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vol.9 issue1Vicio, virtud y victimización: ¿De qué sirve portarse bien?¿Con qué probabilidad me toca ser víctima de un delito? author indexsubject indexsearch form
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On-line version ISSN 2007-9869Print version ISSN 1870-6622


CAAMAL, Cinthya; TREVINO, Lourdes  and  VALERO, Jorge. ¿Son los pobres las víctimas de la inseguridad en las metrópolis de México?. EconoQuantum [online]. 2012, vol.9, n.1, pp.159-169. ISSN 2007-9869.

This paper analyzes the relationship between victimization and poverty, in particular whether poverty increases or reduces the probability of becoming the victim of a crime. Data are taken from the Socioeconomic Survey on Victimization and Violence (ENVVI) 2009. Using a logit model and three different measures of income or poverty - priority care zones (ZAP), head of household's level of education and household income- we find that households in poverty condition are more likely to become victims of a crime, especially for burglary, after controlling for the effect of self-protection, exposure and the urban area. As a policy recommendation, we propose to simplify the paperwork required for criminal complaints and to improve the reliability on the judiciary, particularly among lower income individuals.

Keywords : victimización; pobreza; robo a casa habitación.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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