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Nova scientia
On-line version ISSN 2007-0705
MONTOYA GOMEZ, Guillermo; MINERVA ARCE, Ana; HERNANDEZ RUIZ, José Francisco and GARCIA CRUZ, Juan Uriel. Ecological economics, Forestry sector, Chiapas, Sustainable development, interdisciplinary knolewge. Nova scientia [online]. 2010, vol.2, n.3, pp.37-50. ISSN 2007-0705.
An analysis of the rift process between nature and human being was made which takes place trough the historical trajectory of social development; from agriculture and industry to urbanization and the centralization on the goods and services sector. This estrangement and alienation, lead to disruptions of natural cycles, deterioration of natural resources and severe climate changes; consequences that nowadays afflict humanity. Therefore, to restore the wealth of natural resources and establish a harmonious relationship, it is proposed a new theoretical and methodological approach, that is, a new way to raise the analysis from the ecological economics view, where the close link of axis concepts from both disciplines is revealed. To prove it, a mind map is developed with an interdisciplinary approach, using as example the forest ecosystem in the state of Chiapas.
Keywords : Ecological economics; forestry sector; Chiapas; sustainable; development; interdisciplinary knowledge.