Cole (1968).

192. viviparus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus viviparus Cope, 1885: 398.

Holotype: USNM 25073, collected by C. Sartorius.

Type Locality: Mirador, Veracruz, Mexico.

Current Status: Junior synonym of Sceloporus formosus formosus Wiegmann, fide Smith (1939).

Group: FORMOSUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997). Name not mentioned.

Etymology: The Latin noun viviparus means "bearing active, living young", characteristic of all members of the group.

193. westphalii

Original Proposal: Sceloporus westphalii Dugès, 1877: 30.

Current Status: The name is not available, cited but not adopted in the description of S. dugesii intermedius.

Group: TORQUATUS. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997), name not cited in either work.

Etymology: The Latin genitive singular honors a friend of Dugès named Westphal, who "Quería haberle dado el nombre de Sc. Westphalii." However, having already referred to the taxon as Tropidolepis intermedius (Dugès, 1869), he felt bound to retain that name even though it was originally a nomen nudum.

194. williamsi

Original Proposal: Sceloporus merriami williamsi Lemos-Espinal, Chiszar, and Smith, 2000: 93.

Holotype: UIMNH 52378, taken by K. L. Williams, E. O. Moll, F. Vuilleumier, and J. E. Williams, 31 August 1962.

Type Locality: El Fortín, 51 air km W Rio Grande at 29°35'40"N.

Standard Name: Williams' Canyon Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus merriami williamsi Lemos-Espinal, Chiszar and Smith.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: MERRIAMI. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997); name mentioned in neither.

Remarks. The patronym honors Kenneth L. Williams, long a specialist in the classification of snakes and the herpetology of Mexico and Honduras. In the original description, two spellings of the name appeared: willaimsi and williamsi. We here designate the latter as correct.

195. woodi

Original Proposal: Sceloporus woodi Stejneger, 1918: 90.

Holotype: USNM 48720, collected by Nelson R. Wood in 1912.

Type Locality: Auburndale, Polk Co., Florida.

Standard Name: Florida Scrub Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus woodi Stejneger.

Combination Priority: Original.

Group: UNDULATUS. HORRIDUS according to Sites et al. (1992). UNDULATUS according to Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Latin genitive singular honors Nelson R. Wood, collector of the type specimen, and contributor of other herpetological specimens to the United States National Museum.

Remarks: A review is in Lee and Funderburg (1977).

196. zosteromus

Original Proposal: Sceloporus zosteromus Cope, 1863: 105.

Syntypes: USNM 5298(23), and 69472-88, collected by John Xantus.

Type Locality: Cape San Lucas, Baja California, Mexico.

Standard Name: Baja Spiny Lizard, San Lucan Spiny Lizard.

Current Status: Sceloporus zosteromus zosteromus Cope. The subspecies is considered a geographically distinct pattern class by Grismer (2002).

Combination Priority: Present.

Group: MAGISTER. Sites et al. (1992), Wiens and Reeder (1997).

Etymology: The Greek zoster, "belt or girdle," and the Latin suffix -ome, "pertaining to the nature of," refer to the black inguinal blotches anterior to the thighs, connecting with black areas on the venter.

Remarks: Grismer and McGuire (1996) concluded that an interbreeding continuity of populations, often referred to as S.monserratensis, S. rufidorsum, and S. zosteromus, extends throughout most of Baja California; hence they are conspecific (as was thought by Smith, 1939). Wiens and Reeder (1997) agreed, but in neither work were the trinominals used. Grismer (2002) regarded the three populations as pattern classes rather than subspecies. A review is in Parker (1982).



The entire manuscript greatly benefitted from careful scrutiny by Drs. Oscar Flores-Villela and Ernest A. Liner, to whom we are much indebted. Dr. Gunther Köhler provided important corrections. Drs. E. Nicolas Arnold and Ivan Ineich kindly provided information concerning specimens in their museums, and Dr. Julio A. Lemos-Espinal checked some localities. Agreement with our decisions is not implied for any of our counsellors.


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