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En-claves del pensamiento

On-line version ISSN 2594-1100Print version ISSN 1870-879X


MARTINEZ MORENO, Carlos Francisco. Benito Juárez: ¿más que un Aprendiz de Masón?. En-clav. pen [online]. 2008, vol.2, n.3, pp.127-146. ISSN 2594-1100.

The historiografic study shows that it is a widely accepted idea that Benito Juarez was initiated in the Freemasonry in the National Mexican Rite; nevertheless, there is the one who affirms that is improbable that Juarez has received beyond the Apprentice's degree of Mason, because of the warlike movements that provoked his constant trips for the Mexican Republic and the foreigner. The central aim of the present article is to analyze some hypothesis to seek to explain if Juarez could have received more Masonic degrees that the first one; not only of the National Mexican Rite, but also of other rites. For it, this paper begins with the hermeneutics of the Masonic clothing under the security of the Enclosure of Honoring to don Benito Juarez of the National Palace, in Mexico City.

Keywords : Juarez; Freemasonry; Apprentice; National Mexican Rite; Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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