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Botanical Sciences

On-line version ISSN 2007-4476Print version ISSN 2007-4298


CALVA-SOTO, Karina et al. Biodiversity relationships in three structural components in a beech forest of Fagus grandifolia subsp. mexicana. Bot. sci [online]. 2019, vol.97, n.4, pp.675-684.  Epub Feb 04, 2020. ISSN 2007-4476.


Human activities (e.g., logging and grazing) have perturbed the few beech forests that persist in the Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico. However, basic information about ecological relationship in beech forests are scarce.


How are the relationship among structural components in a forest with high dominance of Fagus grandiflora subsp. mexicana?

Species study:

Fagus grandiflora subsp. mexicana an endangered tree species.

Study site and dates:

During 2015-2016 in a beech forest of Fagus grandiflora subsp. mexicana in San Bartolo Tutotepec, Hidalgo, Mexico.


In four circular plots (11.28 m diameter), all tree species were recorded. For seed bank sampling five circular subplots were established in each plot. Two soil samples (50 × 50 cm, 5 cm deep) were collected and seedlings were recorded in five subplots (two meters in diameter) in each plot. All species of seeds, seedlings and trees were identified.


Seed bank was composed of 32 species while 17 and 9 species were registered for seedlings and trees, respectively. F. grandifolia subsp. mexicana and Quercus delgadoana were abundant both in seedling bank and tree canopy. Species compositions among the three beech forest structural components were significantly different.


The relationship among structural components were low. Quercus delgadoana in a future scenario would replace F. grandiflora subsp. mexicana as the dominant species in the forest.

Keywords : Biodiversity; cloud forest; restoration ecology; Sierra Madre Oriental; succession.

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