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Revista latinoamericana de derecho social

On-line version ISSN 2448-7899Print version ISSN 1870-4670


ROMERO REYES, Alejandro. The Mexican Institute of Social Insurance before payment medical expenses incurred by beneficiaries abroad. Rev. latinoam. derecho soc [online]. 2016, n.22. ISSN 2448-7899.

This article deals with the enforceability of the sickness insurance coverage set out by the Mexican Law of Social Security at the light of the International Treaties ratified by the United States of Mexico on Social Security. Beneficiaries of the Mexican Social Security scheme sometimes reallocate or mobilize from one country to another, either permanently or temporarily. It is that case that while staying abroad the beneficiaries are in the need to receive medical assistance whose costs are paid in first instance by the beneficiaries. It is the purpose of this article to examine the Mexican Courts' criteria and resolutions which might lead to the beneficiaries are reimbursed of those costs by the Mexican Social Insurance scheme.

Keywords : Medical Expenses; International Treaties; Mexican Institute of Social Security; Homeland; Beneficiaries.

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