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vol.45 número117Impacto de los Objetivos de la Administración de Compensaciones en los Elementos de la Compensacion Monetaria y No MonetariaEmpresas financieras reguladas en objetos múltiples en México; un modelo alternativo para gestionar la probabilidad de incumplimiento en créditos revolventes índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Investigación administrativa

versão On-line ISSN 2448-7678versão impressa ISSN 1870-6614


GOMEZ ROMERO, José Gerardo Ignacio. Learning leadership, its incidence in innovation and competitiveness on MSMEs of the city of Durango, Mexico. Investig. adm. [online]. 2016, vol.45, n.117. ISSN 2448-7678.

The purpose of this research is focused on determining what is the learning leadership style of predominantly in SMEs in the city of Durango, Mexico; as well analyzing the way in which the leadership learning affects performance of business (innovation and competitiveness). Applied a questionnaire based on Yeung, A., Ulrich, D., Nason, S. and Von Glinow, M. A. (2000), and adapted to the Mexican setting by Gomez (2008), a sample of 362 companies. The results show that the predominant leadership style is the coach. They also reveal that the leadership of learning has a statistically significant impact on the performance of the business (competitiveness and innovation) in enterprises studied.

Palavras-chave : Learning leadership; Performance of the business; Innovation; Competitiveness; and SMEs.

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