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Sociedad y ambiente
On-line version ISSN 2007-6576
GARCIA JIMENEZ, Abraham and TOSCANA APARICIO, Alejandra. Presence of Transgenic corn in Sierra Norte of Oaxaca. A study from the view of communities. Soc. ambient. [online]. 2016, n.12, pp.119-144. ISSN 2007-6576.
In this text it is presented a study on the social perception of transgenic corn in four communities of the Sierra Juarez of Oaxaca. Starting from review documentary and interviews to key actors and population of the communities, is gathered and analyzed information that shows, among the main results, that perception of the inhabitants of the communities is mediated by its form of life; likewise is found that transgenic corn is perceived as a threaten for the corn creole and the milpa, and its introduction generates rejection by the dependency that is would generate toward the transnational companies that produce transgenic seeds. The research involved to get to know the communities in the area where contamination by transgenic maize in some milpas was discovered in 2001. This study is relevant in the context of the debate on the introduction of corn transgenic seed and its sowing in Mexico because it gives an account of the opinions of farmers living in the center of origin of corn.
Keywords : transgenic corn; milpa; perception.