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On-line version ISSN 2007-7858Print version ISSN 2007-7521


AYALA-PEREZ, Luis Amado; VASCO-VILLA, Orson  and  SOSA-LOPEZ, Atahualpa. Evaluation of the associations of dominant fish influenced by the nycthemeral cycle and temporal variations in Los Petenes Biosphere Reserve, Campeche, Mexico. CienciaUAT [online]. 2014, vol.9, n.1, pp.33-43. ISSN 2007-7858.

The Petenes Biosphere Reserve (RBLP) is located on the coast of Campeche in the Gulf of Mexico. In this ecosystem nektonic fauna stand out for its abundance and diversity as well as the wide sea grass beds. The purpose of the present work was to analyze the dominant fish associations in a temporary variable environment (dry and rainy season) and nyctohemeral framework. Six sampling campaigns were made in a site located near Jaina Island, in the central region of the RBLP, between December 2010 and October 2011. In a period of 24 h, biological samples were collected every 2 h, and temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and pH were measured. All fishes were identified and the dominant species were determined. Statistical techniques of classification and ordering were used to analyze the interspecific associations and the correlations between species abundance and environmental variability. A total volume of 10 602 fish weighing 163.62 kg were captured, identifying 44 species, grouped in 33 genera and 23 families, 14 of which resulted dominant. Haemulon plumierii was outstanding for its abundance. The specific dendograms created by climatic and nyctohemeral periods allowed the identification of three functional groups. The canonic correspondence analysis for dry season emphasized relationship between salinity and pH with the abundance of Eucinostomus gula, Acanthostracion quadricornis and Haemulon aurolincatum. For the rainy season, relationship between dissolved oxygen and Lagodon rhomboids was observed.There were no significant statistical differenees betwcen the groups by climatie period.

Keywords : Petenes; dominant fish; ecological associations; nyetohemeral cycles.

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