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Nova scientia

On-line version ISSN 2007-0705


WILLIAMS-ALANIS, Héctor et al. Productive potential of experimental white sorghum varieties for south Tamaulipas. Nova scientia [online]. 2021, vol.13, n.26, 00008.  Epub Aug 30, 2021. ISSN 2007-0705.


In Mexico, sorghum ranks third in area planted after maize and beans. Tamaulipas is the main sorghum producing state, where an average of 895 thousand hectares are planted and two million 383 thousand tons are produced annually. However, this area presents a dependency problem because seeds are imported and expensive. The objective of this work was to determine the productive potential and stability of an experimental varieties group derived from the crossing of RB-Paloma x Fortuna.


14 experimental varieties were evaluated from 2013 to 2017, in three irrigated environments and one on dryland. The controls were the commercial varieties that gave rise to the experimental varieties: RB-Paloma and Fortuna. The study was conducted in the Cuauhtémoc Experimental Station of INIFAP in Altamira, Tamaulipas. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks with three replicates. The GGE biplot model was used for phenotypic stability analysis for grain yield.


The experimental variety 196-2, presented an average grain yield (p≤0.05) of 3,533 kg ha-1, it was similar to RB-Paloma (2,955 kg ha-1) and superior to Fortuna (2,494 kg ha-1) in 41.7 %. In addition, this variety was earlier to bloom (74.1 days) than Fortuna (84.3 days). The Parameters stability indicated that variety 196-2 presented high grain yield, stability and better response to environment. The experimental varieties 197-2 and 206-1 presented a good average grain yield and stability, in addition to a fresh biomass yield (p≤0.05) of 27.822 and 27.914 kg ha-1 respectively, which was equal to that of Fortuna (28,541 kg ha-1) and higher than that of RB-Paloma (18,419 kg ha-1) by 55%. They were earlier to flowering 77 and 75.3 days respectively than Fortuna. The variety 197-2 had lower disease incidence than RB-Paloma.

Discussion or Conclusion:

The experimental varieties 196-2, 197-2 and 206-1 presented the better agronomic characteristics for the southern region of Tamaulipas.

Keywords : Sorghum bicolor; genetic improvement; stability; grain yield; fresh biomass; Huasteca; huasteca potosina; grain; irrigation varieties; phenotypic stability.

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