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Revista mexicana de trastornos alimentarios
On-line version ISSN 2007-1523
RUIZ MARTINEZ, Ana Olivia et al. Family functioning in clinical population and population at risk of eating disorders. Rev. Mex. de trastor. aliment [online]. 2012, vol.3, n.2, pp.121-132. ISSN 2007-1523.
This study was conducted with the aim to compare the family functioning in women with different level of eating alteration: clinic (AN, BN, EDNOS) and risk to ED; also to assess the risk and protective effects of family functioning over the participants' diagnosis. 135 women participated; they were diagnosed with clinic interview and answered three questionnaires: EAT, BULIT and FES. The results confirmed that the ED symptoms are more pronounced in the clinical groups (BN, EDNOS), especially there were more compensatory behaviors in clinical groups than the risk group. The bulimic group has the poor family functioning. The correlational analysis confirmed some negatives associations between ED symptoms and family functioning. In consequence, the logistic regression models indicate that encourage the development dimension has a protective effects to decrease the probability to have ED, however, the contribution is limited because the models leave a large amount of unexplained variance. The findings are discussed from the multifactorial perspective where the family functioning should be interpreted in conjunction with others individual and social factors associated to ED.
Keywords : Eating disorders; symptomatology; family functioning; protection.