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Revista mexicana de trastornos alimentarios

On-line version ISSN 2007-1523


MARTINEZ MORENO, Alma Gabriela et al. Drinking behavior disorders: a research proposal. Rev. Mex. de trastor. aliment [online]. 2014, vol.5, n.1, pp.58-69. ISSN 2007-1523.

Disorder word refers a signs, symptoms and behaviors group those who can occur in many clinical ways and in severity different levels. Although drinking behavior disorders research is know it a little, it has observed a raise of disorder responses in relation with excessive behavior who's require urgent academic attention. One of its principal problems for lack of knowledge apparent consists about measuring and conceptualization phenomenon. The objective of present work consists about discussion on drinking disorder behaviors. The purpose is to review its definition and propose potomania, drunkorexia and sugar bingeing like drinking disorders through a descriptive analysis. Content of this work includes the thirst and drinking behavior part and its methods and experimental manipulations used. We recognize the lack of scientific research to determine if they can considerate or not disorders. In a near future we discuss the possibility of another behaviors inclusion like drinking behaviors disorders.

Keywords : Disorder; feeding behavior; drinking behavior; binge.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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